Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

黑色闪电 2022-03-26

Seven months of rejection, the reviewers are relatively unprofessional, and they cannot understand basic formulas...

逗比666 2022-03-26

Does the journal that publishes fraudulent research papers still care about its reputation?

逗比666 2022-03-23

The stolen image happens to come from an OA journal that some people look down upon... Anyway, I have no energy to comment anymore.
The stolen papers:
Zheng, Ling, et al. "A high-definition road-network model for self-driving vehicles." ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7.11 (2018): 417.
Zheng, Ling, et al. "Generation of lane-level road networks based on a trajectory-similarity-join pruning strategy." ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8.9 (2019): 416.
The author of the stolen image may have forgotten that there is a function called image search on Baidu...

黑魔王 2022-03-23

Awesome, go and learn from it.

逗比666 2022-03-23

Publishing a paper titled "Trajectory Tracking of Autonomous Vehicle Based on Model Predictive Control With PID Feedback," the authors are from Wuhan University of Technology and Wuhan University of Science and Technology. The experimental vehicle used is from Wuhan University. The image is extremely blurry and clearly a stolen image. It is unbelievable that such things can be published.

逗比666 2022-03-23

Indeed, any trash paper can be accepted as long as you have some intricate relationship with a top academic authority in China.

黑魔王 2022-03-23

It is really unnecessary to argue whether something is OA or not. I'm not saying that everything in this journal is rubbish, but there are indeed quite a few garbage articles. If you take a look yourself, you'll know. It's pointless for those who are engaged in scientific research to pretend to be ignorant while actually understanding.

whj8810 2022-03-22

How are you? Any news yet? How long does it take to receive a reply after it becomes "awaiting reviewers scores"? Thank you!

luckysj 2022-03-17

It has been two weeks for me, and I am still Awaiting AE Assignment.

bagba 2022-03-15

Boss, may I ask how many major repairs and minor repairs are involved in 中? Is it true that one rejection will lead to rejection?

bagba 2022-03-15

I submitted a special issue on graph-based machine learning at the end of November. I received a rejection notice this morning. There were five reviewers. Is there any peer experience to share? How should I write it? I previously submitted to an AI conference, but now I changed to submit to this journal.

乌巴啦啦 2022-03-13

I would like to ask, what is the situation when it takes more than ten days for a submission to be processed by the administrator?

爱吃柚子的AI 2022-03-09

I am also waiting for EIF's final opinion, hoping for an opportunity, as I am also a special issue. Is anyone here with expertise in the field of transportation and the application of graph networks?

乌巴啦啦 2022-03-08

Did you also invest recently? How is it going now? Can you add me as a friend? Let's learn from each other's experiences.

sunshinescu 2022-03-07

I have been submitting for eight days already, still awaiting admin processing, laugh cry.

乌巴啦啦 2022-03-07

special is a special issue, which seems to be quite tricky and some of them have time limitations. Special issues are often about soliciting contributions, and it seems easier to get in if you have a mentor or influential person supporting you. However, it is difficult to get in without such support, so generally people submit to regular issues.

zc12 2022-03-07

Brother, did you submit a special issue or a regular paper? What is the difference between the two? I submitted mine as a special issue.

乌巴啦啦 2022-03-07

Submitted on March 2nd, it has been 5 days and it is still Awaiting Admin Processing, sob sob.

zc12 2022-03-06

Brother, my paper has also been submitted as a special issue. What is the difference between a special issue and a regular paper? Does it belong to the main journal?

barbaraboy 2022-03-04

The number of accepted papers is quite large, but it is also within a reasonable range. TITS refers to transportation, and all articles related to the field of transportation can be submitted. Transportation is also one of the main battlefields for AI. The volume of submissions is too large, and each TR series has its own subdivisions. Many of them are rejected because they do not match the direction. Therefore, it is normal to have a low acceptance rate. This year, CVPR accepted over 2,000 papers, but it does not affect its position as the top conference in the field of computer vision.

清风徐 2022-02-27

May I ask how the original poster is doing now?

3606 2022-02-25

This is because early access articles are indexed in WOS based on online time, not publication time. IEEE TCYB TNNLS also experienced a significant increase in the number of accepted papers in 2021. In fact, this is the true acceptance situation for several transactions, considering the astonishing number of submissions. It's just that WOS has changed its calculation method, so how could it affect reputation?

Carpenter 2022-02-24

In 2021, SCI directly accepted over 1300 papers, fully exposing the acceptance rate. Based on the inclusion situation in 2022, it is estimated that around 1400 papers will be accepted each year in the future. Will this lead to a significant decline in reputation?

wwbo 2022-02-23

It has been over three and a half months since submission, and it is currently in the "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" status. In general, how long does it usually take to receive the first review result?

wangyuhao1995 2022-01-21

I also submitted for the special issue. How did you end up being a regular paper in the end?

3606 2022-01-20

One round takes about 3 months. After the major revisions, the paper was directly accepted. There were a total of 4 reviewers and dozens of comments. After carefully revising, the quality of the article has indeed improved significantly. I am very happy to be able to publish the paper in a top-tier journal in my field. I hope everyone can have good luck as well.

Charlie Yang 2022-01-20

This morning I received a notification that I have been accepted as a regular paper, but I need to make some minor grammar revisions. It seems that the notification may not strictly follow the time stated in the Call for Papers (CFP). Wishing all friends a happy new year and a lot of achievements!

lechen 2022-01-18

First review, just went from "awaiting reviewer assignments" to "awaiting reviewers scores." It feels like it will take another two months?

super_xing 2022-01-17

The Regular paper I submitted is awaiting reviewers' scores, which should take about 2 months. I think this journal is usually quite punctual with their timing.

musket 2022-01-17

May I ask you whether you submitted a special issue or just a regular paper?

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