Verified Reviews - Fuel
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

goodjob 2021-06-09

9 reviewers... they definitely just want to reject me.

jie- 2021-06-08

This editor is unbelievable. I submitted it on 5.19, had a meeting with the editor on 5.22, and now it has been over half a month and it is still like this.

123698745ll 2021-06-07

Three minor revisions (praising the research), one rejection (being criticized as useless, unsure if it was due to poor self-expression, feels like the reviewers didn't understand), and then this Italian editor rejected it, preparing to switch journals, feeling upset.

WEIN 2021-06-07

Translate the following text into English: "May 20th to Italy for editing; June 7th is still under review; Is it possible that the fuel review process is so slow now?"

清华老牛 2021-06-03

3.23 submitted
4.5 under review
4.14 required reviews completed
4.15 required reviews completed
4.20 required reviews completed
4.25 required reviews completed
5.3 sent a reminder
5.4 editor modified, 5 reviewers
5.31 revisions required
Current result unknown, hoping for good luck.

goodjob 2021-06-03

I am stupid. I have seen the word "required" changed at least 5 times.

Le-champagne 2021-06-02

The third article went smoothly for submission. I hope to receive some good feedback from the reviewers and I also wish everyone a smooth submission process!

名字好难起 2021-06-02

3.17 Submitted
3.19 Under review
4.09 Required reviews completed
4.23 Review comments received, 2 major revisions and 1 minor revision from 3 reviewers
5.09 Sent back for revisions
5.25 Review comments received, 2 minor issues for revision
5.26 Accepted
Overall, the review process was relatively fast, and Editor Huang handled the manuscript promptly.

JLZHANG 2021-06-02

It seems like the last time I worked was a month ago!!!

JLZHANG 2021-06-02

Is this editor not working in May?

一棵小草 2021-06-01

The first "required" is when two reviewers provided their opinions. After each date change, there will be an additional reviewer's opinion.

一棵小草 2021-06-01

Just a reminder will suffice, when I reminded last time, the feedback came back immediately.

jie- 2021-06-01

Do Italian editors not process manuscripts? It has been how many days now.

大头大大头 2021-06-01

I hope everything goes well, and everyone gets hired.

goodjob 2021-05-28

I have a question for everyone. I noticed that the date of my "under review" status has changed once, and the "required reviews completed" status has also changed (appeared twice). Does that mean I have only two reviewers? It's amazing how fast it was reviewed in just one month.

alun 2021-05-27

1.27 submitted
2.18 under review
3.12 required reviews completed
3.17 revise 5 reviewers, among whom 3 praised the work. There were about 30 comments, big and small, but overall it is a good improvement.
4.5 revision submitted
5.4 required reviews completed
5.27 accept
The first article, Fuel, took a total of 4 months. The Italian editor was a bit slow, but overall it was good.
Wishing Fuel more and more success!

航空小瓦工 2021-05-25

Aviation Combustion

WEIN 2021-05-21

I am also this editor. It seems like I have procrastinated for a long time again.

Accept1.1 2021-05-20

It is also the same editor, the processing time is relatively long, it has been over a month since the rework was submitted, and there is still no news.

Accept1.1 2021-05-20

After submitting for repair, how long will it take to get the results?

alun 2021-05-20

Email sent to the corresponding author

jie- 2021-05-20

How do you determine which editor it is?

alun 2021-05-20

Did the Italian editor not handle any fuel articles in May?

湛蓝 2021-05-18

Italian editors are really slow...

zsyandwyc 2021-05-17

In total, it took about a month. There were 4 reviewers, with 2 suggesting minor revisions, 1 suggesting major revisions, and 1 recommending rejection. The rejection feedback was quite harsh, stating that the article lacked any meaningful content. The editor decided to reject it.

Energy007 2021-05-14

The second article under review took only 13 days to complete the required comments. What's the situation? This status has been maintained for two days now.

小虾米 2021-05-14

Everyone is so fast! It has been over a month, but it is still "Under Review."

zsyandwyc 2021-05-14

My review for the 6th requirement is completed, but I haven't received any updates. Has the OP received any updates?

一棵小草 2021-05-13

My required reviews are also completed. It has been updated several times and currently, it is also valid until 5.4, Italian edition. Helpless...

易懒众衫晓 2021-05-11

The review comments have reached the editor's desk, but you will have to wait for a full month before they are returned to you.

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