Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

科研小青年嘿嘿 2022-06-07

May I ask if this journal submission must be in LaTeX?

lyj-LP 2022-06-07

"Decision in Process takes too long."

lana123456 2022-06-06

Record it.

Cfamine 2022-06-05

2022.5.30 submitted
2022.5.30 with editor
2022.6.04 under review


2022.5.30 submitted
2022.5.30 with editor
2022.6.04 under review

Pisc 2022-06-02

The first article has been recorded, but the second article has not yet been. However, based on my experience, this journal is not considered difficult.

lyj-LP 2022-06-02

Has it been hired now?

Pisc 2022-06-01

The first trial takes three months. The second trial takes six months. It's too random. B magazine is relatively easy to get published in. We must push for manuscript submission. Proven to be effective.

中SCI多多益善 2022-06-01

Hello, may I ask what is the plagiarism detection rate for this journal?

中SCI多多益善 2022-06-01

Hello, may I ask what is the plagiarism rate for this journal?

wangbeibei 2022-05-29

The first-instance dip has been going on for 3 weeks, I don't know why it is so slow.

学海无涯~祥哥 2022-05-27

It has been two months, and the first review is still in the "under review" state. The "under review" status has been updated several times during this period.

对不起,该用户昵称已被注册 2022-05-27

Latest news, dip41 returns in 41 days. Reviewers agree to accept it. The editor-in-chief requests text proofreading and compressing the references to within 50.

HellowS 2022-05-26

Salute to the boss, and wishing you well. It has been a month for me too.

What 2022-05-26

Brothers, it's been a month and it's still under review, is this normal?

对不起,该用户昵称已被注册 2022-05-26

It has been six weeks and DIP still remains.

longz 2022-05-22

I don't know. The corresponding author is a teacher, and the teacher helped with the submission. I can't see the status from my side.

XWZRBY 2022-05-22

The progress link of the manuscript review shows how many reviewers have accepted the review and how many people have provided feedback.

longz 2022-05-22

Please give me a break (I made a typo).

longz 2022-05-22

It has been six months, and there is no news at all. Please, I beg you, give me some closure.

WUYU2 2022-05-19

When I saw everyone waiting for a month, I felt relieved.

kongqm 2022-05-18

Excuse me, have you been asked to use Asheville's proofreading service?

Timotte 2022-05-18

Submitted the initial draft in February and was rejected in May. There were two reviewers, both of whom provided positive feedback, but also pointed out significant shortcomings, highlighting the areas where the article was most lacking during its initial writing.

Guass fuzzy 2022-05-17

The major revision did not satisfy the reviewer, so, of course, they will reject the submission...

lyj-LP 2022-05-14

Uh, one month...

HellowS 2022-05-14

Sorry, I made a mistake. I am NT.

HellowS 2022-05-14

Can you please clarify if it has been decided to record directly for a month?

Rach 2022-05-14

Received, decision in process for 30+ days. Please wait patiently.

lyj-LP 2022-05-12

My third review opinion has been returned "Decision in Process" for a day already. Uh uh uh, I hope I don't have to wait for another half a month.

lyj-LP 2022-05-12

My third review comments have come back. There has been no news since yesterday when it was "Decision in Process". Ugh, ugh, ugh, I hope I don't have to wait for another half month.

August 2022-05-12

There has been no news since April 15th regarding the ongoing decision-making process for the second trial.

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