Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

guhai 2022-06-17

May I ask if there are any results in the last few days?

QIao Qiao 2022-06-16

Excuse me, do you have any news about the article now?

QIao Qiao 2022-06-15

Do you know where can we see the latest information about submissions?

QIao Qiao 2022-06-15

Submitted in the morning of June 9th, with editor in the afternoon of June 9th. The date was changed on June 11th, but until now, on June 15th, it has not changed and is still with the editor. Does anyone have a similar situation? Why is this journal taking so long now?

xiaojianrong531 2022-06-15

I did not select an editor when submitting my manuscript.

Railgun 2022-06-12

3.27 submitted to Journal - Submitted to the journal on March 27th
3.27 with editor - Under review by the editor on March 27th
3.28 under review - Under review by the journal on March 28th
4.17 required review completed - Required review process completed on April 17th
4.19 major revision - Major revisions needed
4.27 revision Submitted to Journal - Revised version submitted to the journal on April 27th
4.28 with editor - Under review by the editor on April 28th
5.16 accept - Accepted on May 16th

Wenyi lu 2022-06-09

Which editor did you choose?

人生何尝不如是 2022-06-03

The reviewer is so difficult to deal with, their comments cannot be addressed at all.

JBEI 2022-06-03

Two weeks later, I sent two emails to the editor, threatening to withdraw the article, but there was still no change. In the third week, I sent an email to withdraw the article and submitted it to another journal.

方陈式 2022-06-03

6.03 avec éditeur translates to "6.03 with editor" in English.

沪上晓风75 2022-06-02

What happened later? How long until there is news?

五牛 2022-06-02

Feb 2, Submission
Feb 3, Manuscript Number Assigned
May 2, Major revision
May 17, Revision Received (made all the changes and added data according to the reviewers' comments)
May 18, with editor
Still with editor until now!
It has been 15 days and no decision has been made yet on acceptance or rejection!

dxxhao123 2022-05-31

5.28 Submission
5.30 Status: Under Review
This speed is a bit fast... The processing speed should be closely related to the editor.
Direction: Lithium-ion, solid-state electrolyte.

方陈式 2022-05-27

5.27 avec l'éditeur translates to "5.27 with the editor" in English.

方陈式 2022-05-27

5.16 Submission
5.17 with editor
5.19 with editor
I always feel a bit uneasy, this journal has been really slow lately, so be cautious when submitting.

巴基弗兰克 2022-05-27

It has become "Decision in Process" now, probably indicating a change of investment.

巴基弗兰克 2022-05-27

My date has been changed, it seems like it has passed the formatting review and is now in the hands of the academic review editor.

guhai 2022-05-27

5.16 Submission
5.17 With editor
5.27 Still with editor (date changed once in between)

方陈式 2022-05-27

Have you ever changed the date in the middle?

巴基弗兰克 2022-05-27

How is everyone doing? I have been with editor for 15 days, it's really agonizing.

chem-girl 2022-05-26

It has been 10 days with the editor, and it feels so slow.

巴基弗兰克 2022-05-24

with editor 12 days

方陈式 2022-05-23

Excuse me, has the date changed among you? I worked with editor for 6 days, but the date changed once in between, and I don't know what it means.

巴基弗兰克 2022-05-22

It is estimated that it is a transfer. I previously invested in JHM, but witheditor changed like this in 10 days, and after a few more days, they asked me to transfer again.

xiaojianrong531 2022-05-22

These details could be viewed at the time, so open and check them frequently in order to see various changes.

Amor_whm 2022-05-22

Do you need to accept the article before you can view these details? Can you still view them when it's under review?

xiaojianrong531 2022-05-22

You can check here at

kkkk2 2022-05-22

Where can the reviewers see these details changes?

kkkk2 2022-05-22

Where can we see these details changes?

xiaojianrong531 2022-05-22

Apr 11, 2022 Submitted to Journal
Apr 11, 2022 With Editor (Submitted at 9:00 am, assigned identification number at 5:00 pm)
Apr 12, 2022 Under Review (Invited two reviewers, one accepted immediately, the second accepted the next day)
Apr 22, 2022 Required Reviews Completed [Apr 17, 2022 (one review completed); Apr 22, 2022 (second review completed)]
Apr 26, 2022 Major Revision (One reviewer accepted directly, one was more demanding, thanks to Professor Zheng from Fudan University for providing major revisions)
May 16, 2022 With Editor (Revised)
May 17, 2022 With Editor
May 19, 2022 Article accepted for publication
May 21, 2022 Article published online
The review process was very fast, but the revision and additional experiments for the paper took some time. The journal operates efficiently and has promising prospects.

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