Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

阿邱 2022-03-17

Recently, I spent a week writing a paper to evaluate my professional title and submitted it to this prestigious journal. Surprisingly, it was accepted within a little over a month. However, now this journal is becoming more and more trashy.

The_PopCore 2022-03-14

It has been almost two months, still with the editor. I have reminded them once, but it didn't make much difference.

沐浴阳光 2022-03-13

From submission to acceptance, it took less than 4 months, a very smooth submission process.

Evilmark 2022-03-08

This is the timeline of my submission. Overall, the speed is acceptable. I value the innovation of the work and hope it can be helpful to everyone!

Deitch 2022-03-07

This journal started off quickly, but the first review process is extremely slow. It has been 7 months now and it is still in the first review stage.

地球人 2022-03-07

It has been almost two months, and there is still no news about the external review.

Reval 2022-03-05

This journal is slow, so be cautious when submitting.
Submitted on 12th October 2020.
Third review started on 26th February 2022. They said that they would accept it if I made some changes to the text.
There is a reviewer who is always very slow, and it always goes until the deadline.
I hope the final review is not until the deadline.

地球人 2022-03-03

I don't have any news now. It has been almost three months since the external review started, and I don't know when the results will be available.

哎呀我易 2022-03-01

The status of "Decision in Process" has not changed since January 22nd. This speed is too slow.

沐浴阳光 2022-02-28

How long did it take to complete the required review? One day?

Chris 2022-02-27

2022.2.26 Required Reviews Completed

柯西准则 2022-02-27

After my second review, I requested for revisions, and then I did not submit it for review again. Instead, I directly submitted it with the editor, and it has been in the "decision in process" status for a month now. Does anyone have a similar experience?

沐浴阳光 2022-02-23

It has been over three months since the investment, and the outcome is unknown.

LYY 2022-02-23

I have been waiting for almost 5 months, and the people who are waiting with me are going crazy.

longz 2022-02-18

It has been three months since I submitted, and there is no news at all.

lyj-LP 2022-02-11

Has there been any change in the status of your manuscript up until today?

lyj-LP 2022-02-11

May I ask if there is any news about your manuscript now?

lyj-LP 2022-02-10

I have been here for 44 days already, sigh.

Chris 2022-02-07

2022.1.14 Submit - Submitted on January 14, 2022.
2022.1.21 Under Review - Under review as of January 21, 2022.

Guass fuzzy 2022-01-28

It should not have been submitted for review. The editor rejected it for you.

zilong 2022-01-27

There is still no news until today.

superlulu 2022-01-26

Your proofreading speed is really fast. Do you have any news now?

zilong 2022-01-26

Hello. I would like to ask why my manuscript does not have the "required reviews complete" stage?

zilong 2022-01-26

2022.1.12 Under Review
2022.1.25 Decision in Process
Why is there no stage called "Required Reviews Complete"?

superlulu 2022-01-24

What changes are there now, my big brother? Did the journal reply? If it's useful, I'll also remind them.

gxy 2022-01-19

Hello, what is the situation now after you revise it?

sanlun 2022-01-18

Did the journal reply to you?

sanlun 2022-01-16

How long did the OP's decision in process status last?

sanlun 2022-01-14

I haven't reminded anyone yet (still a beginner). I just saw that someone maintained this status for a month before updating. If your reminder works, I will also give it a try.

ddddds 2022-01-14

This journal has always had relatively low efficiency. Urging for manuscripts is very effective. I have urged twice before, and they were both processed on the second or third day. If it still doesn't work, I will urge again.

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