Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

kaito 2022-04-15

2022 Situation:
03-06: Submitted
04-15: Under Review
05-13: Awaiting Reviewer Assignment
06-04: Awaiting Reviewer Scores
06-17: Awaiting AE Recommendation
06-29: Awaiting EIC Decision
07-06: Revise and Resubmit
09-16: Under Review
09-16: Awaiting Reviewer Assignment
09-20: Awaiting Reviewer Scores
10-18: Awaiting AE Recommendation
11-06: Awaiting EIC Decision
11-08: Revise and Resubmit
12-09: Under Review
12-10: Awaiting Reviewer Assignment
12-12: Awaiting Reviewer Scores
12-27: Awaiting AE Recommendation

DB_Lin 2022-04-12

So fast, I miss it.

今天评审意见返回了吗 2022-04-12

2022-01-11: Submission
2022-04-12: Under review
2022-04-25: Awaiting Reviewer Scores

whj8810 2022-04-09

Here's the translation of the text into English:

2022-01-11: Submitted
2022-01-27: Modified submission file PDF
2022-01-27 to 2022-03-16: Awaiting admin processing, AE assignment, under review by editor, reviewer assignment, etc.
2022-03-16 to present: Awaiting reviewers' scores
I don't know how much longer it will take to receive the first review information.

清风徐 2022-04-08

投 (tóu) in this context means "to submit" or "to make a bid."
Therefore, the translation of "2022年1月13号投" into English is "Submitted on January 13th, 2022."

清风徐 2022-04-08

Correcting it, it was submitted on January 13th, 2022.

清风徐 2022-04-08

Submitted on January 13th, 2021, the first round of review is nearing completion, and no feedback has been received yet. Recording it.
January 13th: Submitted, awaiting administrative processing.
January 20th: Awaiting assignment to the Associate Editor (AE).
February 8th: Under review.
February 22nd: Awaiting assignment to a reviewer.
March 2nd: Awaiting reviewer scores.
March 28th: Awaiting AE recommendation.
April 8th: Awaiting Editor-in-Chief (EIC) decision.

TUM 2022-04-07

Thank you for your reply. Today, the status has just been updated to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment," but I don't know if it will keep switching back and forth between "Under Review" and this status. I saw in the comments section that some people experienced this.

huangtao 2022-04-07

Submitted on September 10th, 2021.
First review comments returned on January 25th, 2022, with three reviewers: two major revisions and one strong agreement.
Major revisions returned on February 27th, 2022.
Second review comments returned on March 31st, 2022, accepted after minor revisions mainly focusing on grammar and spelling.
Accepted on July 7th, 2022.

想早日毕业 2022-04-05

Latest Progress:
27-02-2022 Awaiting Admin Processing
09-03-2022 Awaiting AE Assignment
04-04-2022 Under review

乌巴啦啦 2022-04-05

Damn, me too. After submitting, it was under review for a week, and then it became "awaiting reviewer assignment" for a day or two, and now it's back to "under review" again. It's only been two weeks since I submitted it, I submitted it on the 23rd, and now it's the second time under review.

DB_Lin 2022-04-05

Look at the latest comments... I originally wanted to reply to you, but ended up replying in the wrong place and started a new thread myself...

DB_Lin 2022-04-05

The first "under review" should be an internal review by the editor, and the assignment of reviewers will have "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment".

DB_Lin 2022-04-05

How are you? I have also been back and forth. It is under review for the fourth time.

TUM 2022-04-05

Excuse me, everyone. I submitted my paper on March 23rd, and on April 1st, the status was updated to "under review." Does this mean that they are currently searching for reviewers or does it mean that they have already found reviewers?

乌巴啦啦 2022-04-02

I made my first submission on March 2nd. On March 17th, my manuscript was rejected due to formatting issues. After resubmitting on March 23rd, it quickly entered the "under review" stage.

sunshinescu 2022-04-02

The OP is reviewing it too quickly. I have submitted my contribution for almost a month now, and it is still awaiting AE assignment.

乌巴啦啦 2022-04-02

I would like to ask, does "Under review" mean it has been sent for external review? I submitted my manuscript on March 23rd and it went under review last night.

Jundong 2022-03-31

Submitted on February 10, currently under review, no assigned reviewer yet, it is really slow.

wwbo 2022-03-31

It has been five months since submission, and there is still no response. It's really slow.

古罗马工程师 2022-03-31

Good brother, I also applied a week ago, and now it is still "Awaiting Admin Processing". How long does it usually take to be assigned to AE?

想早日毕业 2022-03-29

I applied at the end of February, it has been a month already, and it is still showing "Awaiting AE Assignment"....

早日毕业722 2022-03-28

Two reviewers, the first review takes 3 months, one rejection and one major revision, the editor gives a chance for modification; the second review takes 2 months, rejection becomes major revision, major revision becomes minor revision; the third review takes one month, major revision becomes minor revision, minor revision becomes acceptance; the fourth review is accepted. The process is too lengthy, but the reviewers are still quite responsible.

黑色闪电 2022-03-28

Oh, likes and dislikes can be manipulated, can only say this journal is good?
The journal is not bad, with such a high impact factor, but at least invite some professional reviewers!

黑色闪电 2022-03-28

Really? Someone actually stepped on this? I am quite unhappy about being rejected. I am seeking help to solve a system of nonlinear equations. I used the Jacobian linearization method, which is commonly used by everyone. I even referenced several articles that used this approach, including papers from this journal. So why is it that my hypothesis is incorrect?

黑魔王 2022-03-26

Normal phenomenon, don't make a big deal out of it.

黑色闪电 2022-03-26

Passed by the rejection that was dragged for half a year.

黑色闪电 2022-03-26

I couldn't help but take a look, and it kind of shattered my beliefs. Is this the so-called "relationship draft" that people talk about?

黑色闪电 2022-03-26

Four reviewers have only given a dozen opinions, which makes me envious. Each of my reviewers has given me a dozen opinions or questions.

黑色闪电 2022-03-26

Four reviewers, one minor revision, two major revisions, one rejection, and the final editor gives the rejection. The reviewer who rejected it clearly lacks expertise, questioning even the conversion of matrices using Jacobian linearization... Interestingly, the editor believed what he said made sense...

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