Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

xuhuadong 2023-04-07

Replying to the previous comment, how is this tack achieved!

mondy 2023-04-06

Accepted after second review on April 6, 2023.
From submission to acceptance, it took 4 months and 20 days.

小强 2023-04-06

I'm not sure. I have resubmitted my rejected work, and I'm really worried about it being reviewed by the same expert who rejected it before.

痞子、研究僧 2023-04-05

Recently, the amount of submissions to this journal has been very high. Last year was my first time submitting, and it took a total of 9 days to receive a response! However, when I submitted again this year, it took about 10 days for the editor to process it. But it has been two weeks now, and a second reviewer has not been found. It's embarrassing.

xuhuadong 2023-04-05

It has been 7 days and it still hasn't reached the editor, I don't know what's going on.

donglei123 2023-04-05

Hello, may I ask if your status has changed? How long has it been since it changed? I have also submitted four days ago! There has been no change.

Anchor 2023-04-05

I also encountered this situation. May I ask which part of the content do you focus on when repairing it?

痞子、研究僧 2023-04-05

I am too. It's been half a month already, and during this period, I have made one edit update. However, it still needs to be reviewed by a reviewer. Will it get rejected?

小强 2023-04-03

Still haven't found the second reviewer. Any fellow students encountered this before?

Strive! 2023-03-28

It has been one month.

Jiangyq 2023-03-28

Submit the minor revisions three months after the submission, make the necessary modifications within approximately a week, and expect to receive them after a week or so.

taylor1993 2023-03-27

One Ye Zhou Zhou, how long does it take for the major revision editor to make modifications?

Lis 2023-03-27

I have been voting for five days already, and it still shows "submitted". What's going on?

Lis 2023-03-27

It has been five days since I submitted it, and it still shows "submitted". What's going on? Why is mine so slow?

一叶周周 2023-03-25

Editorial given for major revision, 3 reviewers, 1 major, 1 minor, 1 rejection.

xingjinbit 2023-03-24

The first SCI submission, hoping for a successful acceptance!

taylor1993 2023-03-22

Strive! Is your work a major revision or a minor revision? How much time does the editor need to make changes?

Strive! 2023-03-21

I also have three reviewers, their opinions are difficult.

taylor1993 2023-03-20

Major revision. Three reviewers.

taylor1993 2023-03-19

Received a decision letter in the evening, major revision.

taylor1993 2023-03-19

I have also encountered this situation. One possible reason is that there were more than 2 reviewers assigned, but only 2 opinions were received, resulting in an RRC (Revise and Resubmit with Changes) status. As the opinions from other reviewers were still pending, the system remained in the RRC status. However, the RRC time cannot exceed 8-9 days, so the status was changed to "under review". This situation does not involve conflicting opinions and arbitration, but rather an excessive number of reviewers. The editor initially intended to have multiple reviewers to obtain multiple opinions, so the decision would not be based solely on the two opinions received.

小强 2023-03-13

I have communicated with many classmates and teachers from different schools about this journal. It goes something like this: the chief editor has strict formatting requirements and every change must be made according to the requirements. When submitting for the first time, even if the content is average, it will still be reviewed. However, it seems that no matter what the revision suggestions are, the chief editor will reject the submission and ask you to make significant changes before resubmitting. This process may repeat several times (rejection), and only after that will it be reviewed again. The feedback will be given for revision after it comes back. So far, I haven't had any of my submissions accepted by this journal, but I'm already tired of being put through this. I hope everyone won't give up and keep going! Go, go, go!!!

小强 2023-03-13

Rejected, then revised multiple times, will it have a better chance of being approved after resubmission?

ccrhhu 2023-03-12

Brother, has the decision in process been rejected?

你有没有全力以赴 2023-03-10

According to WM's requirements, it is necessary to clearly state the innovation and high probability in the cover.

michaelgaoy 2023-03-07

Brother, what is your submission number?

XWTian 2023-03-07

xd, did you get any results?

苗喵喵 2023-03-07

decision in process. Probably not looking good.

热水 2023-03-07

I also made changes but didn't modify according to what he said. I didn't mention specific problems either. May I ask how you finally made modifications that were accepted? I feel like I made serious modifications except for grammar issues.

开心的打工人 2023-03-06

I also submitted to the journal a week ago. Judging from the manuscript number, it seems that there are too many submissions.

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