Verified Reviews - Fuel
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

有个梦想想投fuel 2021-05-10

Is the person you're referring to an Italian editor?

wasds 2021-05-09

2021.04.09 submitted
2021.04.10 with editor
2021.04.11 under review
2021.04.14 under review
2021.05.03 required reviews completed
2021.05.04 required reviews completed
Currently, it is still required reviews completed.
The submission was sent directly for review by the editor, but it has not been processed yet. It is possible that there are still reviewers who have not responded, probably three by now.

一壶酒 2021-05-08

After the modification on 4.11, it was submitted again. However, the current time still shows 4.29. I am anxious and afraid about the graduation-required thesis...

DALLER 2021-05-05

The recently submitted paper has also been sent to the Italian editor Pietro Bartocci. It seems that he is taking a long time to handle the comments... How many reviewers does he usually send it to?

yydd 2021-04-28

The paper has been accepted for three days now. The columns "Date Final Disposition Set" and "Final Disposition" on the submission system are still blank, and I haven't received an email from the production team yet. Previously, my papers were updated on the same day. Has anyone experienced a similar situation?

lsxq 2021-04-28

Received a few days ago.

小源 2021-04-27

4.15 submit. It is currently under review. How can I know how many reviewers there are?

yydd 2021-04-27

2021-4-26: accept

yydd 2021-04-24

2021-2-27: submitted
2021-4-14: revise (1 major revision, 1 minor revision) Associate Editor Jillian Lang Goldfarb, Ph.D.
2021-4-18: revision submitted (working overtime to make modifications)
2021-4-23: second revise (the reviewer was not satisfied with the modification to a specific issue and requested a minor revision)
2021-4-23: revision submitted (waiting for the outcome)

让人头秃 2021-04-23

April 22, finally submitted for review!!!

goodjob 2021-04-22

What is the general idea of the reply?

ky-小白 2021-04-19

It will take about two days.

Tsai 2021-04-19

Excuse me, everyone, how long do we have to wait for the status "Submitted to Journal"?

章胖胖同学 2021-04-19

May I ask how you obtained the information about how many reviewers were invited and how many accepted the review?

让人头秃 2021-04-19

I feel like this editor is accumulating the manuscripts and processing them all at once when they reach a certain quantity. The length of time it takes to process the manuscripts depends on luck, hahaha.

lsxq 2021-04-19

Italian editor, on April 7th, the status of the second review changed to "required reviewers completed." Today, it remains "required reviewers completed." Has anyone's manuscript been processed by this editor after April 7th? Curious if he has been consistently not handling the editing work for Fuel.

smilethu 2021-04-18

I am also the Italian editor.
2021.03.23 submitted
2021.03.25 with editor
2021.04.04 under review, invited 9 reviewers, 5 accepted the review.
2021.04.13 required reviews completed
2021.04.14 required reviews completed. Three opinions were returned.
Currently, it is still required reviews completed.

让人头秃 2021-04-18

I submitted my previous work for review after 23 days!!!!

Kliek_618 2021-04-18

I'm also frustrated. While others take only a few days, my Italian manuscript has been waiting for review for over two weeks. It seems like online reviews are indeed real.

让人头秃 2021-04-18

Okay! The third issue of FUEL has been delivered to the Italian editor Pietro Bartocci. It looks like it will take many more days before it is ready for review!

ky-小白 2021-04-17

Is it a bit too fast for an external auditor to give results in 7 days? Now, if Fuel rejects a submission from an external auditor, it is possible to reject it, which is not good!

Energy007 2021-04-16

How does it compare with CST? And what about energy? In the field of combustion, which one is more recognized?

Energy007 2021-04-16

The reviewer is being slow and hesitant. The editor is doing a great job.

小虾米 2021-04-16

Excuse me, is the reason for the next review taking more than two months because there are more reviewers?

V逐梦之光V 2021-04-16

In the field of combustion, it is one of the publications second only to CNF and PCI. The work is novel with a considerable workload, and the review process is very fast. Friends working on combustion-related topics can communicate together.

Energy007 2021-04-16

2 months for repairs, the Japanese editor is very good, hoping for good luck. Keep going!

湛蓝 2021-04-14

Excuse me, has the editor given the result?

分子动力学 2021-04-13

After four months of the first review, it was directly rejected, and I received two neutral comments. I completely feel that the reviewer did not understand the article, and there is no hope.

让人头秃 2021-04-02

Brother, has the editor made a decision for you?

walkingsnail 2021-04-01

The first change in status should have occurred when at least 2 review comments were received. After each subsequent update, there has been at least one reviewer who has returned their comments. Therefore, there should be at least 5 reviewers who have returned their comments by now.

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