Verified Reviews - Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

喜欢就去争取 2022-07-30

The journal has been a bit slow recently. I sent five emails to urge the submission, three times to the editorial office, and twice directly to the handling editor, Franklin. The editor's responses were friendly and actively dealt with the reply emails. It may be because my direction is relatively niche, making it difficult to find reviewers. In the end, there were two reviewers, and their comments were pretty good. After replying, the editor accepted it directly after fifteen days.

W 2022-07-09

It has been 3 months since the second review, and there is still no news. It has already been a total of 13 months, which is too slow...

会飞的鱼yang 2022-06-20

Reviews Completed has not received any updates for half a month.

going 2022-06-12

Yesterday just became under review.

徐活耀 2022-06-10

The speed is so slow. It has been one month since I submitted it, and it is still in the hands of the editor.

W 2022-05-30

Do you have any updates on the repair? It has been a month and a half since it was submitted and there has been no progress.

W 2022-05-16

Mine too, it's been a month and it's still EA.

会飞的鱼yang 2022-05-11

It has been a month since the return for repair, and it has always been "Editor Assigned". What has happened to this journal recently?

马儿吃草马儿跑 2022-05-05

The second trial has been nearly a month.

jeiog 2022-05-01

Has anyone invested in this recently? Why does the review time keep changing? Mine changes every half month and then gets resubmitted. It has been over three months now.

W 2022-04-13

Received the notice of major revision only after 9 months of submission, with 4 reviewers.

going 2022-04-11

It has been 8 months already.

jeiog 2022-04-06

Why is this journal so slow? It takes 3 months for review, and the "under review" time always changes.

ryguo 2022-02-22

What journal did you switch to?

Taylor 2022-02-19

My status remained for 6 months, and then it was sent for review. QAQ

jeiog 2022-02-18

Has it always been Editor Assigned for a long time? Is this status indicating that the chief editor is assigning an editor, or does it mean that the editor has already taken over and is looking for reviewers? What does this status mean for such a long time? Is there no deputy editor taking over?

W 2022-02-10

It has been 8 months since submission, and it has been under review all this time. Still no response. We are about to graduate, this is frustrating. I don't want to wait anymore. Please do not submit to this journal.

wearthas 2022-01-24

The following text translates to English as: "I submitted it in October of the 21st year, and now it is the end of January of the 22nd year, and it has been in the process of being assigned to an editor all this time... What speed is this? It is undoubtedly the slowest I have ever encountered!"

Taylor 2022-01-22

It has been 5 months, and the editor is still assigned.

百年孤独 2021-12-15

2021.7.4 Submitted, sent for review two weeks later. First submission, one reviewer didn't have time to review, so it was resubmitted.
2021.10.15 Major revisions were requested, but there weren't any significant issues. The first reviewer provided formatting error corrections, while the second reviewer had questions about the content.
2021.10.27 There was a delay in revising a Chinese core article. On the 27th, the revised article and the answers to the reviewer's questions were submitted.
2021.11.10 Received notification of acceptance.
2021.12.10 After editing and formatting, it was sent for eproofing, with some information being modified.
2021.12.15 Sent an email notifying the publication online.

going 2021-12-13

Mine is the same. I submitted it on September 27th, and on October 18th, only the time status changed, nothing else changed. It has been "editor assigned" all along. Has yours changed now?

Taylor 2021-11-27

8.31 submitted;
9.03 submitted to journal;
9.06 editor assigned;
10.06 editor assigned;
-11.27 editor assigned.
Speechless! I have urged the editorial office 3 times, and they only replied to wait. I urged the editor once, but received no response!
Isn't it written on the journal's official website "first decision 67 days"? Is honesty not required in research? Are researchers being taken advantage of?

W 2021-11-19

I don't know what's going on with this journal recently. The review process is extremely slow. It has been 5 months since I submitted my manuscript, and I still haven't received the review result. They also haven't responded to my reminder emails...

ray_reliability 2021-11-09

@Cwen, have you proofread it yet? I've been waiting for quite a while too.

Randall SONG 2021-10-27

The editorial process is rather slow, lasting for over a year before finally being accepted.

BiberPeng 2021-09-07

Hello, I was hired on August 9th, and on the 16th, I did the proofreading. It took a week in between. Please wait, it will be fast.

Cwen 2021-09-03

Hello, may I ask how long it usually takes to receive the revised draft email after an article is accepted? It has been a few days and I haven't received the revised draft email yet.

Cwen 2021-09-03

Hello, may I ask how long it takes to receive the proofreading email after the article is accepted? It has been several days and I still haven't received the proofreading email.

小巢 2021-08-09

2021/05/09 Author Submission
2021/05/17 Revise before review
2021/05/21 Author Revision
2021/06/28 Major Revision
2021/07/06 Author Revision
2021/07/07 Under review
2021/08/02 Editor Assigned
2021/08/06 Editor Assigned
2021/08/09 Accept

Submitted on May 9th, accepted on August 9th, I'm really happy. The review process was extremely fast. As long as the quality of the article is high, it will be accepted sooner. It took three months to complete a scientific paper.

BiberPeng 2021-08-09

2021/03/25 submitted
2021/06/16 minor revision
2021/08/09 accept
Overall, it's not bad. The three reviewers were quite responsible, and this year's impact factor has also increased. I hope BMSE will continue to improve.

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