Verified Reviews - International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

111239 2022-06-29

After the RRC, it has been days since the decision. I wonder when the results of the first trial will be released.

科研飞猪 2022-06-28

My application was approved in the first week, but rejected in the second week.

科研飞猪 2022-06-28

My decision was also in the first week, and I was rejected in the second week.

Ryann 2022-06-28

Already submitted, with editor. Decision in Process after one week directly. Basically, it's not looking good, but it's been a whole week without any clear news. Too slow.

胖的跑不动 2022-06-28

It has been 12 days since the completion of the required reviews after the major renovation, and there is still no result. This is too slow. Anyway, please quickly provide a result. It has been delayed all along, and I don't know what the editor is doing. The revision process is painfully slow.

我是涛哥哥 2022-06-25

It's cooled down. The latest IF prediction for this magazine has reached 7.9. I think it will go higher. Dear experts, I'm temporarily withdrawing, but I will come back!

Mino1688 2022-06-23

It is estimated to be over, quickly switch to another option.

习习晚风薄毛裤 2022-06-20

My submission on June 8th was reviewed by an editor on June 10th, and now it has been 10 days without any updates. Also, how can I find out who the editor is?

我是涛哥哥 2022-06-16

What happened to the manuscript afterwards?

kunbaby 2022-06-16

I don't know how long it will take to submit.

sssss97 2022-06-16

My "under review" status has changed to "rrc" three times in total.

科研飞猪 2022-06-15

Have you received any news? It has been ten days since my decision.

科研飞猪 2022-06-15

Classmate, have you received any updates? After submitting my work with the editor, it went directly to "Decision in Process" and it has been 10 days already, but I haven't received any news.

jj01502 2022-06-15

My article was first completed under "under", but then it was revised again. The result was that only one reviewer's comments were received, providing four suggestions.

稚柒 2022-06-14

Hello, OP. Mine also went through major repairs and returned. After being "under" once, it was completed, but then went "under" again. Does it mean that a reviewer was added? Could it be that the original reviewer's comments were not satisfactory, and an additional reviewer made a ruling?

稚柒 2022-06-14

Hello classmate, may I ask if you have received your results? I am in the same state, feeling anxious.

easymint 2022-06-12

4.27 Submission
4.27 with editor
4.28 under review
5.31 required reviews completed
6.5 Major Revision
6.8 Revised and returned - with editor
6.11 Accepted
Thank you, Dr. Luo! Very efficient!

dalianwang 2022-06-10

I want to know, my classmate, have you received any results for your article? It has been five days since I made my decision, but I haven't received any news yet. I am very anxious.

Lily0707 2022-06-10

Wait for a sequel, it is still under review, and it is not known how long it will take.

dalianwang 2022-06-10

Classmate, how long does it usually take for the first review of your article to be in the "decision in process" status? Mine has been in this state for four days now, and I am feeling very anxious.

笃定倩 2022-06-10

2022.05.05 submitted
2022.05.08 with editor
2022.05.11 under review
2022.06.10 still under review
It has been a month and I still haven't received any feedback!

★枫☽★ 2022-06-09

2022.06.02 submission
2022.06.04 with editor
2022.0.08 decision in process
The submitted article involves the extraction and structural analysis of plant polysaccharides, as well as the evaluation of their antioxidant and hypoglycemic activities in vitro and in vivo. Feeling a bit worried about the outcome...

sunyu97 2022-06-06

I will be reviewed in two weeks.

陈小红红火火 2022-06-02

May I ask how your decision in process turned out?

陈小红红火火 2022-06-02

How are your results? I am also "with edite" and the decision is in process.

F0reverZN 2022-06-02

May I ask how many days after the editor are you going to dip? Thank you.

qjf1996 2022-06-02

What district does this magazine belong to now?

qjf1996 2022-06-02

Very fast, under review the next day after submission, major revisions given after a week, revised manuscript uploaded three days later, accepted overnight, very efficient, thumbs up.

dalianwang 2022-05-31

Same, reviews completed, under review again on the same day. I want to know, my classmate, how is your article now?

jj01502 2022-05-31

5.31 received

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