Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

被科研逼疯的小白 2023-07-23

My article has been under review for over two months now, while the people in the same office submit and review articles at a fast pace. It's really frustrating!

zang123 2023-07-21

Hello, same status, it's just been ten days. I would like to inquire about reviewscomplete. How long does this status usually last?

ccv cool 2023-07-17

Posted on April 15, 2023, it has been three months and it is still "with editor." I have sent a few emails but have not received any response. Has anyone experienced this situation?

harper.00 2023-07-09

May I ask, if the word count exceeds the requirements of the journal, will the manuscript be directly rejected?

基督山 2023-06-29

2023/1/29 Submission
2023/3/10 First Repair
2023/5/5 Second Repair
2023/6/13 Third Repair
2023/6/23 Accepted.
The review process is long, the reviewers are professional and serious, the editing attitude is good, and the responses are timely.

liziyang365 2023-06-28

There were four reviewers who raised highly advanced questions, and the revision period was extended by one month. The editor, Findley, is excellent. It is an established journal in the UK, but I wonder why its impact factor cannot increase.

liziyang365 2023-06-28

2023.02.02 Submission
2023.02.12 External Review
2023.04.11 Major Repair
2023.06.08 Return
2023.06.09 External Review
2023.06.26 Minor Repair
2023.06.27 Return
2023.06.27 Acceptance

大卫 2023-06-16

I am also like this, I also urged.

大卫 2023-06-16

How long will you guys be reviewing this part?

大卫 2023-06-16

I submitted it on April 3rd, and it has been pending external review since the end of April, but there is still no sign of it.

zang123 2023-05-28

May I ask how long your article has been in the hands of the editor? What problem has caused the delay in submitting it for review?

芒果大官人 2023-04-20

I also received it on March 8th, and it's been a month now and there is still no progress.

Chaoziqqq 2023-03-10

Lasting 4 months, the article has been submitted and accepted. I don't know what to do after the article is accepted, whether it needs further attention or not.
07 November 2022
With Editor
24 November 2022
Out for Review
19 December 2022
Reviews Complete
13 January 2023
Decision Pending
18 January 2023
Revision Required
07 February 2023
Revision Incomplete
07 February 2023
Revised Manuscript Submitted
08 March 2023

Chaoziqqq 2023-02-27

May I ask how long it takes to be hired after the repair?

Chaoziqqq 2023-02-27

May I ask how long it takes for you to receive a response after returning for repair?

Silence~雨 2023-01-15

10.29 With editor
11.4 Under review
1.13 Decision in process
Results are still unknown, the process is quite lengthy.

Silence~雨 2022-12-20

It has been one and a half months since the external review, and there has been no response. Should I ask the editor?

sincereL 2022-12-20

May I ask if the current result has been accepted? My status is the same as yours. After completing the review, the outcome is unknown. I'm not sure how long it usually takes from completing the review to receiving rejection or feedback.

通通饿昏了 2022-11-06

There are a total of four reviewers. The editor and reviewers are very serious and have some suggestions for the content, language (final polishing requires payment), and formatting of the article. It requires repeated revisions, and the journal may have a slower speed.

东子 2022-08-23

May I ask, in the response to the reviewer's letter, do we need to reply to the contents of "Points in favor" and "Points detracting"? Thank you.

逃逸粒子 2022-07-21

Hello, sorry to bother you. The MST journal has accepted your submission. Do we need handwritten signatures from all authors for the publishing agreement, or only the electronic signature of the corresponding author?

逃逸粒子 2022-07-21

Hello, sorry to bother you. There is something I would like to ask you. When the MST journal accepts a submission, is it necessary for all authors to provide handwritten signatures for the publishing agreement, or is it sufficient for only the corresponding author to provide an electronic signature?

Max T 2022-07-14

I was rejected after two months of submission. The editor's feedback was quite good, so it's not bad. It's really frustrating to be rejected on the first attempt!!

Skylor 2022-03-20

August 2021 submission
November 2021 revision
March 2021 acceptance
The editing was done diligently, it wasn't difficult, just took too long.

基督山 2022-03-19

The editors and reviewers are very meticulous, but the process is too slow. After undergoing two major revisions and one minor revision, a total of three modifications were made, lasting for eight and a half months. (Both individuals and school teachers consider this journal to be very slow and do not recommend submitting manuscripts to it.)

西北人家 2022-03-17

Is there a new submission website? I submitted on the new submission website.

enocha 2022-03-16

Brother, have you changed your state? I've been like this for over a month too...

我是你的解忧酒 2022-02-17

2021.11.6 Submitted
2022.1.12 Major revise
2022.1.24 Submitted
2022.1.26 With editor
2022.2.15 Accept

yibuxiao 2022-01-22

2021.12.22 submitted
2021.12.26 with editor
2022.1.3 out for review
2022.1.20 reviews complete
Result unknown

材料科学人 2021-11-04

Congratulations on your acceptance. May I ask if there is a charge for this publication?

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