Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

HP_ 2023-07-14

Did you finally submit it for review? I have been with the editor for a long time too.

cuijl 2023-07-06

May I ask, is it usually three reviewers that are sought?

right now 2023-06-11

Yes, I have been with the editor all along without any news.

一忘无极 2023-06-09

More than 40 days, oh~~~~~~

right now 2023-06-09

After submission, I have been editing it with editor40 for more than 40 days. What is the situation?

一忘无极 2023-06-05

How much is your repetition rate?

会哭的娃娃 2023-06-02

May 29th revised draft submission
June 2nd received

陈艾伦 2023-05-29

I saw comments before saying that the journal was slow, but after submitting, I found that the speed was actually very fast and the editor-in-chief was also very friendly. Thank you, editor-in-chief, and thank you to the reviewers.

会哭的娃娃 2023-05-21

The relative submission speed is still acceptable, with the first review taking two months and the second review taking five days.
Feb. 19, 2023 submitted to journal
Feb. 28, 2023 Under review
Apr. 17, 2023 Major Revision
May 15, 2023 Revision Submitted
May 19, 2023 Minor Revision

油气终结者 2023-05-12

Originally, I thought that by submitting to this journal, which was known for its fast speed, I could receive a quick response. However, I soon realized that it was just as slow as any other journal. The status with the editor remained unchanged for half a month without any updates. I am anxious to publish my article, so I need to be cautious about where I submit it.

chong 2023-05-11

I can submit this to one district in order to quickly submit it. What the hell are the review comments given? Just one reviewer and one editor, all about inconsistent capitalization, parentheses, and spacing. What kind of nonsense is this? And then it got rejected. Six review comments about capitalization and parentheses, a total of eight, and one is about the introduction being too long, and another is questioning a certain part of my experiment. Why didn't I do three, but only did two? If you want me to do three, then you should have asked me to do three, instead of demanding me to do two for both TMD Nature papers.

vlk 2023-05-05

The journal has a problem. It was held by the editor for over two months, and in the end, they told me it was not suitable for their journal. Why didn't they say so earlier? They are so irresponsible.

木菁菁菁 2023-05-02

Received the tracking link a couple of days ago, which directly showed that the entire review process has been completed. Currently, waiting for a response, probably the editor forgot to send it earlier due to the large amount of manuscripts to review.

KTGEL 2023-04-27

I am the same, with the editor for nearly two weeks, and there was a date change a week ago.

木菁菁菁 2023-04-24

There was a significant change in time about a week ago, but the status has remained the same, with editor.

木菁菁菁 2023-04-24

May I ask, after the minor revisions in the first round, why has it been in the "with editor" status for 3 weeks without progressing to "Under Review"?

zhichao xu 2023-04-20

The first reviewer completed the response in four days; the second reviewer took two months to respond. Currently, it has been three months under review. Reviews completed: 2 Review invitations accepted: 2+. The timeliness of the review is very uncertain...

wwwwww197 2023-04-19

The translation of the word "Success" into English is "Éxito" in Spanish.

小飞侠ddd 2023-04-16

Did you not appeal?

小飞侠ddd 2023-04-16

Which editor are you talking about?

qq572020211 2023-04-14

I have already submitted, but this journal is very strict. They replied saying that the similarity rate is high and it needs to be polished. It's quite troublesome.

大宝丶 2023-04-12

Just like your situation, the editor is the same person. The invited reviewer clearly does not belong to their own field. After revising the manuscript according to the first round of reviewer comments, the editor brought up some irrelevant questions in the second round. Furthermore, without the reviewer explicitly rejecting the manuscript, the editor directly rejected it without providing any reasons. After going through more than 7 months, I am truly appalled by this editor.

风一样的鱼 2023-04-10

The editor is Venkatesu Pannuru. You may want to ask again.

小飞侠ddd 2023-04-06

Which editor are you?

小飞侠ddd 2023-04-06

Do my editor and I have a grudge? All three of my reviewers agreed, but two of them disappeared during the revision process. The editor keeps dragging the article, repeatedly inviting reviewers who then disappear. It has been seven months already. Can I complain to the chief editor about this?

小飞侠ddd 2023-04-06

Submitted in September of the 22nd year, a reviewer was not found for the previous month. After a month, one reviewer was found and provided comments. The editor continued to search for more reviewers and two accepted. By December of the 22nd year, all three reviewers had completed their reviews, with two accepting and one rejecting. The one who rejected clearly did not understand. The editor then requested major revisions, which were made and resubmitted. However, two out of the three reviewers disappeared, and one accepted the invitation a month later. The editor then invited another new reviewer, and both agreed with no major issues. They only asked for a few figures to be changed to logarithmic coordinates, and the editor requested minor revisions. After the revisions, the fourth reviewer also disappeared. In March, a reminder letter was sent because all three reviewers had agreed and there were no major issues with the article. The author hoped that the editor would make a decision based on the previous reviews and not invite new reviewers. However, the editor invited another reviewer, and now it has been seven months. The editor is M. Bešter-Rogač, and it is unknown if all her reviews are like this, but it feels unfriendly. This journal has been submitted to before when the editor was W. Schröer, and it took 1-3 months. Why does this current editor seem intentionally difficult? Does the editor have to wait for all reviewers to reply? Can't the editor make decisions on their own for minor issues? Why do reviewers keep disappearing after being invited repeatedly? Has anyone else experienced this with this editor? Is it always like this?

X1999 2023-04-01

I would like to ask when you submitted the manuscript! Why am I still "with editor" after a month? I'm so anxious.

hyzhao100 2023-03-31

Posted for more than 30 days, with four reviewers, one rejection. A total of around 30 review comments, requiring major revisions. The rejection comments were numerous, but mostly irrelevant, and the non-rejection comments were actually more helpful for improvement.

X1999 2023-03-29

The thesis has been submitted for a month, but it has not been reviewed. I wonder what everyone's situation is?

X1999 2023-03-29

It has been a month for me too, how is everyone doing?

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