Verified Reviews - Fuel
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

jie- 2021-07-22

The editor will send an email to inform the communication.

古德包 2021-07-20

May I ask how to find out which editor processed my own paper?

smilethu 2021-07-17

Find customer service. Please help me forward this to the editor and remind him.

KL Chen 2021-07-17

May I ask how to phrase it? The response I received for the email I sent last time to urge was "Please be patient and wait."

smilethu 2021-07-16

2021.03.23 submitted
2021.03.25 with editor
2021.0404 under review
2021.0413 0414 0420 0425 require reviews completed
2021.0505 revise (prompted 5 reviewers and received feedback)
2021.0531 revise
2021.0605 required reviews completed
2021.0712 accept (prompted)

This Italian editor needs to be prompted, once prompted, they will provide feedback.

让人头秃 2021-07-16

This Italian editor is really frustrating. The same set of review comments came back, but they handle others' manuscripts and not mine.

jie- 2021-07-14

Congratulations, the efficiency of the Italian editor is really impressive.

湛蓝 2021-07-13

Yes, today received, just wait a little longer, there will be good results.

一棵小草 2021-07-13

Congratulations, host! Did you receive the acknowledgement letter today? I have also received feedback on the items I sent for repair, but they haven't given me a decision yet. Sigh, Italian editors...

湛蓝 2021-07-13

2021.1.12 Submitted,
2021.3.9 Revised, (The status changed five times during the required reviewer completion process, with a total of six reviewers. The questions raised were very detailed and professional)
2021.3.26 Submitted,
2021.4.29 Revised, with a minor revision for one question
2021.7.12 Accept.
Thank you to all the reviewers, thank you to the Italian editor, it was not easy, and I wish Fuel continued success.

jie- 2021-07-13

5.19 submitted
6.11 under review
6.23 required reviews completed
7.2 Sent a reminder asking for a quick response
7.3 Received feedback early the next morning from two reviewers, including an Italian editor. Surprisingly, there were only two reviewers, including myself and someone before or after me, making a total of seven reviewers from my research group. Hoping for a positive outcome!
I suggest everyone to follow up on the feedback until the final step. If the editor hasn't made a decision yet, remind them. The reviewers' feedback has already been received, and they are unlikely to make any changes. So, whether it's accepted or rejected, it has already been determined. Don't waste time! Hoping everyone is doing well.

yungchi 2021-07-13

The last 9 reviewers, the editor rejected. Looking at the comments, this editor Pietro Bartocci likes to find multiple reviewers and is particularly slow in efficiency. During this period, I reminded twice about the manuscript, and all the reviewers' opinions were returned, but I still waited for one and a half months. I hate it...

KL Chen 2021-07-11

May 5th - submitted to journal
May 23rd - under review
June 17th - required reviews completed (updated 6 times during this period)
July 11th - still waiting for editorial decision
Italian editors, very slow
Sent a reminder in between, replied to be patient and wait.

大头大大头 2021-07-10

How many reviewers are there in the end, may I ask?

摸金校尉 2021-07-06

Why did 7.4 become under review again?

windwan 2021-07-06

6.4 submitted
6.5 with editor
6.30 under review
7.2 required reviews completed
7.4 under review
Please provide me with the most recent and complete update... Wish me luck~

hu3067 2021-07-06

It's quite fast, huh? I've already received the offer in just four months.

摸金校尉 2021-07-06

Is there any latest progress now?

破坏神 2021-07-03

Brother, wait for good news from you. In addition, can we add each other as friends to communicate?

windwan 2021-07-03

Yes, I don't understand either. It was with the editor on the 6th of May, and it was not sent for review until June 30th. Then, one day later, it was completed. Even if it was rejection feedback, both reviewers rejected it on the same day. This is just...

破坏神 2021-07-03

Brother, how did you find out? Moreover, why has it taken so long with the editor?

smilethu 2021-07-03

Congratulations, either both opinions are accepted directly or it will be rejected. Italy may have invited n reviewers, but only two have responded so far, so you may have to wait patiently. However, the editor might also make a decision based on these two opinions directly.

windwan 2021-07-03

6.5 submitted
6.30 under review
7.2 required reviews completed
I haven't received an email yet.
I'm an Italian editor and I want to ask everyone, what is the situation? It took more than twenty days to submit, why did it get completed after only one day of review? Does this mean it's likely to be rejected...

想中啊 2021-06-27

How do you know which editor it is, and how can you tell?

一棵小草 2021-06-21

Which editor is it? So efficient.

shaw1314 2021-06-19

4.26 submit - Submitted on April 26th
4.29 under review - Under review since April 29th
5.30 minor revision - Minor revisions required on May 30th
6.10 revision submit - Revised version submitted on June 10th
6.12 under review - Under review since June 12th
6.15 accept - Accepted on June 15th
6.17 proof corrections - Proof corrections requested on June 17th
6.19 online - Published online on June 19th

The speed is acceptable, but it also depends on the number of submissions. There have been slow responses before, taking three months, and one submission was rejected after review. In the past five years, I have submitted seven articles, but only three were accepted. These three articles had strong innovative and comprehensive research content, and if there was any weakness in innovation, I did not submit them for review. This journal is quite low-profile, and I hope it continues to improve! I hope everyone's submissions get accepted...

yungchi 2021-06-17

How do you know who the editor is? After submitting, isn't there only a number?

yungchi 2021-06-17

4.10 submitted
4.24 under review
4.29 required reviews completed
5.1 required reviews completed
5.6 required reviews completed
5.8 required reviews completed
5.12 required reviews completed
5.15 required reviews completed
5.16 required reviews completed
5.31 required reviews completed

The status has been updated 8 times, and it is clear that the editor has at least contacted 7 reviewers. After contacting the publishing house to inquire about the current status, it was confirmed that all reviewers have provided their feedback. The review process was fast, but the editor's decision is taking longer. 7 reviewers, all done...

ccls123 2021-06-16

Me too, for half a month, Fuel has been with the editor. On 5.30, it was sent to the Italian editor, and now it is still with the editor.

Tsai 2021-06-12

Excuse me, does "revise" for fuel refer to major repair or minor repair?
After half a month of review, feedback was received. Two out of three reviewers had a positive response, while one requested additional details. The revisions provided by the editor.

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