Verified Reviews - Fuel
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

chemeng 2021-11-15

Which editor should receive the email notification (corresponding author) without any publication fee.

接好运 2021-11-08

The review process was quite fast. The review was completed on October 4th, but I still haven't received any email. I'm getting a little anxious... What should I do?

free water 2021-11-08

May I ask if this journal charges a page fee?

日子没法过了 2021-11-02

2021.09.27 under review
2021.10.08 required reviews completed
2021.10.17 revise 4 reviewers, all seem to be minor revisions, the reviewers are really efficient
2021.10.28 resubmitted
2021.10.31 accepted, very happy
Overall, the process was very fast, especially the speed of the reviewers, will continue to submit to Fuel in the future.

投稿难,难于上青天 2021-10-30

How can I check which editor the article has been sent to?

KTGEL 2021-10-28

2021.07.19 Submitted
2021.08.10 Revised
2021.08.28 Revised again
2021.09.23 Revised
2021.10.07 Revised again
2021.10.18 Accepted

biofuel 2021-10-24

Biomass hydrothermal conversion reverse
Submitted on September 13, 2021
Sent for review on September 16, 2021
Minor revision suggested by two reviewers and editor on September 30, 2021. Deadline for revisions: October 21.
Resubmitted on October 17, 2021 (not in a hurry to make revisions due to other matters)
Accepted on October 20, 2101.

Best wishes

阿光真棒 2021-10-21

2021.8.6 submit
2021.8.9 editor handle Many people complain about the Italian editor
2021.9.5 revised Sent to 5 people, received 4 opinions, looks like 2 major revisions and 2 minor revisions
2021.9.20 submit revised mau
2021.10.6 revised Accepted the agreement for the two minor revisions, asked a few simple questions for the two major revisions
2021.10.12 submit revised mau
2021.10.21 accept
It took a total of two and a half months, not particularly fast, nor too slow. I wish fuel gets better and better.

zhouzj2012 2021-10-18

Two weeks after submission, it was sent for review. The review process took three weeks, and the first decision was given. At least eight revisions were made, with feedback received from seven reviewers. Five were minor revisions, one was a moderate revision, and one was rejected due to an innovative problem. The Italian editor provided three weeks for the revisions. The revised version was uploaded and reviewed on the same day, and acceptance was given after two weeks. Three reviewers were assigned for the second review, excluding the one who rejected the initial submission.

chemeng 2021-10-18

8.17 submitted
8.19 with editor, the editor is Italian Pietro Bartocci. I read comments saying he is slow, which made me worried. I mentally prepared for a long battle.
9.2 under review
9.5 required reviews completed, it was really fast, the reviewers were amazing!
9.20 revise, there were 5 reviewers, so many reviewers. A total of 35 issues, all for revisions.
10.3 resubmitted
10.5 with editor and under review
10.6 required review completed
10.17 accept, the acceptance letter shows that all 5 reviewers were very satisfied with the revisions, which means we put in a lot of effort! It seems like the Italian editor is not slow after all. Additionally, the 5 reviewers were really quick in reviewing, thank you so much!

Soulik 2021-10-18

7.4 submit
7.6 with editor
7.21 under review
7.26 under review
7.27 under review
7.29 required reviews completed
8.5 required reviews completed
8.12 required reviews completed
(Received an email from the Italian editor, four reviewers, two major revisions, one rejection, one minor revision, editor provided modifications)
9.11 revised submission (worked overtime to conduct additional experiments, made every effort to address all reviewers' comments)
9.15 under review
9.15 required reviews completed
Except for the expert who rejected the initial submission, the other three reviewers recommended direct acceptance, and the rejecting expert suggested replacing one reference. (Minor revision)
9.29 revised submission
9.30 with editor
10.02 under review
10.13 required reviews completed
10.16 accept
Thank you to the Italian editor for giving the opportunity to make modifications!!!

ssdasa 2021-10-15

But my article was sent to Teacher Huang for review, and it has been a week but still hasn't been reviewed. I have had such bad luck.

ZhangKK 2021-10-15

It may be difficult to find good reviewers for possible directions. The first review took a little time. But Editor Huang's efficiency is really high, indeed a model among editors. Wishing Fuel Journal to become better and better!!!

Yifeng Chen 2021-10-13

I want to praise Editor Huang! He is so awesome! A role model among editors!

hhh吖 2021-10-11

At least 20 must be waited before it is possible to submit for review. Good luck!

xinle123 2021-10-11

The speed is really slow, Italian editor.

CarmeloFan 2021-10-08

Aug 10, 2021 Submited to journal
Aug 12, 2021 With editor
Aug 20, 2021 Under review
Aug 22, 2021 Required Reviews Completed
Aug 29, 2021 Required Reviews Completed
Aug 29, 2021 Revise
Sep 16, 2021 With Editor
Sep 17, 2021 Required Reviews Completed
Oct 06, 2021 Accept

Aug 10, 2021 Submitted to journal
Aug 12, 2021 With editor
Aug 20, 2021 Under review
Aug 22, 2021 Required Reviews Completed
Aug 29, 2021 Required Reviews Completed
Aug 29, 2021 Revise
Sep 16, 2021 With Editor
Sep 17, 2021 Required Reviews Completed
Oct 06, 2021 Accept

烦恼你要吗 2021-10-08

I also encountered an Italian editor, submitted on September 22nd, and until today it is still "with editor".

hhh吖 2021-10-03

The journal speed is really slow. I submitted it on September 17th, and now it's already October, but it is still "with editor."

一缕茶烟透碧纱 2021-09-29

Posted on September 4th, reviewed on the 6th, received 27 review comments, two minor revisions from five reviewers, two major revisions, one rejection, and the final decision from the editor is rejection.

hhh吖 2021-09-28

It's been 11 days, where is yours?

Super Yang 2021-09-27

Reply: My reply is still with the editor. May I ask how long yours has been with the editor?

hhh吖 2021-09-27

How is yours? Mine is also an Italian editor and has been with the editor for a long time.

chentyp 2021-09-25

2021.8.11 Submission
2021.9.8 Review comments returned, major revision and minor revision
2021.9.14 Revised
2021.9.22 Accepted
2021.9.23 Received email from the editorial department
Every step was fast, thank you to the editor Yasushi Sekine, Ph.D for the nice processing speed!

Super Yang 2021-09-23

2021.09.23 with editor

I feel that this journal is a bit slow. Facing graduation, I hope to have good luck.

SSimon 2021-09-23

The Japanese editor in charge handled it and sent it for review within a week, but the review process took about one and a half months with a total of five reviewers. Four reviewers provided feedback, but the situation with the fourth reviewer is unknown. There were three minor revisions and one reviewer asked a few simple questions. The revised manuscript was received within a week.

Super Yang 2021-09-20

2021.09.07 提交 (submitted)
2021.09.08 与编辑 意大利编辑 (with editor, Italian editor)
2021.09.20 与编辑 (with editor)

liser 2021-09-16

June 8th - September 15th

liser 2021-09-16

After experiencing two major repairs and one minor repair, it was not easy to finally be hired. The reviewers were very responsible, thank you so much!

Oliver 2021-09-15

Can I ask you experts, can Fuel support dual communication?

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