Verified Reviews - Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

香无缺冒菜 2022-10-28

Accepted on July 15th, forgot to update.


Actually it's not bad, according to the official website's acceptance rate of 25%, it's still quite a bit short of last year's publication volume of 5000+.


As long as two review opinions are received, the system will automatically switch to the RRC status. If there are three or more reviewers, the editing will still wait for all review opinions to be returned before making a decision, so please be patient!


This is a normal state, and if the editing process is handled promptly, you should receive a response to the review comments in about two days. Good luck, OP!

霍金斯 2022-10-26

8.3 Submit
8.28 Review Submission
9.30 Minor Revision
10.17 Revise
10.24 Accept

一颗小西柚 2022-10-26

7.6 Submission
7.25 Under review
There are two reviewers, one of whom has completed the review, but the other one has not provided any updates. As a result, the manuscript has remained under review until now.
10.4 Sent a reminder through the system, but still no response.
Friends, is this review process normal? Does it mean the other reviewer has not completed the review or that they have reached the editing stage but the editor has not processed it? How can I find out who the editor assigned to my manuscript is (I am inexperienced in submitting for the first time)? The review period is too long, and if it gets rejected after waiting for so long, it would be incredibly frustrating!

LawLight_L 2022-10-25

September 18th Posted
October 4th With editor
October 4th Under review
October 18th Required reviews complete
October 24th Decision in Process
Today is October 25th... May I ask if after "under review," the appearance of "rrc" and then "Decision in Process" means rejection? Does it imply that the external review did not pass?

myuany 2022-10-24

Submitted on December 6, 2021, always with editor.
Under review in March 2022.
In June 2022, one reviewer requested major revisions and submitted them two to three weeks later.
In September 2022, two additional reviewers were approached, and I only wanted my submission to be rejected. Another round of major revisions was requested.
Submitted for the second revision at the end of September 2022.
Until today, October 24th, there is still no result for the revised manuscript!
It has been 11 months since submission! Negative review! I will never submit to this journal again! Even citations have to take a detour!
If it weren't for other articles, I would have postponed it a long time ago!


20221020, submit for review.

LawLight_L 2022-10-20

May I ask how your RRC is doing after one week? Mine has been going on for a long time too...

Juan1993 2022-10-20

Regretting my decision to submit. The number for October submissions has already reached 14000. Yes, over fourteen thousand! It has been half a month and it is still "Submitted to Journal". I am still waiting to graduate. Sigh, I am considering withdrawing the submission. Feeling frustrated.

七号小喽啰 2022-10-18

Which editor did you choose? Mine is also too slow. I regret submitting to this journal.

simple@a 2022-10-17

8.17 Review comments came down, 2 reviewers, 7 comments, major revision.
9.19 Rework.
10.16 Acceptance.
Five months, so slow. My roommate submitted two weeks earlier and received acceptance in two months. It all depends on the editor's decision.

打工的人 2022-10-17

It has already been submitted for review on October 16th. However, it has only been sent to the reviewers and they have not accepted it yet. If this article is rejected after waiting for a long time, I will have to wait for a deferment.

Sigh, my heart is so tired. I am already in my third year of graduate studies and I don't even have a thesis that guarantees graduation. I had already finished writing the second one and was preparing to submit it again, but when I showed it to my advisor, he didn't allow me to submit it because it used my senior sister's data. However, he had agreed when I was writing it. Dealing with such an advisor who does not publish papers is really exhausting and makes me feel powerless. Also, he takes the first authorship. Sigh.

打工的人 2022-10-17

Finally submitted for review on 10.16.

打工的人 2022-10-17

Fellow traveler, I submitted on 8.8 and it is currently under review on 10.16.

ch0imy 2022-10-17

8.9投 means "submitted on 8.9" and 10.17 under review = = means "under review since 10.17"



Jinshan 2022-10-15

2022.4.21 submitted - Submitted on April 21, 2022
2022.4.27 with editor - In the hands of the editor on April 27, 2022
2022.5.11 under review - Under review since May 11, 2022
2022.6.8 under review - Still under review as of June 8, 2022
2022.6.14 under review - Still under review as of June 14, 2022
2022.7.14 required reviews complete - Required reviews completed on July 14, 2022
Major Revision

2022.8.29 revision submitted - Revised version submitted on August 29, 2022
2022.8.29 with editor - In the hands of the editor on August 29, 2022
2022.8.29 under review - Under review since August 29, 2022
2022.9.21 required reviews complete - Required reviews completed on September 21, 2022
Major Revision

2022.9.29 revision submitted - Revised version submitted on September 29, 2022
2022.9.29 with editor - In the hands of the editor on September 29, 2022
2022.9.30 with editor - Still with the editor as of September 30, 2022
2022.10.4 under review - Under review since October 4, 2022
2022.10.10 under review - Still under review as of October 10, 2022
Looking at the speed of your peer review process, I really admire it. However, I don't understand why in the second round of reviews, there is only one comment and they are still looking for another reviewer. The pace of this journal is truly impressive.


20221011, submit


Are you still editing?

江江江1007 2022-10-12

Just realized that reviewers made an extra "er".

江江江1007 2022-10-12

9.12 submitted
9.28 under review
10.8 One reviewer's comments returned
10.12 required reviewers completed
10.12 major revision
In the afternoon, all reviewers' comments were returned. The editor provided feedback in the evening. The speed at which the editor handled the manuscript and the reviewers reviewed it was incredible. There were a total of 26 comments from two reviewers.

AcceptedMaster 2022-10-09

Thank you to Professor Volodymyr A. Yartys and all the reviewers.
The overall efficiency is very high, Professor Yartys will immediately submit the revised manuscript for review during working hours. The reviewers are also very efficient, although the deadline is two weeks, they can usually respond to the review comments quickly. The total length of the first round of revision and response to the review comments is 12,000 words. I am pleased to have received recognition from Professor Yartys and the reviewers.

卑微小颜 2022-10-08

2022.7.18 Submission
2022.9.23 Revised version submitted (three reviewers)
2022.9.26 Accepted
2022.9.27 Online
2022.10.07 Officially published
The efficiency is really high. Thank you, Editor Murty.


7.6 Submission
7.9 Under review
7.28 Major revision
8.25 Revised manuscript resubmission
8.26 Under review
9.15 Minor revision
9.17 Revised manuscript resubmission
9.19 Under review
10.6 Accepted
Three reviewers conducted a thorough initial review, providing a total of 34 revision suggestions, some of which included sharp questioning. However, all three reviewers expressed their acceptance after the revisions. After carefully revising and providing detailed responses, the second review from the reviewers showed a significant improvement in their attitude, with only minor suggestions for wording. After three months of anxiety and waiting, it was finally accepted, and I am very happy to be able to start a new round of research work. ^-^

AcceptedMaster 2022-10-06

2022.09.29 with editor/under review translates to "2022.09.29 with editor/under review" in English.

2022.09.30 显示邀请1名审稿人,同意1名,审稿完成1名,说明审稿人已经完成审稿 translates to "2022.09.30 Invited 1 reviewer, 1 reviewer accepted, 1 review completed, indicating that the reviewer has completed the review" in English.

2022.10.06 仍然是Under review... translates to "2022.10.06 Still under review..." in English.

香无缺冒菜 2022-10-06

You don't need to worry about something that has nothing to do with the author.

ch0imy 2022-10-04

8.9投, 10.4了还在with editor...
Translation: 8.9 votes, 10.4 done still with editor...

WT 2022-10-02

Is it certain that this situation is not good, everyone?

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