Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

xf1 2022-01-27

Friends, I have been waiting for nearly half a month after submitting, and it keeps showing "Editor Assignment Pending." What's going on? Has anyone encountered this situation?

sycrainy 2021-11-18

Hello, I have been hired for more than a few weeks, but I haven't received any notification yet. I wanted to ask if the information regarding signing the agreement and proofreading can be seen in the submission system?

帮助老年人 2021-11-17

Hello, how come I haven't received any emails for a week since I saw the magazine received on the system? How long does it usually take for you to receive the revised manuscript?

帮助老年人 2021-11-17

Hello, how long does it take for the journal to receive the revised manuscript? It has been a week since my article was accepted, and I have not received any updates or confirmation of successful receipt.

练超超 2021-11-16

The editor is quite kind.

甜甜兰布尼 2021-10-11

Completed 4 times and finally hired, each time the feedback was quick. Just want to know how long it takes to receive the proof after it is accepted.

练超超 2021-09-20

May I ask how this journal is proofread? I received an email asking for proofreading, but there is no proofreading link. I am a bit confused. Could you please advise?

练超超 2021-09-20

May I ask how this journal is edited? I received an email asking for proofreading, but there is no proofreading link provided. I'm a bit confused, please advise.

KEYAN 2021-06-16

4.7 submitted to journal
4.9 Editor Assignment Pending
4.14 Editor Assignment Pending
4.16 Under Review
6.2 Reviews Completed
6.3 Reviews Completed
6.3 Editor Assignment Pending
6.7 Revise -- Formatting Corrections (EDITORIAL OFFICE ONLY)
6.10 Revision Submitted
6.11 Editor Assignment Pending
6.15 Accept
6.16 Moved On To Production
6.22 DOI, Copyright Agreement, Open Access (OA) Yes/No, Color Figures Yes/No
6.24 Proofreading
6.25 Proofreading Revision
6.28 Online
7.8 WOS Retrieval
Two Reviewers + Editor Review

海贼王12154 2021-04-14

11.24 Submission
3.4 Major repair
3.19 Return for repair
4.7 Minor repair
4.8 Return for repair
4.9 Format return
4.10 Revision
4.14 Acceptance

maomaozzu 2021-04-13

Has the review process now exceeded three months?

海贼王12154 2021-04-13

After the minor repairs and format modifications, how long will it take to receive?

菜鸟aaaaa 2021-01-10

Hello, my submission was reviewed and completed in just two days. Was it the same for you at that time?

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