Verified Reviews - Aerospace Science and Technology
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

liangtt 2022-02-15

2021.4.28 Submitted to Journal
2021.5.6 Under Review
2021.8.11 Revise
2021.9.3 Revision Submitted to Journal
2021.9.9 Under Review
2021.10.30 Revise
2021.11.12 Revision Submitted to Journal
2021.11.23 Under Review
2022.2.15 Accept

2021.4.28 Submitted to Journal
2021.5.6 Under Review
2021.8.11 Revise
2021.9.3 Revision Submitted to Journal
2021.9.9 Under Review
2021.10.30 Revise
2021.11.12 Revision Submitted to Journal
2021.11.23 Under Review
2022.2.15 Accept

迷途中人 2022-02-15

Correction: A prosperous scene. Hehe (I am not a night owl, there is a 7-hour time difference in Europe).

迷途中人 2022-02-15

With the increase in impact factor and ranking, this journal has become the most popular journal in the aerospace field, second only to Progress. The number of submissions has surged, and the quality of articles has also gradually improved. However, the review process in some areas may be relatively slow (mainly due to issues with reviewers). It is hoped that all reviewers can submit their review comments earlier for the sake of their own papers being published as soon as possible. Apart from a slightly high self-citation rate, which the editor-in-chief should pay attention to controlling, everything else is flourishing. I wish AST (the journal) better and better.

My first article was rejected and then submitted to another journal. The review and acceptance process of my second article (for reference only) is as follows:
Received on 2 December 2021;
Revised on 7 January 2022;
Accepted on 6 February 2022;
There were a total of three reviewers, two minor revisions, and one had no comments for modification. The manuscript was handled by a young Chinese editor, and the speed was relatively fast.

I hope that my upcoming articles under review will be accepted smoothly, and I also wish all authors a successful submission.

科学打工人 2022-02-13

First trial takes 8 months, second trial takes 2 months, a total of 11 months from application to acceptance...

千里独行 2022-02-09

Speechless about this journal.

追寻123 2022-02-09

My first trial has been ongoing for over 9 months. I have sent two reminders, but have not received any response.

千里独行 2022-02-08

I'm really speechless. It's been seven months and there's still no progress on the first trial. Is my article that difficult to understand, causing it to take such a long time for you to review it??

Alfred lee 2022-01-29

Only the corresponding author will receive the email.

追寻123 2022-01-27

5.1 Submission, 5.21 Under review, there is currently no news. We have sent reminders in December and early January, but haven't received any reply. I don't know if the editor-in-chief is facing issues due to the pandemic. This time is taking too long.

追寻123 2022-01-27

I have been 9 months already, still in the first trial, I have urged once at 7 or 8 months, but there has been no response.

科学打工人 2022-01-26

Continue to urge, urge once a month.

千里独行 2022-01-17

It's really speechless.

火鸡面 2022-01-16

It was no use urging once, the response was very official.

千里独行 2022-01-10

Have you ever reminded me to submit the manuscript?

火鸡面 2022-01-09

I have also been waiting for the first trial opinions for seven months and they have not yet returned...

千里独行 2022-01-08

It has been over half a year and it's still in the first trial. Can anyone help with some ideas on what to do? I'm anxious to graduate, damn it!

熊猫也是猫 2022-01-02

Self-citation of 40+... Damn, even IEEE Access isn't this extreme. Could there be a problem?

艾欧洛斯 2021-12-31

It was just launched at the end of 2021, I made a mistake.

艾欧洛斯 2021-12-31

Can I ask the host, how long does it generally take for this magazine to go from online to being searchable? I just went online in mid-December 2021, and I urgently need it for the next year. I'm not sure if I can catch up in time.

艾欧洛斯 2021-12-31

I would like to ask the host, how long does it approximately take for this magazine to be available for retrieval from online? I just put it online in mid-December 2020, and I urgently need it next year. I wonder if I can catch up with it.

千里独行 2021-12-29

It has been 6 months since the first trial without any progress. Are there any similar cases like mine? It's too slow, I feel like cursing someone!

力成浅行 2021-12-29

I received an email from the editor only after the first review was completed. Before that, I had only received automated responses from the system. It seems that there is no way to urge the process if the first review has not yet been concluded.

千里独行 2021-12-29

It has been 6 months since the first trial, Maodou still hasn't returned.

sci-cse 2021-12-29

2021-12-28 Required Reviews Completed. Unexpectedly fast.

千里独行 2021-12-28

May I know where I can find out who the communication editor is? I would like to write an email directly to the editor to urge for the manuscript.

力成浅行 2021-12-27

It is possible that different fields correspond to different editors, and the processing speed may vary. I am in charge of the direction of the internal flow field of the engine, and the communication editor is Damiano Casalino.

General_3.0 2021-12-27

I have been with Edior for a month already.

千里独行 2021-12-25

45 days, your speed is like riding a rocket, isn't it?

housh 2021-12-24

Approximately 45 days after submission, there will be minor revisions, and after the changes are made, the acceptance will be confirmed within 1 week.

IKNO 2021-12-23

The editor is extremely slow, I don't know if it's because of partial editing. The revised draft for the second review has been submitted for over a month and it's still in the hands of the editor. They don't even reply to emails. Are they a sloth or something?

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