Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

zzr123456 2022-06-01

The two decisions were both made within a day or so.

sll 2022-06-01

Good luck with your decision. How long have you been with the editor?

zzr123456 2022-06-01

2022.3.1 submit
2022.4.1 minor revision
2022.4.16 submit
2022.5.16 accept

热心市民Z先生 2022-05-31

Brother, I also submitted my work again after rejection. If you receive your results, please let me know. Thank you~

sll 2022-05-31

2021.12.17 submit
2022.1.10 reject and resubmit with 6 reviewers
2022.5.10 resubmit
2022.5.31 with editor for decision
Anxiously waiting for the email... praying, praying, praying...
The review process has been quite fast, both reviews took a little over twenty days... praying.

Pola_RSA 2022-05-25

No confirmation is required. Generally, the corresponding author is assumed to be the submitter by default. However, if you have indicated otherwise in the paper, the final publication will still be based on your designation as the corresponding author.

SJDT 2022-05-20

TGRS is a well-established top journal in the field of remote sensing. The majority of important papers in the field of microwave remote sensing are published in this journal. There are also some computer-related papers, particularly in the field of deep learning, but they need to be related to remote sensing or at least to geosciences. In my field, it is quite challenging to get published in this journal, but there is also an element of luck involved in the submission process.

wang_xw 2022-05-20

Excuse me, is this journal difficult? I noticed that this journal has fewer computer-related papers.

wang_xw 2022-05-20

May I ask what is the requirement for theoretical depth in this journal? Is it difficult?

善良的T-Bag 2022-05-19

2021.12.31 Submitted
2022.3.19 Minor revision
2022.4.12 Submitted after modification
2022.5.12 Accepted
2022.5.18 Early access

心江 2022-05-19

Excuse me, master, does this journal require the corresponding author to confirm the submission information before sending it for review?

Pola_RSA 2022-05-15

Submission in February, minor revisions suggested within two months. One reviewer had no major comments and approved the research content. The other reviewer provided many suggestions for expanding the research. After carefully responding to the second reviewer, we explained the scope of our research and once again emphasized the feasibility of future expansions. After revising for over half a month, both reviewers directly agreed to accept the paper.
For remote sensing theory research, being able to publish a paper in TGRS is also a form of recognition.
For TGRS, the difficulty in downloading is still a significant issue.

ppluto 2022-05-10

The first submission went quite smoothly, and it took a little over three months to receive a response. The main factor was still the efficiency of the reviewers.

就叫昵称 2022-05-05

Four reviewers, one month for minor revisions. The minor revisions were sent back and accepted within two weeks, very fast speed. The search is also much faster than before.

freeman123 2022-05-04

From submission to acceptance, it went through major revisions and minor revisions, lasting for seven months. The questions raised were sharp and to the point!

junxingzao 2022-04-28

May I ask you a question? Does the TGRS journal accept corresponding authors or co-first authors?

热心市民Z先生 2022-04-24

I asked the editor, and he said that there aren't many people willing to review. Currently, we have already received two review reports and are hoping to receive a new one. Can someone help me answer whether these two returned review reports are inconsistent? If they are inconsistent, should I accept one and reject the other, or should I consider one for major revisions and the other for minor revisions? I guess, it seems like TGRS does not lack papers, so if one of the two review reports is a rejection, they will directly reject my paper without waiting for a third review report, is that right?

freeman123 2022-04-21

Recently, this journal is really difficult and slow. It has been almost two months and the minor revisions haven't been returned yet.

唐唐不爱吃糖 2022-04-20

May I ask how many words are generally required for plagiarism check? Does it include or exclude the reference materials?

学术喳喳 2022-04-19

Submit in January 2022, major on February 24th, resubmit on April 2nd, accept on April 14th. This efficiency is really impressive.

上岸 2022-04-08

Thank you for your reply, absorb your good luck.

路灯の闪闪 2022-04-06

Upstairs, it was received on the same day.

上岸 2022-04-06

How long did you receive the plagiarism check result?

路灯の闪闪 2022-04-05

Submitted in early October 2021, the plagiarism check failed and the paper was rejected. It was resubmitted at the end of October after revisions. Received a notice for minor revisions at the end of December 2021, and the revised version was sent back after two weeks. Received another notice for minor revisions on New Year's Day 2022, and the revised version was sent back after two weeks. Accepted in early March 2022.

There were two reviewers, both gave minor revisions. Reviewer 1 had many questions, but they were all professional, and they even praised some well-written parts. Very grateful for that. Reviewer 2 only had a few very minor issues, and then agreed to accept the paper. Thank you very much! It was my first time submitting to TGRS, and it felt great! It would be even better if the review process could be faster, as I'm in a hurry to use it for graduation.

202106QBY 2022-03-12

Posted in June 2021. Received first feedback in August and made major revisions.
Returned after revisions in November 2021, and received second round of major revisions one month later.
Returned after revisions in January 2022, and received third round of major revisions by the end of January.
Returned after revisions in February 2022, and accepted in early March.

Kaiiiii 2022-02-26

Posted in early August 2021, received first feedback in early November. Three reviewers, two minor revisions, one major revision. Finally, the editor gave approval for the minor revisions. After two weeks, made the necessary modifications and submitted again. After one month, received the second round of feedback. Two reviewers accepted the changes, but one still had some questions. The editor seemed unsatisfied with the response letter and modifications, and requested major revisions. On December 30th, returned with the second round of modifications, and on February 22nd, 2022, received acceptance.

RS渣 2022-02-22

2021.10.19 Submission
2021.12.16 Major revision, the comments from the reviewers were very positive.
2022.1.24 Revised
2022.2.22 Accepted

Overall, it went quite smoothly as the positive comments from the reviewers resulted in a short submission-to-acceptance timeline.

Jun_moxiao 2022-01-15

Received major revisions one month after submission, made revisions and submitted them within a month, and the editor-in-chief accepted them in less than a month. The speed is still very fast. The article has relatively high requirements for innovation.

tutuwei 2022-01-13

I would like to ask, do we still need to send the minor revision for external review? It has been almost a week since the minor revision was returned, but it seems that no specific editor has been assigned (there is only one person in ADM). I wonder what the situation is.

sunny0111 2021-12-31

Submitted on 10.28, there is currently no review result, it has been under review all along.

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