Verified Reviews - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

TII_qq_Group主 2022-10-22

Click on my name, and I will share the specific details with you.

SCI点评专家 2022-10-20

I don't know what happened, but it took such a long time, and I consulted Lisa twice during the second review...

来自深海的小鲤鱼 2022-10-20

To be honest, you have a high probability of winning.

SCI点评专家 2022-10-20

The first review yielded RR (revise and resubmit) with feedback from three reviewers, all of whom provided positive comments.

SCI点评专家 2022-10-20

A manuscript has been submitted for 16 months now, with a first review process of 6 months, followed by 2 months of revisions, and it has been over 8 months for the second review, and they are still in the process of selecting reviewers. I am truly frustrated.

bigbigpang 2022-10-20

Recently, the speed has been very slow. Awaiting AE Assignment has been ongoing for over a week.

lomoo_15 2022-10-19

2022.10.19 Awaiting Co-EIC Assignment
2022.10.20 Awaiting AE Assignment
2022.10.26 Assigning Reviewers
2022.11.05 Assign additional Reviewers
2022.11.18 Assigning Reviewers
2022.11.20 Assign additional Reviewers
2022.12.02 Awaiting Review Scores
2022.12.28 Awaiting AE Recommendation
2023.01.09 Major Revision
2023.02.18 Inviting Reviewers
2023.02.20 Waiting for Reviews
2023.02.20 Awaiting Review Scores
2023.03.03 Awaiting AE Recommendation
2023.03.03 Accept for Final Submission


2022.10.19 Awaiting Co-EIC Assignment
2022.10.20 Awaiting AE Assignment
2022.10.26 Assigning Reviewers
2022.11.05 Assign additional Reviewers
2022.11.18 Assigning Reviewers
2022.11.20 Assign additional Reviewers
2022.12.02 Awaiting Review Scores
2022.12.28 Awaiting AE Recommendation
2023.01.09 Major Revision
2023.02.18 Inviting Reviewers
2023.02.20 Waiting for Reviews
2023.02.20 Awaiting Review Scores
2023.03.03 Awaiting AE Recommendation
2023.03.03 Accept for Final Submission

XWZRBY 2022-10-17

Ah! It's been 3 months already, and finally finished finding the reviewers. The status has changed to "Awaiting Review Scores" now.

审稿人 2022-10-13

Awaiting AE Recommendation. It has been 40 days... It's a mess, it's a mess.

TII_qq_Group主 2022-10-12

Click my name and I will share my experience with TII.

XWZRBY 2022-10-12

Can you please tell me if urging for a manuscript is effective? It has been three months already, and we still haven't found a suitable reviewer.

bigbigpang 2022-10-12

The text "submit 12-Oct-2022" is already in English.

Bea 2022-10-11

Rejection and Resubmission - Minor Revision - Minor Revision - It has been one month now, still awaiting Reviewer Scores, no news yet. Does anyone know what's going on?

TII_qq_Group主 2022-10-10

You are so responsible as an AE. My AE always delays for 2 weeks.

MarkIII 2022-10-10

Your AE is so efficient, click me to discuss the same name.

msharpwang 2022-10-10

In the handover state, the current time has clearly been delayed for more than one month.

msharpwang 2022-10-10

Accepted, can make corresponding modifications, submit final, and discuss together.

reedM 2022-10-10

Timeline as follows:
07-Feb-2022 Submitted
17-Feb-2022 Assigning Reviewers
28-Mar-2022 Reject & Resubmit
23-May-2022 Resubmission
14-Aug-2022 Major revision
09-Sep-2022 Resubmission
26-Sep-2022 Awaiting AE Recommendation
08-Oct-2022 Awaiting Co-EIC Decision
09-Oct-2022 provisionally accepted

reedM 2022-10-10

The timeline is as follows:
07-Feb-2022 Submitted
17-Feb-2022 Assigning Reviewers
28-Mar-2022 Reject & Resubmit
23-May-2022 Resubmission
14-Aug-2022 Major revision
09-Sep-2022 Resubmission
26-Sep-2022 Awaiting AE Recommendation
08-Oct-2022 Awaiting Co-EIC Decision
09-Oct-2022 provisionally accepted

bigbigpang 2022-10-09

Hello, can you share the timeline with me?

reedM 2022-10-09

Hi, fellow researchers. May I ask if "provisionally accepted" in TII means accepted? Also, one reviewer has comments, but the editor's email did not mention what to do, only mentioning the guidelines for submitting the final paper. Should I still reply to the reviewer's comments? Thank you!

msharpwang 2022-10-09

The journal review process has slowed down, and Lisa can't handle it now.

ssjj123 2022-10-06

Mine is also like this, posted on July 19th, and now it has already jumped 4 times between this.

sdx2199 2022-10-03

May I ask, when you submit the final version, how should the LaTeX source files be placed? Should they all be in one folder? Should the final submission be in a compressed file or a folder?

勤劳的松松xi 2022-09-30

I have been searching for a reviewer for 6 months now. My mentor does not allow me to rush, it's frustrating...

XWZRBY 2022-09-29

I don't know much about it, you can search for papers in this journal to take a look.

辉儿 2022-09-29

Hello, I want to ask, is it necessary for this journal to have experiments or practical applications? Can simulation verification be accepted?

XWZRBY 2022-09-28

Ah! It's too slow. It has been over two months and we still haven't found enough reviewers. We have gone back and forth with assigning reviewers and assigning additional reviewers for 3 or 4 rounds.

Clark Mark 2022-09-28

2022/09/07 waiting for reviews (submit revised draft)
2022/09/13 awaiting review scores
2022/09/23 awaiting associate editor recommendation
2022/09/26 awaiting co-editor-in-chief decision
2022/09/27 minor revision

红璃音 2022-09-28

May I ask if the TII journal supports dual correspondence?

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