Verified Reviews - Aerospace Science and Technology
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

太空挖矿 2022-12-16

Reason for editing

凛若弦 2022-12-16

Why is yours so fast? It has been almost a month since my review, and there has been no progress.

太空挖矿 2022-12-15

Oct 11, 2022 Oct 11, 2022 Under Review
Oct 11, 2022 Nov 09, 2022 Required Reviews Completed
Oct 11, 2022 Nov 10, 2022 Revise
Nov 25, 2022 Nov 28, 2022 Under Review
Nov 25, 2022 Dec 12, 2022 Required Reviews Completed
Oct 11, 2022 Dec 14, 2022 Completed - Accept

Oct 11, 2022 Oct 11, 2022 Under Review
Oct 11, 2022 Nov 09, 2022 Required Reviews Completed
Oct 11, 2022 Nov 10, 2022 Revise
Nov 25, 2022 Nov 28, 2022 Under Review
Nov 25, 2022 Dec 12, 2022 Required Reviews Completed
Oct 11, 2022 Dec 14, 2022 Completed - Accept

太空挖矿 2022-12-13

I hope everyone can happily return home to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

凛若弦 2022-12-11

2022.11.07 revised
2022.11.14 under review
2022.11.24 required reviews completed

darui_rui 2022-12-09

2022.9.27 Submission
2022.11.5 Major revision
2022.11.22 Revised
2022.12.6 Accepted

小东邪小新 2022-11-28

The review process started without finding the reviewers. The review took more than 7 months, luckily two reviewers provided 23 comments. It took a month to make the revisions. We added experiments and processed the data, and finally, it was successfully accepted.

无名氏2021 2022-11-27

Vibration control direction, now modified and submitted for review.

太空挖矿 2022-11-25

Friend, how is the modification going? Why are there still talks about changing the reviewer? o(╥﹏╥)o

浮白 2022-11-25

Already hired
6.1 Submission
After multiple invitations and reviewers
10.26 Second review RRC
11.25 Hired
First article, very happy, thank you to the editor and reviewers

Rainy-autumn 2022-11-15

Come on, come on. It's good to make changes, unlike mine. In the first review, only one person accepted the manuscript after minor revisions, but in the second review, I received a negative comment (finished reviewing in just over a day, and some comments were not even carefully read) and the paper was directly rejected, wasting three months of time. At least your first review comments should be complete, and I hope there won't be any new reviewers in the second review.

凛若弦 2022-11-14

Brothers, is there no one to comfort me? It's been 20 days of editing and over a hundred suggestions, but I simply can't finish it.

太空挖矿 2022-11-09

This is too exaggerated.

凛若弦 2022-11-08

Received 9 reviewers in the first review, with 106 review comments and major revisions.

James_CT 2022-11-06

Finally got indexed, had to call Clarivate twice to get it sorted out! Calling the Chinese side worked!

力成浅行 2022-11-04

Originally, it took about six months for my work to be indexed by SCI after going online. Normally, it can be indexed within two months. It seems that the time of submission also affects this, the earlier the submission, the faster the indexing process.

Rainy-autumn 2022-11-04

Wow, it's really fast. I'm envious. What do you do in the mechanical field? It's so easy for you to find reviewers.

左耳朵进水 2022-11-04

You're too fast, even mine has been 5 months now, I can't find a reviewer.

无名氏2021 2022-11-03

At that time, I thought it was just one reviewer who had finished, but it turned out that all of them had completed it. I didn't expect it to be so fast. There were a total of three reviewers.

无名氏2021 2022-11-03

There are a total of three reviewers.

Rainy-autumn 2022-11-03

Can just one give a decision? 0.0

太空挖矿 2022-11-02

Just one reviewer?

Rainy-autumn 2022-11-02

Wishing for an early acceptance. I'm really envious of this speed. My submission has already been assigned to multiple editors countless times, hopefully this time there will be a reviewer who agrees to review it. The first reviewer took almost two months to complete the review.

无名氏2021 2022-11-02

One month for peer review, and there is a minor revision. There is a 20-day period for making revisions, hoping to get it accepted after one round of modifications.

无名氏2021 2022-11-02

On November 1st, there will be a lucky bonus on my birthday. I hope that one reviewer will complete the review and that the result will be good.

追寻123 2022-10-31

May I ask if AST requires the submitted paper to be divided into a Title page with author information and an Anonymized manuscript without author information?

zcwxzc 2022-10-26

It has been 6 months and no one has accepted the manuscript for review.

AHH 2022-10-26

It has been almost five months since I submitted it, but I still haven't received any review comments. It's too slow.

zcwxzc 2022-10-24

I found out that it's actually an issue with the editing. This journal has a fast acceptance rate for articles in the field of convective heat transfer with gas film cooling. Many articles are accepted within one or two months. However, for some specific areas, it seems like the editors are unable to find reviewers. They keep sending invitations, but there is no one available to review the articles, and the review process is extremely slow.

James_CT 2022-10-22

Are there any friends who have not been included? Add me and let's discuss how to collaborate.

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