Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

lkjc;vlkpcj 2021-07-06

Posted in November 2020, received review comments in May, received an email on July 2nd saying it was accepted, but haven't received the proof until today, July 6th. What's going on?

dddddog 2021-07-02

Ah, isn't this the flagship materials journal of Springer-nature? Before the establishment of other new materials journals, our group has been submitting to this journal. It has always been a top-ranked journal, although its impact factor hasn't increased as fast as other newly established materials journals. However, its reputation and influence are well-established.

mechanicsaaa 2021-07-01

This journal has long been on the school's blacklist.

辣鸡小邓博 2021-07-01

In English, the translated text is: "IF of 2020 is 4.22, with a 5-year average of 3.69. Is there hope to return to the second district?"

dddddog 2021-06-30

IF=4.22, come on JMS, it seems like the potential is unlimited.

星空下的小米 2021-06-26

My article was received on the 5th of August, but it took one and a half months for them to send me an email. The email content says, "before we can proceed with the publication of your article in Journal of Materials Science, you must complete the appropriate publishing agreement and arrange payment of any associated fee, where applicable."
I didn't choose Open Access, so why are they notifying me about payment? ?

fxy0474 2021-06-25

I am also a first-time voter, and two days after casting my vote, it became "under consideration."

yueer521 2021-06-25

Hello, may I ask if it is "under consideration" for one month after submitting the manuscript? Have you encountered this situation?

fxy0474 2021-06-24

Excuse me, have the accepted students received the email about the "Confirmation of Publishing Agreement"? I accepted it on June 18th and received the email on the 24th. Is this not the proof yet?

fxy0474 2021-06-24

I received it on June 18th, and today I received an email saying "Before we can proceed with the publication of your article in Journal of Materials Science, we first need you to complete the appropriate publishing agreement." I believe this is not a proof, right? Can the author's email be changed during the proofing stage? I initially thought this was a proof, but after clicking the link and agreeing to the agreement, I did not see an option to modify the email. I'm not sure what's going on. Will they send another email for the proofing stage to change the email? Is this how this journal operates? I am not familiar with it as this is my first submission.

小马儿啦啦啦 2021-06-24

Overall, the feeling is that it's quite slow. Because I was eager to graduate, I rushed once in the middle, but then I became carefree and prepared for an extension. I received it the day before the defense, which was quite lucky. There were two reviewers, and the minor revisions were not supplemented with experiments.

2021.1.20 submitted
2021.1.22 under consideration
2021.1.23 under consideration
2021.1.25 under consideration
2021.2.17 under consideration
2021.2.28 under consideration
2021.3.07 under consideration
2021.3.24 under consideration
2021.4.21 under consideration
2021.5.12 minor revision
2021.5.21 revision submitted
2021.6.03 accept
Still waiting for proofreading after that.

辣鸡小邓博 2021-06-17

I have also accepted it, but it has been a month and I still haven't received the proof message. I don't know when it will be available online. If you happen to know, please inform me. Thank you.

流光120 2021-06-15

Already submitted and accepted.
But it has been 10 days and I still haven't received the proof and copyright agreement.
Is the proof sent to the corresponding author's email? Or is it sent to all authors? How long does it usually take to receive?
Please enlighten me!!!

投论文要多加小心 2021-06-07

Submitted on 4.27, the next day it was still under review. On 5.16, the status changed but it was still under review. On 6.7, the editor did not submit it for review and rejected it. The manuscript has been in the editor's hands for 40 days!! Such a rubbish speed!!

Yao eric 2021-05-25

1.16 submitted;
1.19 under consideration;
1.23 under consideration;
1.24 under consideration;
2.3 under consideration;
3.5 minor revision;
3.9 revision submitted;
Afterwards, there were two minor revisions, both regarding simple formatting issues.
5.24 Accept Overall, the review process was fine, except for the three minor revisions in between. The last two were due to formatting issues, causing a delay of approximately two months.

zimy-明 2021-05-25

2021.05.25, accepted.
Despite the twists and turns, I am fortunate to be accepted. The editor and reviewers were very responsible, and I hope the journal continues to improve!

dddddog 2021-05-23

This journal is quite efficient. This is what an international journal should be like. Those low-quality journals often make their own decisions after revisions because they can't find reviewers. JMS, as an internationally renowned journal, especially in the field of materials, needs better sources of manuscripts, higher quartile ranking, and impact factor to match its image.

zimy-明 2021-05-20

2021.01.21 submitted;
2021.03.05 major revision (three reviewers);
2021.03.28 revision submitted;
2021.04.20 minor revision (accepted by reviewer 1, minor changes from reviewer 3);
2021.04.22 revision submitted;
2021.05.20 under consideration...

It's too difficult, and the process is so long. Even minor changes have to go back to the reviewers!

辣鸡小邓博 2021-05-20

2021.4.24 submitted (Under consideration the next day, with multiple date changes)

2021.5.7 major revision

2021.5.18 revised submitted (Under consideration on the same day)

2021.5.20 accepted

Evaluation: Direction of lithium-ion battery separator (electrospun membrane); overall fast review speed, low self-citation rate, reputable SCI journal for traditional materials. It is frequently cited and has a promising future to move up to the second tier from the baseline third tier. If the article has a slight degree of innovation, substantial research content, and visually appealing figures, I wish the journal continuous success and improvement!

NJUSTYMZ 2021-05-12

You are so fast! The review results were out in two weeks, and it took only one week for revisions. It was accepted in three days. I envy you so much! I submitted an article on April 28th, it was under consideration on the 29th, still under consideration on May 4th and May 11th. I don't know the outcome yet, but I hope for the best!

星空下的小米 2021-05-09

Does anyone know if the Journal of Materials Science accepts articles for dual publication?

DREAMCHASER 2021-05-07

How to check the reviewing status? Can only the corresponding author view the reviewing status?

GUET何时转HIT 2021-05-07

I submitted it on November 25th last year. After it showed "under consideration" on November 27th, the time would usually be updated once a month or every twenty days. However, the status has remained unchanged and still shows "under consideration". Wasn't this journal supposed to be fast? Maybe I just have bad luck. It's been almost half a year and there is no progress at all.

辣鸡小邓博 2021-05-03

Can you tell us your review status so that everyone can see?

GUET何时转HIT 2021-05-03

Excuse me, everyone, where can this journal send "reminder letters" or "withdrawal emails"?

GUET何时转HIT 2021-05-03

It has been almost half a year since submission, and there is still no result. What kind of journal is this? I was waiting for this article to pursue my PhD. I sincerely hope that the reviewers can speed up the process.

lo l lo mo mo 2021-04-18

OP, did you receive the copyright agreement? I want to ask, before signing the copyright agreement, did they say that the order of authors on the copyright agreement is unrelated to the paper? I only realized after signing that the first author is the corresponding author.

lo l lo mo mo 2021-04-18

Does the copyright agreement state that one author is the corresponding author? Mine is too, but it seems like it was mentioned earlier that this order is not final.

ABQ 2021-04-10

Hello, this is my first time submitting a question. I would like to ask how to resolve this issue. By default, the first author is the corresponding author. During the modification process, it shows that the email is already in use. How can I resolve this?

ABQ 2021-04-10

This has been resolved. By default, the first author is the corresponding author. During the modification process, it shows which email has already been taken. How can this be resolved?

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