Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

liasuka 2022-10-05

The review process is fast, and the results are generally given within a month. If the submission is rejected for the first time, it can be resubmitted after revision, and the results will be given within a month - major revision. There were a total of 5 reviewers this time. Accepted within another month.

hailanyi 2022-10-02

The first time submitting to this journal, the most impressive thing was the extremely fast review speed. Although it underwent a major revision, I am still very happy that my research, which I consider quite valuable, was ultimately accepted.

First submission date: May 22, 2022
Received major revision comments for the first review: June 30, 2022
Revised submission date for the first review: July 5, 2022
Acceptance date: August 26, 2022

兄弟萌,冲啊! 2022-09-27

First submission date: 23-Apr-2022
Received comments for major revision from the first reviewer on: 23-Jul-2022
Revised according to the first reviewer's comments on: 26-Jul-2022
Received comments for major revision from the second reviewer on: 21-Aug-2022
Revised according to the second reviewer's comments on: 22-Aug-2022
Acceptance date: 26-Sep-2022
Went through multiple reviewers back and forth, luckily, the luck was good.

jorwnpay 2022-09-26

2022.09.25 With Editor for Decision - 2022.09.25 Accepted!!!
End, celebrate with flower shower!

cnn123 2022-09-15

May I ask if you need to provide code?

cunz 2022-09-14

Submitted on 7.08, still no news now
Not sure if it's normal.

Katherine_Di 2022-09-13

2022.06.15 First submission (English rejected, did not use grammar check software)
2022.06.21 Second submission
2022.07.21 Rejection with encouragement to resubmit (First reviewer found it acceptable, third reviewer found issues with my algorithm, editor considered and gave rejection)
2022.08.05 Third submission
2022.09.06 Minor revisions
2022.09.09 Fourth submission
2022.09.13 Accepted

兄弟萌,冲啊! 2022-09-13

The code is originally open-source, but open-sourcing is not mandatory.

cnn123 2022-09-13

Do you need to provide the code?

兄弟萌,冲啊! 2022-09-12

May early submission, mid-June reject and resubmit
July early return, mid-August major revision
Same day return, early September minor revision
Same day return, mid-September accept
In the process of review, the reviewer re-ran the experiment and compared the results, showing a positive attitude.

Hilbert Space 2022-09-10

May I ask how long after proof will the payment be made? After publication?

Furniture 2022-09-07

Why hasn't it been proven in 4 days?

andaer 2022-09-06

8.09: Submission
-----Underwent major and minor revisions
3.30: Accepted

smile丶mio 2022-09-04

Last year, I had a similar experience. I approached around seven or eight people, but only two were willing to review the manuscript. Then, I waited for their response.

Hilbert Space 2022-09-03

The speed is very fast, thanks to TGRS. Next stop is TPAMI.

xihuRS 2022-09-03

7.08 submit & Undergoing Review
8.31 I sent an email to the editor asking about the status, and the editor said it was difficult to find reviewers. Most of them have declined, but they have already received two sets of review comments and the associate editor is handling them.
9.03 Still Undergoing Review
I now strongly suspect that the editor's reply to me was a template, hahah

Hilbert Space 2022-09-01

How long does it usually take to receive the proof after acceptance?

Furniture 2022-09-01

9.1 accept in English means to agree to receive or take something that is offered or given.

Hihihi 2022-08-30

Still undergoing review status

Furniture 2022-08-30

7.10 submit - Submit on October 7th
8.12 minor - Minor on August 12th
8.30 resubmit - Resubmit on August 30th

一直特立独行的猫 2022-08-29

The text "2022.8.29 with editor for decision" is already in English.

一直特立独行的猫 2022-08-29

2022.8.29 With Editor for Decision

This text is already in English and does not require translation.

北望天狼_plus 2022-08-28

Excuse me, have you returned this?

北望天狼_plus 2022-08-26

Are there any rejections of initial reviews in the past two months?

热心市民Z先生 2022-08-25

Yes, it's possible. More than two is also possible.

yuan_328 2022-08-25

May I ask the seniors if TGRS can support dual communication?

一直特立独行的猫 2022-08-09

2022.7.28 Submission

wnan 2022-08-06

May I ask how long it takes to retrieve using Web of Science after utilization?

Hihihi 2022-08-01

07.17 Submit & Undergoing Review translates to "July 17th, Submitted and Currently Under Review" in English.

GoodLuck 2022-07-21

Two months have passed, and it has definitely been submitted for review. TGRS is still quite fast, but recently it has been difficult to find reviewers. Tonight, there will be an edit decision.

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