Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.


The journal is too slow. Submitted to journal on January 20, 2023, and until now.

BEN BEN 2023-03-12

My submission to the journal has been around for nearly 50 days now. Has anyone had any updates recently?

砍老CSU 2023-02-28

The speed of wind engineering projects in the past two years has been like this. The process of submitting for review is relatively slow. I submitted once last year, and it took a month to be reviewed by the editor and another month to be submitted for review. However, after receiving the feedback, the process of revising and resubmitting for review is particularly fast. So, let's wait and see.

cc 2023-02-27

It has been almost two months, and I am still submitting to the journal on my side.

BEN BEN 2023-02-27

How are things going with you? How long has it been since you received the edits? It's been over 30 days for me, and there has been no progress.

cc 2023-02-04

I am too...

zzzwa 2022-12-22

It has been a month since submission, and it is still submitted to the journal. Is this speed normal?

xiumingyang 2022-11-13

10.19-11.13 translates to "October 19th to November 13th" in English.

xiumingyang 2022-11-13

The translation of the text into English is: "Submitted at 10:30 on 11/13 with editor, it's really too slow."

xiumingyang 2022-11-08

Still submitted.

xiumingyang 2022-11-02

It has been 14 days and it is still submitted. I wonder how long it will take to be delivered to the editor.

xiumingyang 2022-10-30

This journal is too slow. It has been 11 days since the submission and it is still "submitted to journal."

Li20771201 2022-10-28

The journal of the International Wind Engineering Association is a top publication in the field of wind.

科研羊了个羊 2022-09-27

Where can I ask the customer service of the Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics? I have also been waiting for over two months and it is still "with editor".

科研小杨424 2022-09-07

I will not submit to this journal again in the future. It has been three months and there is still no review. I asked customer service and they said two reviewers have completed the review, but at least four are needed to make a decision. What the f***, are you kidding me?

devil 2022-08-24

The top journal in the field of wind engineering, the review process is moderately fast, usually providing initial feedback within 3 months. The second review and revisions are done quickly, typically within a month. I have already published 4 articles in it.

科研小杨424 2022-08-22

It has been almost 3 months since the submission, and the first review has not been completed yet. It's too slow, right?

江江啊 2022-06-29

It took me more than 20 days to obtain the Manuscript Number.

123 2022-06-27

Posted for 5 days, still no response from the editor.

科研小杨424 2022-06-19

Did you mean "我投完10天后才与编辑联系,这个期刊现在进展很慢吗?" If so, it translates to "I contacted the editor 10 days after submitting. Is this journal progressing slowly now?"

科研小杨424 2022-06-19

Why are there no comments? Did nobody vote?

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