Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

zrse 2021-06-18

May I ask how long you have been in the "Submitted to Journal" status?

zrse 2021-06-18

May I ask how long you have been in the "Submitted to Journal" status? It has been a month since I submitted my manuscript and I still haven't been assigned an editor. Should I follow up on this?

xctju 2021-06-10

Decision in process for more than 4 months, there was one reminder in between, but it didn't work.

IJRMMS和RMRE 2021-06-10

Hello, may I ask how long does it take for "Decision in process"? Can I follow up during this stage? It has been almost a year since my first review and it is still "Decision in process". Currently, there is no result yet, and I'm not sure if a decision has been made or not.

IJRMMS和RMRE 2021-06-10

Hello, may I ask how long does "Decision in process" usually take? Can I follow up during this stage? It has been almost a year since my first review and it is still in the "Decision in process" stage.

xctju 2021-06-10

The author does not need to confirm the email link.

zrse 2021-06-09

May I ask if all authors need to confirm the email link before the processing begins?

xctju 2021-05-12

Expert opinion: The paper is original and well written. The quality of the presentation is very good. The only thing that should be improved is a better correlation between the literature and the present results.
After making the necessary modifications, the editor asked me to remove one figure, as the total number of images should not exceed 15.
Afterwards, it was accepted for publication.
Overall, the editor has strict requirements for formatting and details.

xctju 2021-05-12

Jul 27, 2020 - Submitted to the journal
Aug 17, 2020 - With editor
Oct 05, 2020 - Under Review
Nov 01, 2020 - Under Review
Nov 10, 2020 - Decision in Process
Mar 16, 2021 - Revise
Mar 24, 2021 - With Editor
Apr 6, 2021 - Revise
Apr 6, 2021 - With Editor
Apr 22, 2021 - Accept
The editor has only received one expert opinion, and it is very positive. I apologize for the long delay in processing your paper. So far, I have only received one review. Instead of further delaying, I have decided to proceed based on the one review that has been submitted.

疯狂的SCI 2021-05-06

The journal has been improving, and now many international journals are organizing author exchange meetings. I have also attended an exchange meeting organized by this journal, and it was indeed helpful to learn some writing and submission techniques. I initially had little confidence in submitting, but to my surprise, I was accepted so quickly. I am truly delighted!

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