Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

苗喵喵 2023-03-06

I have already submitted my manuscript for a week. Why does it still show as "submitted to journal"?

xyzh 2023-03-05

My submission has changed from RRC to under review again, is it because there are conflicting comments from the first two reviewers and we need to seek a third arbitrator? Can any expert help clarify this?

zealliu 2023-02-27

Later it was resubmitted.

Strive! 2023-02-24

Feb 23, 2023 Under Review Unable to find reviewers

taylor1993 2023-02-23

Visited the journal again. There are still many reviewers for this submission. Tracked it on WeChat and it has been updated as "under review" for two consecutive days. On the first day, there were 2+ reviewers, and on the second day, there were also 2+ reviewers. It is estimated that there will be 3 to 5 reviewers, or even more.

Strive 2023-02-20

Through Track, I saw that one review has been completed and it will continue to be under review as of February 12, 2023.

超师傅 2023-02-18

Did you make the final modifications and resubmit it?

liang sen 2023-02-16

I have been waiting for nearly four months and there is still no progress. How can I urge for the submission?

liang sen 2023-02-16

It has been four months since the submission bonus, but there is still no feedback from the reviewers. Should I contact the editor-in-chief?

科研小白伢 2023-02-11

Hello, Boss Fang, haha!

hejiubihun 2023-02-09

The magazine is good, it is included in the top-tier journals of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The editor-in-chief has a very fast processing speed. The first review takes twenty-nine days, and the second review takes six days for acceptance. Thank you, editor-in-chief.

hejiubihun 2023-02-09

The magazine is good, it is classified as a top-tier journal by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the editor-in-chief responds quickly. The first review took 29 days, and the second review took 6 days for acceptance. Thank you, editor-in-chief.

小强 2023-02-04

Have you ever encountered a situation where an editor hopes for a resubmission after rejecting a submission?

eeee 2023-01-31

Hello! May I ask what "tack" means? How can I check the progress of an article through "tack"?

taylor1993 2023-01-21

The reason for rejection is that a reviewer said I found many excuses to avoid improving the quality of the paper.

zealliu 2023-01-20

The friend below suggests not recommending it.

mondy 2023-01-20

You are really fast!

mondy 2023-01-20

2022.11.18 submission;
2022.11.28 with editor;
Still with editor until now, according to the tracking information, reviewer 2+ has completed one review.
It has been almost 2 months since submission, it doesn't seem as fast as everyone said, can I send a reminder letter? Please advise!

yyloveresearch 2023-01-19

What is the reason for rejection? I submitted an article, and there are three reviewers. One reviewer has no objections and recommends acceptance. Another reviewer listed a bunch of irrelevant references and rejected it. The third reviewer provided some suggestions, but I don't know the outcome after revisions. I'm feeling anxious.

taylor1993 2023-01-19

Second article, rejected.

wangsen222 2023-01-15

My situation basically changes every 10 days, but I still don't have a reviewer. I took a risk and urged, but I was scolded by M.W. The general idea is that if I urge again, my submission will be rejected, and the issue has not been explained or resolved at all! This editor has a strong personality, so I suggest that others should not try to urge for their submissions.

shaoyx 2023-01-14

I also encountered the same situation. It took me two weeks to find the first reviewer, and now it has been over a month and I still only have one. The status changes about every 10 days, so I don't know if the editor is still looking for reviewers.

wangsen222 2023-01-13

Has anyone urged the manuscript? I have been submitting for a month, but I couldn't find any reviewers through the track service. Should I urge them or proactively provide a few reviewers?

Strive 2023-01-12

First submission, hoping for good luck.

zealliu 2023-01-10

Received an email in the evening on the 1.9, which provided three suggestions, mainly about modifying the images (without grids) and adjusting the format of the conclusions (avoiding lists). The suggestions were okay, so I plan to make the necessary changes and resubmit.

lamafreshman 2023-01-10

I did not allow to send an email to get comments, but the general idea is that it is necessary to modify the research methods to present the results better, and then recommend submitting to another journal.

zealliu 2023-01-09

Dear friends, have you ever encountered someone saying "I can't find enough reviewers, don't want to waste your time"?

zealliu 2023-01-09

Beijing time:
Submitted on the evening of January 3rd, with editor;
Rejected early on January 7th, contacted the managing editor at noon to obtain comments, but as of now (early morning of January 9th), no new email has been received. However, the comments from the editors and reviewers in the rejection letter state that they could not find a sufficient number of reviewers, and that they have not heard of anyone else encountering this situation. I don't know what's going on.

I've seen many people being rejected and contacting the editor on the same day or the next day, but I had to wait three days to receive an email with the "with editor" status. I don't know if they really couldn't find reviewers or if it's just a standard response. Before submitting, I actually took into consideration the advice from many people here, such as providing detailed explanations for the images and keeping the title under 10 characters, but I didn't meet the requirement of 1.5 line spacing. I don't know what the editor really means...

武当松下峰 2023-01-07

The speed is very fast, the first trial took twenty-eight days, the second trial took ten days and was directly accepted. Thank you, editor-in-chief.

wangsen222 2023-01-06

Article 6 regarding the modification of images, in addition to clarity, also requires adjustments to be made according to the template provided by him. This includes the positioning of subfigure numbers (a)\(b), as well as specific explanations of the image in the title.

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