Verified Reviews - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

被拒稿yyds 2022-07-08

Posted on June 15th
Awaiting reviewers scores on July 7th

蜚声 2022-07-07

I also submitted it, it has been 20 days, but I haven't found a reviewer yet.

蜚声 2022-07-07

I also voted, it has been 20 days, and we still haven't found a reviewer.

RC_SJTU 2022-07-07

I voted, can we chat?

蜚声 2022-07-07

Has it been 20 days and still EIC: Luo, Ren ADM: Jess, Lisa ADM: Luo, Ren Awaiting AE Assignment?

dmax 2022-07-07

Excuse me, sir, is your co eic Luo Ren? I've been waiting for my co eic for over a week now, and still haven't received any results... I'm mentally exhausted.

taro3144 2022-07-07

Excuse me, do you have any information on investing in Digital Twin for Industrial Internet of Things? Can we become friends and chat about it?

LuoMR 2022-07-06

May I ask for a major revision?
Two reviewers agree.
One reviewer asked me to modify the figures and labels.
Then, they asked me to compare four articles, including two reviews and one unrelated article.
If the fourth article can reproduce the experiment, does it increase the chance of acceptance?
Also, why are there four articles published that are not very relevant to my method?

wenqiqiu 2022-07-06

After the co-editor-in-chief, the paper results were sent by email on the same day. The AE gave a minor revision, so there shouldn't be any problems. Just polish it up a bit.

蜗牛冒个泡 2022-07-05

The translation of the text is: "My current status is Awaiting AE Recommendation. Wish me good luck."

taro3144 2022-07-05

Do you have "Awaiting AE Recommendation"?

wenqiqiu 2022-07-04

7.4 is the result of awaiting a co-EIC (Editor-in-Chief) decision.

taro3144 2022-07-03

When did you submit the manuscript?

审稿人 2022-07-03

7.3---awaiting reviewer scores

I give up, I give up.

slli 2022-07-02

Hello everyone, TII has given a major revision. Can we only reply to the reviewer's comments in the "Your Response" box, or can we also add additional comments addressing the reviewer's suggestions?

jb2849 2022-06-30

After more than 20 days, my "assign additional reviewers" changed back to "assign reviewers". Does anyone know what happened?

蜚声 2022-06-29

I haven't found a reviewer for my editing in these 10 days.

被拒稿yyds 2022-06-27

Why does the assignment of additional reviewers keep happening repeatedly? Could it be that the previous reviewers did not accept the review?

erhgu8 2022-06-27

How long did you wait for the EIC decision?

Zzc 2022-06-27

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

2022/01/17 Submitted Awaiting Co-EIC Assignment

2022/01/21 Awaiting AE assignment

2022/01/25 Assigning Reviewers

2022/01/30 Assign additional Reviewers

2022/02/05 Assigning Reviewers

2022/02/11 Assign additional Reviewers

2022/02/13 Assigning Reviewers

2022/02/24 Assign additional Reviewers

2022/04/11 Email to Lisa

2022/04/14 Awaiting Review Scores

2022/06/20 Awaiting AE recommendation

2022/06/27 Major revision

Three reviewers provided some comments. Is there a high chance of major revision in the first round?

erhgu8 2022-06-26

Why does it take so long to submit for review after the revisions are made?

wenqiqiu 2022-06-26

I am a major revision on 3/29;
Then resubmitted on 5/9;
Awaiting review score on 6/26;
Minor revisions on 7/18, selecting reviewer the same night.

科研旺星人 2022-06-25

Generally, EIC does not respond to appeals. At that time, I urged Lisa to help me push the editor-in-chief, and she pushed him several times. Finally, the editor-in-chief responded to my appeal in the third week, but rejected it and no longer considered it.

被拒稿yyds 2022-06-24

You are so fast at reviewing and providing feedback!

被拒稿yyds 2022-06-24

Your review comments are so fast! Impressive!

弓小张 2022-06-23

AE and the editor-in-chief handled it very promptly. There were 5 reviewers and 2 major revisions. Here is my record for reference:

2021-11-12: Submitted
2021-11-18: Awaiting review scores
2022-12-24: Major revision
2022-02-01: Submitted
2022-02-06: Awaiting reviewer scores
2022-04-01: Awaiting co-editor-in-chief decision
2022-04-02: Major revision
2022-04-27: Submitted
2022-05-05: Awaiting reviewer scores
2022-05-12: Awaiting co-editor-in-chief decision
2022-05-16: Accept

被拒稿yyds 2022-06-22

Thank you, the processing speed of this journal is really fast.

erhgu8 2022-06-22

Assigning an additional reviewer is a good thing, as it indicates that the process of inviting reviewers is progressing quickly. The duration of assigning an additional reviewer may be longer, but once it becomes the "Awaiting Review Scores" status, it means that the reviewer invitation is complete and there are enough reviewers willing to review. Just be patient and wait for the results. So, in your current status, you are still in the stage of finding reviewers, just wait for it.

被拒稿yyds 2022-06-22

Are you all two ADMs? I have two ADMs: Jess and Lisa, and one more ADM: Luo Ren. It feels like it hasn't been long since we added additional reviewers, does that mean we might get rejected? Only 7 days have passed and they have already assigned reviewers, and now they are assigning additional reviewers.

被拒稿yyds 2022-06-22

Posted on June 15, 2022, additional reviewers were added on June 22, 2022. It feels strange...

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