Verified Reviews - Aerospace Science and Technology
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

zmg 2021-09-09

The required reviews have been completed for almost 10 days, what could be the situation?

danelle77 2021-08-24

4.28 submitted
4.29 reject (need to cite many aero references and resubmit)
4.30 submitted
5.1 with editor
5.2 under review
5.20 Change of date, under review
6.18 required reviews completed (2 reviewers finished their reviews, system automatically switched)
6.19 under review (editor manually adjusted back)
6.27 required reviews completed (last reviewer finished their review)
6.30 minor revision
7.3 revision submitted (without editor, directly under review)
7.10 under review
8.4 under review (change of date, 2 reviewers finished their reviews)
8.24 accepted (once the last reviewer finished their review, it was directly accepted)
In summary, the editor's speed is very fast, and most of the time is spent on the reviewers. It mainly depends on the speed of the reviewers.

千里独行 2021-07-28

Hello, I would like to ask how long does the "with editor" status last before it is sent for external review? It has been over ten days in the "with editor" status now.

zmg 2021-07-27

Hello, author. Did your submission get accepted without any revisions after 6 months?

slowlyandfirmly 2021-07-27

It's about two months.

zmg 2021-07-23

Submission in March, the date under review has changed three times. I would like to consult the senior members of AST if anyone knows approximately how much longer it will take for the review comments to come back.

dixue 2021-07-23

Hello senior, I would like to ask if I still need to submit to the old system after submitting to the new system for contributions. It has been a month and it is still showing as "submitted".

千里独行 2021-07-21

Hello, I would like to ask if it is necessary for the author to log in to their email and confirm all the links in the confirmation email after submitting it in order to proceed to the next step of the review process. It has been a week since it was submitted to the editor.

千里独行 2021-07-21

Hello, may I ask if the author must log in to their email and confirm all the links in the confirmation email in order to proceed to the next step of the review process after submitting it?

千里独行 2021-07-21

Dear experts, I would like to ask if it is necessary for the author to log in to their email and confirm everything before proceeding to the next step of the review process after the submission has just been made?

feng678 2021-07-10

How long did the first round of manuscript review take?

slowlyandfirmly 2021-07-08

Will a high self-reference rate be dangerous?

执念-1 2021-07-07

Nearly a year has passed, with three rounds of revisions, and it was not easy to finally be accepted. All four reviewers are industry experts, and the review process was meticulous and thorough. They provided insightful and accurate analysis of the paper.

海东青 2021-07-05

2021.04.15 Submitted
2021.06.15 Minor revisions
2021.06.22 Returned
2021.06.22 Accepted
Overall, it was relatively fast... First SCI paper in my doctoral career.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzk 2021-06-30

Can the instructions for authors on the website be downloaded? Or are there any specific submission requirements? If yes, could you please send a copy to, or add me as a friend to ask for your guidance.

slowlyandfirmly 2021-05-30

I submitted my article for review on Lantern Festival this year and received an acceptance notification just before Dragon Boat Festival. I am grateful to Editor Huihe Qiu for the prompt handling of my submission. Every time I received feedback, I was able to get a timely response. This is the first SCI paper during my doctoral period. The reviewers were very professional and gave thorough reviews, catching many of my small errors and allowing me to make corrections promptly. Here are the specific dates for everyone to share:

March 5, 2021: Submitted the article
April 5, 2021: Received first-round review with major and minor revisions from two reviewers
April 21, 2021: Sent response letter, which consisted of twenty pages in total
May 14, 2021: Received second-round review with small revisions, and the reviewer who provided the major revisions replied that they were very satisfied with the responses
May 18, 2021: Sent the second round of response letter
May 30, 2021: Accepted

cs横着走 2021-05-28

The article was submitted in early November and is still under review. I'm not sure what's going on, but it's really slow.

飞行器 2021-05-12

Single column, double line spacing.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzk 2021-05-11

Congratulations, host. May I ask if there is a paper template for submitting to this journal? I couldn't find it on the website... Thank you.

飞行器 2021-04-29

2021.01.08: Submitted
2021.03.21: Received first review comments, minor revisions
2021.04.11: Revised
2021.04.28: Accepted

飞行器 2021-04-22

How many days have you been on leave?

枫叶_波 2021-04-21

How long did the status of the revised manuscript "Revision Submitted to Journal" last? Did the subsequent status change?

航空小瓦工 2021-04-09

1.25 Submission, 8 recommended reviewers;
1.27 Under review;
3.8 Revisions after the first review;
4.7 Requires revising;
4.9 Accepted for publication.

飞行器 2021-03-18

May I ask how long your "Required Reviews Completed" status has been lasting? It has been 20 days for me already.

派一派 2021-03-17

20.8.8 Submission
20.8.9 Rejection request with citation of research paper
20.8.11 Resubmission
20.11.10 Received two suggestions, made minor revisions
20.11.12 Returned revised manuscript
21.02.10 Accepted

骑鹅王 2021-02-24

The review speed is very fast. The associate editor provided feedback after one month, suggesting extensive revisions. The second review took two months, and on the first day of the Lunar New Year, I received a rejection notice (what a coincidence? It's a disaster).

For the second review, there were three reviewers. The first reviewer recommended acceptance, the second reviewer had one comment, and the third reviewer provided 16 comments with a demanding tone. Among those, 10 comments seemed to be based on the reviewer's personal feelings or were clearly not carefully reviewing my paper. Overall, there were not many substantial comments.

子非鱼。。。 2021-01-12

Submitted in early August, returned at the end of September, went through three revisions, and accepted in early January. The reviewer was very diligent and responsible. It is a very good journal, although the impact factor is a bit inflated.

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