Verified Reviews - Aerospace Science and Technology
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

我是大明星 2021-12-22

Although the partition is high, if it enters the warning list, then it's game over.

飞行器 2021-12-22

Although the self-citation rate is high, the classification of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is still very high this year, hahaha.

我是大明星 2021-12-22

In recent years, I have published three papers in this journal. This time, I mainly want to discuss with everyone whether the self-citation rate of this journal, which is increasing, will be alerted.

千里独行 2021-12-21

Why do some say editing is fast and some say editing is slow, anyway, for me, it is very slow.

力成浅行 2021-12-20

4.30 submit;
8.1 Received reviewers' comments, major revision;
8.31 revision submit;
9.24 Received second-round revision comments;
10.17 revision submit;
11.13 accepted.
The chief editor handled the entire process promptly, with most of the time spent with the reviewers.
Both reviewers provided fair and reasonable comments.

IKNO 2021-12-20

The first review took five months, then it stayed in the hands of the editor for another month before submitting the revised draft with minor revisions. Now it has been another month in the hands of the editor, and it hasn't been sent out yet. At this rate, even if it is only revised once, it will start with four months in the hands of the editor, and who knows how long it will be in the hands of the reviewers. The total time is likely to exceed one year. I will never submit to this journal again in the future.

科学打工人 2021-12-20

It has been 8 months before receiving the review result, and there is only minor revision (from one reviewer).

sci-cse 2021-12-14

Submission on the 10th
Review on the 29th
...It's probably going to be another long wait. Let's hope for good news.

夏至未至 2021-12-11

Hello, may I ask if this review comment was notified by email? Will the first author, but not the corresponding author, receive the email?

夏至未至 2021-12-11

How come everyone's taking so long? It's terrifying. How did I finish it in just one month? They won't reject it directly, right?

夏至未至 2021-12-11

I submitted it on November 8th. Now it has already been updated to "Required Reviews Completed," but I haven't received an email yet. I don't know what the result is. It's too fast, and I feel like it's bad news.

执念-1 2021-12-11

Of course, this journal is better. This journal has very strict requirements, and as long as one reviewer's opinion is slightly negative, it will be rejected directly. The high self-citation rate is due to the journal's requirement of citing at least five of its own articles when submitting a manuscript. Personally, I believe that in the field of aerospace engineering, it is second only to another top journal, TAES.

千里独行 2021-12-11

Let's exchange ideas and communicate with each other.

千里独行 2021-12-11

May I ask where I can find the editor responsible for my article? There is only a contact dialogue in the system, and sending a reminder email only results in polite responses, which are of no use at all.

哈哈哈哈 2021-12-10

The first review took two months, and the second review took one and a half months before they finally submitted it to me for review. It's too time-consuming.

千里独行 2021-12-09

You guys are really fast, I still haven't received the first review comments after five months.

哈哈哈哈 2021-12-09

7.5 submit, 9.2 received reviewer comments (minor revisions, two reviewers), 9.28 revision submitted, 11.8 under reviewer, 12.8 accept.

千里独行 2021-12-04

The first trial has been almost five months, so slow.

XiangLiu 2021-12-02

Dear experts, may I ask which journal is better between this one and Acta Astronautica? The self-citation rate of 40+% is too outrageous. At that time, the upgraded version became TOP 1 in Zone 1.

千里独行 2021-11-19

It has been four months since it was sold, and it has never returned to my hands.

你的仿真收敛了么 2021-11-19

Translate the following text into English: When the process is in your hands, try to be as fast as possible.

千里独行 2021-11-18

You are really fast.

你的仿真收敛了么 2021-11-12

6.5 submitted to journal
6.10 with editor
6.14 Under Review
6.15 Under Review
8.16 Revise
9.14 Revision Submitted to Journal
9.30 under review
10.27 Required Reviews Completed
10.27 Revise
11.8 Revision Submitted to Journal
11.9 Accept
Keep up the good work.

千里独行 2021-11-08

It takes two months for my submission to be reviewed.

serious 2021-11-08

What progress have you made? Why hasn't mine been submitted for review after a month?

kwkck 2021-11-01

I want to ask you all, what does it mean if my submission on October 6th has been "with editor" until today, November 1st?

ap 2021-10-22

Did you submit it for review in the end? How long did it take with the editor? I have been waiting for a week now.

ccb_net 2021-09-12

One of the journals I most wanted to publish during my doctoral period. The self-citation rate is relatively high because the editors require the citation of five articles from the past two years. Submitted in December 2020, accepted in July 2021. Finally, I can graduate with a Ph.D.

zmg 2021-09-10

The text "required reviews completed 八天又被调成Under Review了这是咋回事?" translates to "After eight days of completing the required reviews, it has been changed back to 'Under Review,' what's going on?" in English.

zmg 2021-09-10

After eight days, it was changed back to "Under Review." What's going on? It seems different from other journals.

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