Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Zzzhj 2023-07-26

The Chinese Petroleum Society announced a journal classification catalog in June. The new journal title is recognized as a first-tier journal. I'm not sure if the school recognizes it or not.

LZZ1 2023-07-25

How do various schools recognize this article after it has been renamed? Could you all share your thoughts?

Dynamo Pooh 2023-07-01

What's the situation? Why hasn't it been included? The impact factor is also gone.

zsj_001 2023-06-21

The text is already in English, so no translation is needed.

fanjn 2023-06-19

Does anyone know if there is a way to reduce the weight after submitting a manuscript? It seems that the markings for repetitive content are unreasonable. The places where references were cited are also considered repetitive. Even the institutions and funds mentioned are repetitive. It feels very absurd.

Jian 2023-06-13

How to inquire about the retrieval situation? Should I send an email to the editor-in-chief or the deputy editor-in-chief?

朦胧的时间 2023-06-12

As 221 issues have been published, but they have not been retrieved so far. When asked the journal editor, they said to ask Web of Science. Does anyone know the reason?

Jian 2023-06-04

It is said that if this journal sends emails to urge for manuscripts, it will be rejected. We can only wait and cannot urge.

wuhui10652 2023-05-25

May 19th, return to review comments.

方而不木111 2023-05-23

It's quite a waste of time. After two months of waiting, it was rejected before being reviewed.

wwgg 2023-05-19

The first issue of 2023 cannot be retrieved, so there is no way to obtain a retrieval certificate. It is too difficult; it has been six months and it has not been included.

kun_123 2023-05-14

Dude, you are quite persistent.

pronie 2023-05-14

2023. 2. 8: Submission
2023. 3. 7: Rejection-Resubmission-Review by three individuals
2023. 3. 25: Resubmission
2023. 4. 3: Major revision-Review by three individuals
2023. 4. 29: Revision requested

方而不木111 2023-05-12

Submitted on April 1st, 2023.
Returned due to high similarity rate at the end of April 2023.
Resubmitted on May 1st, 2023.
Editor assigned until now.

实验结果如何 2023-05-02

Last year, I graduated and submitted a written compilation of some work content during my master's degree for publication while working. It went through two revisions, and by the end of April, it could be found on GES with a DOI. However, it was pre-proof. Can this article be officially published, family members?

喝喝喝 2023-04-28

Is there anyone who has a search certificate? Is there a partition on it?

小灰灰是只喵 2023-04-27

The 222nd issue of WOS has been retrieved.

annalee 2023-04-27

My batch is also the first term of 2023. Can't you find the ones after it?

海边风 2023-04-25

Hey guys, the online availability for December 2022 (Issue 221) is still not searchable. However, the classmates from Issue 223 have already been able to access it. What's going on?

chengtian LI 2023-04-23

Submitted in September last year
Returned for revisions in March this year
Second round of revisions in April
Accepted after the second round of modifications

你可真牛逼 2023-04-20

I haven't re-invested yet, and I don't know how the partition is determined now.

jc0723 2023-04-16

April 2022 Submission
July 2022 High plagiarism rate, returned for revision
August 2022 Re-submission
December 2023 Minor revisions
January 2023 Returned
April 2023 Accepted
A whole year, but the results were always good. Graduating in 2025 should have an impact by then.

huhulong 2023-04-11

Do you mind revealing which school?

c-2019 2023-04-09

Submission in November 2022

wzr2233 2023-04-08

How is the calculation for the Chinese Academy of Sciences' classification in the new journal name? Can it still be considered for awards? The school says that if the Chinese Academy of Sciences doesn't have a classification, it will be counted as a fourth-tier zone. This is such a loss.

喝喝喝 2023-03-29

November 2021 submission
February 2022 major revisions returned
May 2022 minor revisions returned
The torture begins
Various edits assigned, reviewers invited...
Nine months later
March 2023 direct decision in process
Accepted five days later, probably nothing slower than me, took almost a year and a half, even made the journal change its name, although it was indexed by SCI, I don't know what level the award evaluation is, sigh, hard to say, be cautious when submitting to this journal!

c-2019 2023-03-24

2023.1.20-Initial Date Submitted
2023.1.21-Editor Assigned
2023.123-Under Review
2021.2.23-Reject - Invite Resubmission (Received comments from three reviewers)

2023.3.20 Resubmission
2023.3.21 Editor Assigned
2023.3.22 Editor Assigned (Status Date changed)

swzhang 2023-03-24

First, wait for two months, and then get rejected.

Ha 2023-03-17

Do I need to agree to the "Transfer Pending" status?

zlian 2023-03-17

FDD, do you want to directly return it and ask for resubmission, or do you prefer to make revisions within the "Submissions Needing Revision" section?

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