Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

飞宇 2023-01-12

JHM as a whole is still acceptable. In the field of environment, the top journals are mainly EST WR. Above that are journals like Nature, Science, and NC. Moreover, when it comes to students conducting research and submitting to journals, it mostly depends on their mentors and teams. There is also an element of luck in the submission process, so there's no need to accept and criticize. If you think it's not good, why did you submit it in the first place? Lastly, let me offer you a sentence: "Do your work diligently and be a down-to-earth person."

XD-9 2023-01-11

Just took a look at the publication volume of JHM on Web of Science. In 2020, there were 2158 articles, in 2021, there were 4411 articles, and in 2022, there were 1663 articles. It was mentioned in a lecture that the editorial team has undergone a major overhaul in the past 2-3 years, so there may be some instability during this process. Obviously, the journal is currently adjusting its publication volume. Some people caught up with the publishing spree in those two years and thought they could just flood it. :-) As the saying goes, wait until you have independence, then we can discuss whether you can flood any journal.

XD-9 2023-01-11

I have published more than ten articles in Water Research and Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T). Does that make me qualified to say that both of these journals are water-related journals? You students, full of youthful arrogance, are at a stage where you think you know everything. I've been there too, and looking back, it's a normal part of growing up to realize how naive we were at that time. The journals you can publish in now are mostly due to your mentors and resources behind you. When you have the ability to conduct independent research, then we can see if you can contribute to Journal of Hydrology and Meteorology (JHM).

石墨烯111 2023-01-11

Although I also posted two jhm articles, I basically agree with the original poster's opinion. This is really just a shallow publication.

石墨烯111 2023-01-11

Almost everyone around me has written one or two, even though they are only worth a few points. But everyone has them, and everyone can easily write a few. So what's the value in that?

菌的秘密 2023-01-10

Not necessarily, the editing processing speed varies. It is possible that it has not been pre-reviewed yet or that they are still looking for reviewers. I submitted my review in 20 days, but there are also longer times. It has no direct relationship with holidays.

好运连连2025 2023-01-10

Hello, is the editor still on vacation recently? It has been over half a month. Always with the editor.

菌的秘密 2023-01-10

RRC will be completed in 12 days, most likely it will fail.

不要拉我,我还能写 2023-01-10

Dual option, traditional subscription is free of charge.

勇敢牛牛一号 2023-01-10

Does this journal charge a page fee? How much is it?

勇敢牛牛一号 2023-01-10

How much is the layout fee?

不要拉我,我还能写 2023-01-10

Jan 6, 2023, Submit to Journal
Jan 7, 2023, With editor
Jan 17, 2023, Decision in process; 凉凉

Jan 6, 2023, Submit to Journal
Jan 7, 2023, With editor
Jan 17, 2023, Decision in process; 凉凉

好运连连2025 2023-01-10

Hello, may I ask when was your submission rejected? I have already submitted for over half a month and haven't received any updates yet.

学术新人 2023-01-10

A few days after submission, it became DP and I messaged customer service, hoping for an earlier rejection if it's going to be rejected, so as not to waste time. Sigh, seeing the complaints below reminds me of a saying: those inside want to get out, while those outside want to get in. Sigh....

好运连连2025 2023-01-07

Hello. I thought the editor was still on vacation and hadn't processed the manuscript. Did they reject it these past two days?

RK5554 2023-01-07

The editor refused for 8-9 days.

茜54655 2023-01-07

Indeed, this publication is truly garbage abroad. I feel like only Chinese people talk about this magazine. Also, what's the deal with these few trolls intentionally avoiding direct questions? China accounts for 70% of the world's environmental efforts?

123chemis 2023-01-06

@XD-9, don't argue with him anymore, it's meaningless. Go to his profile and see for yourself, this person comments everywhere without any substance... Just seeking attention.

XD-9 2023-01-05

Wow, [luofeiyu] is in the United States. Let's talk about which university in the United States has a large number of students in the environmental engineering department compared to ordinary universities in China. Tell us about a famous professor in the field of environmental engineering in the United States who became famous for developing a certain product. We don't need to mention those academicians (they often visit China and are well-known to everyone), just tell us about the winners of the Clarke Prize. Close to 50% of the articles on EST and nearly 60% of the articles on WR are written by Chinese people. Help us calculate the number of people in China who are conducting environmental research.

好运连连2025 2023-01-05

Same, from the 28th until now with the editor, the timing changed once.

杨中中中 2023-01-05

Posted on December 29th. Currently still editing on January 5th, ?

沒什么大不了 2023-01-05

Personally, I don't think it's necessary to argue about it. Everyone has their own opinions on whether it's good or bad. If you feel like spamming, you can submit to the journal you think is good, and there's no need to criticize others. Additionally, if you want to come back to work, you still need to publish in reputable journals. JHM is not considered a top-tier journal, but in the field of environment, other than EST and WR, it's among the top few. There are so many people who need articles every year, and the top four journals and their sub-journals are not something ordinary people can consider. Top journals also require a certain amount of accumulation. So many people want to graduate, pass evaluations, and work on projects. Don't they all want to publish better articles? According to the original poster, it seems like they suspect all environmental journals of spamming, but it's just a matter of degree.

luofeiyu 2023-01-04

Your IQ is really worrying. 70% of this magazine is Chinese. Are you implying that the number of people working in the environmental field here is more than double that of other parts of the world? Shouldn't you go see a doctor?

Can you tell me about the situation of environmental professionals overseas? I am in the United States. How did this trashy magazine manage to hype up the IF? Don't you have any common sense?

XD-9 2023-01-04

What a narrow-minded person! Go and see how many professors there are in the environmental engineering programs at Tsinghua and Tongji University, how many professors there are in the environmental engineering programs at Stanford, Berkeley, and Yale... "The most important evaluation of foreign environmental engineering is practicality." Do you think professors in foreign countries are like those in China who start companies and make their students do the work? Even if you look at Mark, the Dutch professor closest to applied research (former editor-in-chief of WR), see how many articles he has published. And saying "only if there are products, the government will give money," you really don't understand anything, just daring to say...

It is a fact that environmental research in China is full of fake articles. Which profession in China doesn't have fake articles? They keep creating so-called "domestic journals" (while not wanting too many Chinese articles), aren't they all garbage journals? What is it for?

luofeiyu 2023-01-03

Support your point of view, there is simply no such thing as the most environmental-conscious Chinese people. As far as I know, the United States and Germany also have a large number of environmentalists. It's just that in foreign countries, publishing environmental research in SCI journals is not as useful. So, Chinese environmental researchers simply cannot compete with their foreign counterparts. Of course, if we only consider publishing in SCI journals, the international competition pressure on Chinese environmental science is almost non-existent.

luofeiyu 2023-01-03

I really can't understand why the spammers in this forum can take false statements as true just for a little benefit.

Everyone actually knows how this magazine is, it is nothing more than a material for spammers to harvest hot topics in the field of environmental science specifically targeting Chinese people. There is no such thing as the most Chinese people working in the environmental field. What is more accurate is that there are the most Chinese people spamming SCI papers in the environmental field. Because the most important evaluation of doing environmental engineering abroad is practicality rather than how many articles are published. It is about producing results and products, only then the government provides funding.

This is why many low-quality journals are considered trash when viewed abroad, but become top journals in China.

luofeiyu 2023-01-03

I disagree with your perspective. Even if China is doing more for the environment, it is not to the extent that 70% of the work is done by Chinese people. Environmental science is also a major field in foreign countries, and there is no such claim that China has the most people working in the field of environmental protection. According to your argument, with such a large population in China, it would be expected that they would be doing the most in various fields.

XD-9 2023-01-02

Do you know what pre-screening is? You haven't heard his lecture...

kust 2022-12-31

Who told you that all manuscripts have to be handled by the chief editor? With so many manuscripts in a year, the chief editor would be exhausted. Although the chief editor has great power, they do not personally handle every manuscript.

菌的秘密 2022-12-28

After a whole 20 days, it finally went for review.

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