Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

一口一个大西瓜 2023-08-09

It has been over 10 days and it is still under review. Everyone is probably on vacation.

一口一个大西瓜 2023-08-09

Number 8 under review

Previously, everyone said that submitting in July and August was not suitable, as the process was very slow. Finally, I believe it now.

一口一个大西瓜 2023-07-31

Metal additive manufacturing
Submitted on July 20
Accepted with editor on July 28

小马布 2023-07-31

Yeah, welding is really difficult to handle. Without a strong effort, it's hard to get it right.

早点儿毕业 2023-07-26

Has your beginning been under review? How many days has it been in the editor's hands before starting the under review process?

早点儿毕业 2023-07-26

7.13 submitted
7.15 with editor
It has been going on until today, almost half a month, is this normal? Why does it feel slower...

胖胖哒点 2023-07-07

Is it still with the editor after so long? It feels like it has become slower.

ocean欧 2023-07-06

How are you? What is your current status?

胖胖哒点 2023-07-06

Does this journal require confirmation from all authors? Is it normal for the editor to take 7 days?

激光加工鸭先知 2023-06-22

Jun 18, 2023 - Submitted to Journal
Jun 21, 2023 - With Editor

激光加工鸭先知 2023-06-20

Just invested the day before yesterday, in the direction of laser additive manufacturing. Hoping for a good outcome.

宋小江 2023-06-20

Rejected, welding is too difficult to send.

易鼎忠 2023-06-20

Hello, how are you?

清橙 2023-06-20

Why can only one corresponding author be specified in the MSEA submission system? There are two corresponding authors marked in my article. I humbly request guidance from all the experts!

清橙 2023-06-20

Why can only one corresponding author be designated in the MSEA submission system? There are two corresponding authors marked in my article. I seek guidance from all the experts!

just in time 2023-06-07

Have you ever published any articles on first-principles calculations in MSEA? Do the editors like it?

just in time 2023-06-04

How are you, buddy?

fyj94510 2023-06-02

Is the reason official?

为了媳妇要努力 2023-05-24

On May 23rd, it became "with editor".

fyj94510 2023-05-24

Should be edited, right?

为了媳妇要努力 2023-05-22

Now it is still submitted to the Journal.

离l 2023-05-21

Thank you, Prof. Jian Ku Shang.

fyj94510 2023-05-18

It feels like this is not a transfer, but rather a recommendation for you to invest in MSEA.

为了媳妇要努力 2023-05-18

Is there really no hope at all?

为了媳妇要努力 2023-05-18

After MC's editor rejected it 6 days later, Ma editor directly refused the submission. That's how it was written, so I submitted it elsewhere. I regret it a bit, as I've heard they take a long time to reply.

fyj94510 2023-05-17

materials characterization被拒?
Rejected materials characterization?

为了媳妇要努力 2023-05-16

Translated text: "Submitted by MC on 20230516 and transferred to MSEA. I feel that it lacks innovation, as it only uses EBSD characterization. Is it not enough? This is my first submission, hoping for a positive outcome. Now it is submitted to the journal."

Garnelenbier 2023-04-21

Haha, I'm going to tell the stubborn old man. But there won't be any of these things after this year because he retired.

老人与树 2023-03-29

What does it mean that true strain cannot be used?

材料打工人 2023-03-27

This German old man is very particular about editing, including not being able to use true strain, etc.

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