Verified Reviews - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

abelard 2022-09-26

Waiting for EIC Decision, it has been 7 days and there is still no result.

abelard 2022-09-24

Yes, in the text, do not include any information about the author or reveal anything about the author.

Lebron_wanisa 2022-09-24

When you submit, do you also hide the author's name? Thank you for your guidance!

Lebron_wanisa 2022-09-24

May I ask why the journal's homepage shows single-blind, while I see many comments mentioning double-blind?

abelard 2022-09-24

Waiting for EIC Decision on the fifth day, there is still no result, expected within a week.

abelard 2022-09-23

On the fourth day, there is still no result awaiting EIC Decision.

abelard 2022-09-20

It has already become "Awaiting EIC Decision", and "Awaiting AE recommendation" has been ongoing for 20 days.

SkYoung 2022-09-20

I have also been Awaiting AE Recommendation for over half a month. I submitted at the end of January, got rejected and resubmitted at the end of April, and resubmitted again at the end of June.

sdx2199 2022-09-20

Hello, do you have any news right now?

ghostvss 2022-09-17

Did you finally hire them? After my major, I kept switching between selecting reviewers and waiting for reviews. What's going on?

abelard 2022-09-14

It has been three and a half months since submission, and it has been half a month since awaiting AE (Associate Editor) recommendation. What is the situation?

zzq# 2022-09-14

Excuse me, everyone. Should the modified parts in the resubmitted rejected manuscript be marked?

surprise_z 2022-09-13

submitted: 2022.09.13 Awaiting Co-EIC Assignment
Awaiting AE Assignment: 2022.09.15
Assign additional Reviewers: 2022.09.23
Awaiting Review Scores: 2022.10.03
Major revision: 2022.11.06
Re-submission: 2022.12.18
Accept: 2022.12.29

一定能中的 2022-09-11

Is the original poster still submitting? This is my first major revision, and according to the requirements, I was given a rejection to resubmit. I don't want to submit again. It has already taken 8 months...

Lebron_wanisa 2022-09-10

May I ask if there will be a reassignment of reviewers after resubmission?

sdx2199 2022-09-06

Do not show author information.

红璃音 2022-09-05

Does everyone include the author's name in the reply letter for returns? If so, wouldn't the editor-in-chief be able to see the author's information, or is it the case that the editor-in-chief of TII journal can already see the author's information?

DoctorWho123 2022-09-04

The same thing, the first time was rejected and resubmitted, the second time only one reviewer had a small problem, which was easily corrected, but it was still rejected and needs to be resubmitted.

Miro_ 2022-09-04

OP, shake hands. I am similar to you. I submitted in May last year and went through resubmission, major revision, and minor revision. I had no issues with the minor revisions, only had to change the language. It has been over three months since I submitted it again, and I am still looking for reviewers. I can't understand it either. Keep up the good work, OP!

伴你高飞 2022-09-04

Really garbage editing. Brothers, let me share my submission experience. I submitted in June 2021 and went through multiple resubmissions, major revisions, minor revisions, and editing. Then, I even had to find two reviewers again, one of whom provided minor revisions. On September 4, 2022, I received a rejection and was asked to resubmit. There was only one issue with the minor revision. It's really incomprehensible that even the minor revisions were rejected. Although I can still make modifications based on the current result, the editor is really unprofessional. I'm so exhausted. Update: Finally, it got rejected. The conference paper was also accepted at IEEE ICC. Sigh, it took two years.

Mitch 2022-09-02

This website contains relevant content.

吞金的喵喵喵 2022-09-01

The initial submission requirements for journals can be seen here:
(Note: I originally intended to reply to another comment, but accidentally posted it as a review. I have not yet found a way to delete it, only found the option to edit it.)

LuoMR 2022-08-31

2022-08-31 accept

Do we need to submit the final version? Is there anyone who knows the detailed steps? Can I add you as a friend and ask for advice?

TheShine 2022-08-31

May I ask where to find the page requirements for the article? I couldn't find it on the official website.

LuoMR 2022-08-29

2022.8.29 Awaiting Co-EIC Decision

Translation: We are waiting for the Co-EIC (Co-Editor-in-Chief) decision.

Miro_ 2022-08-26

Little repair returned to review for three months, but the results have not yet come back. During this time, it has taken a month and a half to find new reviewers, but still haven't found any. Has anyone encountered a similar situation? The previous round of review comments mentioned language and format revisions. Is it possible to face unfavorable outcomes?

Bayesian Slave 2022-08-23

@Under the moonlight, what are you wandering about? Why are you being so weird? Is it because life is not going well here?

Bayesian Slave 2022-08-23

I have spent two months searching for reviewers for both the first and second reviews.

月光下徜徉 2022-08-23

Hehe, is the water post refreshing?

科研之路漫漫 2022-08-20

Have you come back? It has been two months and I am still looking for a reviewer.

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