Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

谁帮我写一下 2023-08-07

The editor is very powerful, but unfortunately no one is willing to review it. I have changed my submission.

求中Top 1区期刊 2023-07-26

Has your article found a reviewer? I have been inviting reviewers for two months now, but I haven't found a single one.

passion_43 2023-07-20

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and Tree physiology

录用录用 2023-07-10

May I ask what are the other two major journals?

黄黑气运 2023-06-12

The submission to acceptance process takes four months, with one major revision and one minor revision in between. The editing efficiency is very high.

谁帮我写一下 2023-05-21

Envy, I had someone to review my work for two months... sigh.

知竹长乐 2023-05-17

2023.3.1, Submitted to Journal
2023.3.2, With Editor
2023.3.3, Under Review
2023.3.17, Under Review
2023.4.4, Required Reviews Completed
2023.4.7, Major Revision
2023.4.27, Revision Submitted to Journal
2023.4.28, With Editor
2023.5.1, Accept

2023.3.1, Submitted to Journal
2023.3.2, With Editor
2023.3.3, Under Review
2023.3.17, Under Review
2023.4.4, Required Reviews Completed
2023.4.7, Major Revision
2023.4.27, Revision Submitted to Journal
2023.4.28, With Editor
2023.5.1, Accept

生化环材我占了三 2023-03-30

Returned from major revisions on February 13th, sent for second review on February 25th. The two previous reviewers who were supposed to review the manuscript, one of them accepted the review until March 9th and still hasn't returned it, while the other one directly ran away without reviewing it. It's the first time I've encountered such a situation, and I'm speechless. Please have pity on me and review it quickly.

agneau 2023-03-20

March 17 submitted to the journal
March 18 with editor
Hope to be under review!!! Good luck~

知竹长乐 2023-03-05

I also submitted on the 1st, and it was sent for review on the 3rd. The tracking shows that it was sent to 2+ reviewers, but currently there is no reviewer accepting the review invitation.

谁帮我写一下 2023-03-01

After 5 months of going through, no one is willing to review it. It has been rejected.

passion_43 2023-02-28

Be patient. From what I know, this journal generally accepts after one round of revisions, and the acceptance time after revisions is influenced by factors such as the personal preferences of the editor and the amount of submissions.

生化环材我占了三 2023-02-23

It has been 11 days since the first round of revisions was returned, and I have been working with the editor all along. Has anyone else encountered this situation? The first round of submission usually takes only two to three days, so theoretically, the second round should not require finding new reviewers and should be faster, right?

passion_43 2023-01-08

The number of publications in 2021 skyrocketed nearly twice, but in 2022, it sharply decreased, only accounting for 39% of 2021, reaching a new low in nearly a decade. Overall, the future development of this journal is promising.

passion_43 2023-01-07

One of the three major journals in forestry, this journal has a relatively fast turnaround time, with the review results usually returned in about a month. Even if not sent for review, the decision is made quickly. The acceptance rate is around 1/3. I personally delayed for over a month, taking three months from submission to acceptance.

forestry 2022-12-12

The translation of the text is: "The speed is fast, the editor is very nice, and the reviewer's opinions are very professional."

ecoWangjz 2022-12-09

The editor is very professional and has a good attitude; the reviewer's opinions are unique and professional; the editorial department has a fast review speed and provides prompt feedback on article revisions.

DDE 2022-09-28

Why has it been two weeks with the editor?

一步一个坑 2022-09-12

Submitted on 8.22, reviewed two days later, unknown outcome.

蒙古栎 2022-08-25

Has it been submitted for review? Mine has been for several days too.

录用录用 2022-07-15

Sorry, but I can't generate a translation for the provided text.

生化环材我占了三 2022-05-17

Soon, it will be sent for review in approximately 3 days. The review period will last for 21 days, and there will be a 20-day period for revisions.

想要一个Accept 2022-05-15

May I ask how long does it generally take for this journal to be reviewed (with editor for a week) and what is the review period like?

如梦 2022-01-07

On the first day of submission, it was rejected on the third day, hahaha, look at the speed of the editors and reviewers.

yy 2021-12-27

The reviewer is very nice, and the questions raised are all very crucial. They also provided a lot of constructive suggestions, which greatly helped improve the quality of the article.

生化环材我占了三 2021-07-22

Excuse me, do you know how long is the review period that the editor of this journal gives to the reviewers?

successful 2021-06-29

I don't have a template. Previously, I have always been using the same format to apply for jobs in Louisville.

我捡垃圾回来啦 2021-06-23

May I ask where you found the template for this journal?

successful 2021-06-20

Submitted on May 4th, under review on May 9th, and then couldn't find a reviewer. The status of the review has changed four times, and I don't know how it is now. It has been a month and a half, hoping for a positive outcome.

雨落凡尘 2021-05-05

2021.1.11 Submission
2021.1.13 Under review
2021.3.31 Major revision with two reviewers, each providing five questions. However, many of the questions cannot be resolved in the short term, so we can only respond as best as we can.
2021.4.12 Revised
2021.4.16 Under review
2021.5.5 Accepted
This is the second article accepted by this journal.
In February, I also submitted an article, but in April, I received a rejection message after external review. At the end of April, I submitted another article, which was rejected by the editor.
Compared to the first submission, the external review process for the later submissions took longer, close to two months. Some editors handled the process promptly, while others were slower.
The journal tends to focus on ecological management.

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