Verified Reviews - Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

小号 2022-05-19

March 18th, first draft
May 7th, major revision
May 10th, minor revision
May 11th, accepted
May 18th, published

修行者 2022-04-05

I chose to submit my manuscript to this journal after seeing someone in the same research field submit theirs. It took three and a half months from submission to acceptance, partly due to the delay caused by the Chinese New Year. Overall, the journal review process was relatively fast, even though it is open access. The reviewers' comments were very professional, and the editors were patient and helpful. I hope the journal's impact factor can increase this year.

必中小锦鲤 2022-01-30

May I ask how much the processing fee for the article is, OP?

土豆豆儿 2021-12-23

May I ask which special issue the original poster submitted to? I am also studying artificial intelligence and am eager to try it out before graduation.

池恩 2021-12-19

2021.9.30 Submission
2021.11.05 Major revision, the reviewer raised language issues and suggested adding new methods for comparison. 14 days were given to make revisions.
2021.11.15 Submitted revised manuscript.
2021.11.24 Accepted.
2021.11.26 Submitted final draft.
2021.11.30 Published.
Overall, the journal editor was attentive, responded promptly to messages, and the reviewing experts did not delay in reviewing. The suggestions they made were all very constructive.

junne 2021-11-20

2021.8.21 Submission
2021.10.25 Major revision, the reviewer's comments were constructive and directly pointed out the shortcomings of the paper, very professional, with a high requirement for English language.
2021.11.17 Revision, the paper was modified for three weeks, addressing each point according to the reviewer's comments.
2021.11.18 Minor revision, the reviewer raised English language issues, and after making the necessary changes, it was resubmitted.
2021.11.19 Acceptance, the paper was accepted on the second day after the minor revision. The review process took three months, which was fast. The editorial assistant replied to emails promptly. Hopefully, the impact factor will continue to rise from tomorrow.

雅虎飞 2021-11-02

First time submitting to SCI, I feel that this journal is very efficient and it's most comfortable when it doesn't drag on. Previously, only one paper in the same field was accepted, so I submitted to a special issue. The impact factor for 2020 is 2.08, it seems like it has been 1.5 in the previous years. I am looking forward to the Chinese Academy of Sciences upgrading it to the third tier this year. Below is the sharing of the review process:

August 26, 2021 - Submitted
One week later, it passed the initial review of the editorial board, and the editor sent an email informing that the paper is under review.
October 12, 2021 - Major revisions, both reviewers' comments are very good, and I am very grateful to one of the reviewers for pointing out several grammatical errors in the paper.
October 20, 2021 - Added a few experiments and polished the paper, revised it.
October 22, 2021 - Accepted and notified to pay $1000, feeling that the price is very friendly.

yiyia 2021-07-09

How long will it take to publish after being hired?

oldtulip 2021-06-19

May I ask if all the articles in this journal will be indexed by SCI? I just checked, and the 3rd and 4th issues of this year have not been indexed yet, but some articles in the 5th issue have been found to be indexed.

邪恶的Q大和M 2021-04-12

The editor said that this is the handling fee for the paper. It seems that this journal sustains its operations through this income.

爱学习的小馒头 2021-04-03

Hello senior, may I ask if this journal is non-OA? Why is there still a page fee?

邪恶的Q大和M 2021-02-25

November 24, 2020 Submission
December 23, 220 Review comments returned, one major revision, two minor revisions
January 7, 2021 Sent back for revisions
January 23, 2021 Review comments returned, the reviewer for the major revision raised some additional questions
January 28, 2021 Sent back for revisions
February 25, 2021 Article accepted
From submission to acceptance took a total of three months, with the Lunar New Year holiday causing some delay in the editing process. Overall, the review speed was quite fast, and the reviewers were generally professional. The publication fee was $800. The journal specializes in mathematical biology, with a moderate difficulty level and a reasonable speed. It is recommended for submitting articles in the appropriate field.

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