Verified Reviews - Journal of Environmental Management
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

lebron_keke 2022-09-10

I have now also displayed 2+ reviewers reviewed it. Did you finally accept it?

DAN K 2022-09-10

A very classic magazine, it is an authoritative journal in the field of environmental management. The difficulty of submitting articles is quite high!

oscarone 2022-09-04

I submitted on 8.11, edited on 8.13, edited again on 8.15, and it hasn't been reviewed yet. Is it taking too long? Should I send a reminder?

oscarone 2022-09-04

I submitted on 8.11, and it was with the editor on 8.13. On 8.15, it was again with the editor. Until now, it hasn't been sent for review. May I ask if it has been a bit too long? Should I follow up on the manuscript?

是一只猫啊啊啊 2022-09-04

2022.07.29: Submitted to journal.
2022.08.04: Under review by editor and reviewers.
2022.08.17: Under consideration after revision (3 individuals).
2022.08.23: Resubmitted.
2022.09.04: Accepted.

sd_young 2022-08-29

2022.5.11 submit to journal - Submitted to journal on May 11, 2022.
2022.5.14 under review - Under review since May 14, 2022.
2022.6.24 major - Major revisions required.
2022.8.1 修回 - Revised.
2022.8.21 accept - Accepted on August 21, 2022.
两个审稿专家,提出的修改意见非常细致,很多意见都非常的专业,而且还涉及到很多相关领域的我不太懂的知识,求助了专业领域的专家,反复修改了一个多月才回复过去,没有小修,大修后直接接收。 - The two reviewers provided very detailed revision comments, many of which were highly professional and involved knowledge in related fields that I was not familiar with. I sought assistance from experts in the specific field, and after multiple revisions that took over a month, I replied. There were no minor revisions, and the paper was accepted directly after major revisions.
更正一下,投稿周期:4.0月 - Correction: Submission period was 4.0 months.

不发JEMA不改名 2022-08-23

8.06 under review
8.21 required reviews completed
8.23 Accepted
Thank you, editor, for the fast efficiency. It was actually my own slow modifications.

oscarone 2022-08-23

May I ask how you know which editor it is assigned to?

Laborer CCW 2022-08-20

This is a bit ridiculous. Are you saying that you are water from the Wei River? Are you from Xi'an?

渭河水 2022-08-20

Submitted in November last year. It is still in the review process, and there has been no news for almost 9 months. It's really slow.

Laborer CCW 2022-08-19

JEM Submission Record (for reference):
2022/03/09 Submitted to Journal
2022/03/18 With Editor
2022/04/14 Sent reminder letter
2022/04/15 Under review
2022/05/12 Under review
2022/05/29 Required Reviews Completed
2022/05/31 Required Reviews Completed
2022/06/06 Required Reviews Completed
2022/06/10 Required Reviews Completed
2022/06/17 Revised (Consider After Substantial Revision)
2022/07/21 With Editor
2022/07/27 Under review
2022/08/18 Accept

Thank you, Editor Samuel Smidt.

deeded 2022-08-18

Finally accepted!!
7.17 resubmit
7.28 accept after revision
8.7 resubmit
8.18 accept

L 2022-08-14

5.5 Submitted
5.29 With Editor
5.29 Under Review
7.6 revised substantially
7.23 Resubmitted
8.5 Accept
The editing efficiency is good, keep up the good work!

sleep_123_ss 2022-08-11

From submission to acceptance, it took a total of five months with two revisions in between, which is considered quite smooth. There were two reviewers, both foreigners, as evident from the language used. I provided detailed responses.

拼命发sci的科研狗 2022-08-10

Is it not accepting articles from the management science category?

yl14621 2022-08-09

Belonging to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this TOP journal has good quality and a close relationship between its scope and environmental engineering applications. It has a promising future.

zengwx 2022-08-08

When submitting a revised draft, there is an option that says "Please enter 'Yes' if it is a re-submission of a rejected manuscript along with the manuscript number. 'No' if it is a new submission." May I ask which option should be selected?

zengwx 2022-08-08

Hello, I would like to ask, when I submit a revised manuscript, there is an option that says, "Please enter 'Yes' if it is a re-submission of a rejected manuscript along with the manuscript number. 'No' if it is a new submission." May I ask which option I should choose? I am worried because I need to submit a revised manuscript.

不发JEMA不改名 2022-08-06

2022-05-12 Submit
2022-05-17 Under Review
2022-06-21 Consider after revision
2022-08-04 Submit
The first one is about Aisville, hoping for a positive outcome.

科研狗1234 2022-08-04

Excuse me, did you receive it or not?

极大 2022-08-03

April 30th submission
May 23rd assignment of number
May 30th start of external review
July 11th returned for major revisions
July 21st submission
July 29th returned for minor revisions
August 1st submission
August 2nd accepted

Previously, when submitting to a journal, based on the content of the reviewer's comments, it was determined that the reviewer did not read the article. When submitting to JEM, the feedback received was very constructive, and I fully accepted and followed all of the suggestions for major and minor revisions, resulting in acceptance.

lxllxllxllxl 2022-08-03

May I ask how long it took for your submission to go from "with editor" to "under review"?

小跳蛙吖吖 2022-07-27

2022-07-26 with editor;
2022-07-27 transfer pending
Wuwuwu, sadness flows like a river; no reason given...

小跳蛙吖吖 2022-07-26

2022-07-25 Submitted to Journal.

wangzshen 2022-07-24

0628subit - Submitted on 28th June
0716under review - Under review since 16th July

铁铜共催化 2022-07-16

7.16, under review.

wangzshen 2022-07-11

Submitted to the journal after two weeks.

晚上再下雨吧 2022-07-10

July 31, 2021 Submitted to Journal
Aug. 03, 2021 With Editor
Aug. 07, 2021 With Editor
Aug. 21, 2021 Under Review
Oct. 02, 2021 Under Review
March 07, 2022 Consider after revision
March 08, 2022 With Editor
March 14, 2022 With Editor
May 28, 2022 Under Review
June 20, 2022 Required Reviews Completed
July 10, 2022 Accept

The submission process has taken nearly a year, which is a bit long. Wishing everyone success~

xueerya 2022-07-08

I have submitted it for two weeks already, and it has always been "sub to journal"? There is no manuscript number. Isn't rejection supposed to happen if it fails? Why is it taking so long?

xueerya 2022-07-08

For the past two weeks, I have been submitting to the journal without receiving a manuscript number. I feel quite anxious.

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