Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

shaoshu 2022-11-30

The translation of the text into English is: Same situation as the original poster, very slow, estimated at least six months.

AG超会玩 2022-11-25

I heard that it takes a lot of time, about half a year, for reviewing.

lixinxinxinxin 2022-11-15

submitted to journal in early October 2022
with editor until the end of October 2022
Now it has been over a month, and it is still with the editor with no news.
I'm seeking for help, is this journal's speed really this slow?

tyust老刘 2022-10-21

The review result will be given in three to four months, which is a normal speed.

大表哥 2022-09-14

Is this person just pretending to be knowledgeable? Regardless of whether there is any boasting involved, their communication skills and emotional intelligence are lacking. Even if it's true, they are simply a low-class individual who talks nonsense after pretending for a long time.

YYLL_1002 2022-08-24

2021.09.24 Submission
2022.03.09 Rejection and resubmission, 12+5 comments from two reviewers
2022.04.13 Resubmission of revised manuscript
2022.06.01 Returned with 8+3 revision comments
2022.06.17 Returned revised manuscript
2022.08.24 Accept

贪玩博士 2022-07-30

I also really want to know, what is the "Four Pieces of Mechanics"? I think I can understand JMPS and IJSS, but what about the other two?

九漏鱼 2022-07-07

What is the four-set mechanics journal? Newcomer wants to understand!

江南梦更长 2022-07-04

Is this journal fast? Does the original poster have experience?

Hero 2022-06-05

Lord Guannei, may I ask if the article "Plasma Treatment for Cellulose in Tobacco Paper-Base: The Improvement of Surface Hydrophilicity and Mechanical Property" is yours? Thank you!

Gao Huajian 2022-05-30

After taking a look, it seems like you are specifically spreading negative emotions in various journals, and you frequently change your nickname to comment. Do you really need to be this dark? I didn't want to say much originally, but since you want to make the comment section so chaotic, let me give you a few examples to dispel the bad luck. 1. Peng Zhilong, the outstanding young talent from Beijing Institute of Technology, is basically published in IJSS. 2. Wang Jizeng from Lanzhou University has published 1JMPS and several IJSS articles. There are many similar examples, but I won't go into detail. You can look them up online yourself. There are also many teachers at Southwest Jiaotong University who have published a lot in IJP but haven't received any accolades, but I won't reveal specific details. Also, this year, I easily found a teaching position in a top 985 university thanks to JMPS and IJSS.

画画女 2022-05-21

Almost there, it's better to spend time thinking about your own matters. It's shallow to argue about this and that. Use this time to improve yourself.

关内侯 2022-05-21

Stop arguing, go and experience it yourself. When looking for a job in a university or finding work, it is useless to argue whether articles from the first district are more useful or articles from the third or fourth district are more useful. Being stubborn is pointless. What's the point of being complacent and self-indulgent in a niche or traditional academic field? Just because you have published a paper, does it mean that you are advanced in your work? What practical use does it have once you leave the university? You are only deceiving yourself.

若昔追忆 2022-05-04

Today was rejected, recommend switching to another journal. This journal is a bit slow in terms of speed.

若昔追忆 2022-05-03

The current status today went directly from "submitted" to "decision in process." I feel like my submission will be rejected!

hyc_mechanic 2022-04-29

My does not have the status of "with editor".

关内侯 2022-04-28

The translation of the text into English is as follows:

The public says the public is right, the mother-in-law says the mother-in-law is right, but in fact, it is the ignorant who are fearless. Truly impressive people are not attached to individual articles.

若昔追忆 2022-04-26

Excuse me, does this middle stage have "with editor" status? Or does it go directly from "submitted" to "under review"?

hyc_mechanic 2022-04-25

My submission on March 10th is under review until April 5th, so there is no need to rush.

若昔追忆 2022-04-22

After the submission on the 4th of September, it has been more than ten days and it is still submitted to the journal. This is my first time submitting to this journal, is it normal for it to be this slow? It has been over ten days and the editor has not processed it yet, is this speed normal?

JR.Rice 2022-04-15

In addition, no one thinks that IJSS is the best in the world, nor do they think that publishing an IJSS is anything extraordinary. They simply believe that it is a good journal in the field of solid mechanics. On the contrary, you seem to have a lot of inner drama, constantly belittling IJSS for some unknown reason. If you can't secure funding, it's not because IJSS is not good enough, but rather it depends on whether you really have the skills. If you truly have 5 representative papers as the first author in IJSS, with a decent thesis, and a stable foundation in the Young Scholars Program, then I know a top-tier professor from a prestigious 985 university who obtained 3 grants based on 4 first-author papers in IJSS. On the other hand, a young professor from a lower-ranked 985 university received a rating of 3A in the evaluation last year with one paper in JMPS and 4 papers in IJSS.

JR.Rice 2022-04-15

National-level talent examples: Zhong Zheng, Wang Changguo, Guo Licheng from Harbin Institute of Technology; Chen Weiqiu from Zhejiang University; Wang Gangfeng from Xi'an Jiaotong University; Guo Xu from Dalian University of Technology; Wang Yuessheng from Tianjin University and his student Ke Liaoliang, etc. The main platforms for these solid mechanics experts are JMPS and IJSS.

Suozhigang 2022-04-15

As for what you said about IJP having a higher position than IJSS in talent assessment, it does not exist if you are purely in the field of solid mechanics (National Natural Science Foundation discipline code in the Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences A02xx). Currently, IJP is more like a materials science journal, with most articles focusing on materials testing and MD simulations. It currently does not accept articles purely based on theoretical derivation in solid mechanics. If you are more inclined towards materials science (National Natural Science Foundation discipline code in the Division of Engineering Materials Exxxx), then the journal ranking might be Acta Mater > IJP > IJSS. However, if you are in the field of materials, you should aim for journals like Nature and Science. As for finding a job and funding, it depends on your overall capabilities.

JR.Rice 2022-04-15

The team led by Professor Linzhi Wu from Harbin Institute of Technology won the second prize of the National Natural Science Award in 2017 for their research on "Fracture Mechanics of Advanced Functional Materials and Their Structures". Among the eight representative papers, three were published in the International Journal of Solids and Structures (IJSS).

JR.Rice 2022-04-15

1.2. The journal EML, organized by Luo Zhigang and others, holds regular webinars to discuss the journal. For more details, please refer to the video on Bilibili at, starting at 0:24:10.

1.3. The main stronghold for the two giants in solid mechanics, JR.RICE and John W. Hutchinson, is the journal JMPS. IJSS has not published in IJP.

JR.Rice 2022-04-15

Ranking of solid mechanics journals in terms of worldwide recognition: JMPS, IJSS, JAM. The evidence is as follows:

Description of journals on Huajian Gao's homepage: "Publication: >500 papers in refereed journals, including Nature and Nature family journals, Science, Advanced Materials, PNAS, Physical Review Letters, Nano Letters, and Proceedings of the Royal Society, as well as important journals in my field (e.g., JMPS, IJSS, JAM)." (For more details, see:

幸运之星月阳 2022-04-15

For example, fracture constitutive mechanics, but in fact, only those who are good at fracture mechanics publish in IJP. Secondary options are only for this.

幸运之星月阳 2022-04-15

If there are breakthroughs in pure mechanics theory and mechanical methods, it would naturally be able to explain the problem well. If other things are to be done, then don't post them here, haha.

半斤八两 2022-04-15

It is not easy to initiate a journal on pure mechanics theory, and it also has some difficulties because it has a narrow scope and a limited field. However, in order to gain popularity, high recognition, and higher persuasiveness, relying solely on this is not enough. Take a look at Professor Kang Guozheng, a leading figure in the field of solid mechanics, who has published numerous representative achievements in the field of plastic mechanics in the top-tier journal IJP. Only then did everyone recognize and acknowledge him within the field.

半斤八两 2022-04-15

When applying for the Youth Elite Program, there are several levels of IJP (International Journal of Plasticity) and SS (Solid State) that cannot be compared. Currently, in the field of materials processing in Wuhan and most universities in China, a certain 985, IJP, and Acta are regarded as top-notch in the field of plastic mechanics and materials processing, while the other is representative in the field of materials science. Ignorant people are fearless.

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