Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

yolo-jia 2023-06-07

Friend, I want to ask how long it took for your submission to enter the external review stage? I'm looking for a journal that can quickly enter the review stage, as required by my school. Also, did you receive any revisions? How long did it take for the review comments to come back?

yolo-jia 2023-06-07

A friend wants to ask you, how long does it take for this journal to enter the review stage after submission? What stage are you at now, have you recorded it?

Ssprite 2023-03-21

May I ask what the current situation is?

Ssprite 2023-03-21

Translation: The submission was made on January 20, 2023, and has been under review all along. I would like to ask the experts what this situation means and whether it is possible to send an email to urge the process.

GYC202202 2022-11-09

Has it actually been submitted for review if it says "under review" when I submitted it?

enviromentor 2022-09-28

May I ask when will your review comments be back?

enviromentor 2022-09-28

I would like to ask everyone if anyone has waited for three months without receiving any feedback on their manuscript review. I sent a reminder after 70 days of waiting for the review, but I haven't received any response. I want to know if sending another reminder will result in a rejection.

艾克阿达费 2022-09-28

Does this journal charge a page fee?

我太乖 2022-08-19

Overall, the review process and speed are average, and it is normal for the revision to take one month. The overall feeling is still good.

清默淡雅 2022-07-04

I have submitted for a week, and after submitting, I received an email confirmation. I'm not sure if this means my submission was successful. I would like to ask for help from everyone.

求个offer 2022-03-06

12-Nov-2021 SUBMITTED
24-Dec-2021 major
23-Jan-2022 SUBMITTED
22-Feb-2022 Accept
EEC: Jarvis, Peter


12-Nov-2021 SUBMITTED
24-Dec-2021 major
23-Jan-2022 SUBMITTED
22-Feb-2022 Accept
EEC: Jarvis, Peter

kacikaci 2022-03-01

Can I send an email to ask the editor? I haven't heard anything after submitting for over a month, so I emailed the editor. Then, after two weeks, I received the reviewer's comments.

小玉玉00 2022-02-26

I have been waiting for three and a half months, still under external review, crying.

ayikaxilu 2022-01-21

August 2021 submission
Two reviewers provided 22 comments on October 13.
Submitted on December 11.
Accepted on January 15.

pre致信 2021-12-25

Please stop adding me, guys. I will reply to everyone here. I left my QQ number, but nobody has informed me until now. I figured it out by myself. Almost 10 people have added me and asked the same question. I have included a competitive statement below, which is this sentence:
Data availability statement
The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article.
However, no database links are provided.
After submitting the article, the status is Under Review, and it should be sent for review. After that, the editor will make a decision about a month later. That's my experience. Best wishes to everyone!

SHBING 2021-12-08

Hello, I would like to ask if this journal requires a publication fee? I couldn't find any information about it on the official website.

litong 2021-12-08

May I ask what does it mean when the keyword for the third step of journal submission always shows "no minimum entry entered"? I have been unable to submit it. How should I proceed?

epi0 2021-11-18

Hello, how is your article now? I just submitted it and found that this editor is also the same.

白白的D大调 2021-09-05

Submit on July 1st
Minor revision on August 28th
Re-revision on August 29th
Accepted on September 4th
For everyone's reference

pre致信 2021-08-27

Hello, may I ask if I can add your WeChat or QQ? I mainly want to consult with you about the data availability statement (meaning all provided raw data, right?). Have you submitted this? It seems to be a mandatory option, but I have never done it before and I don't know how.

夜色如墨渲染 2021-08-27

2021.2.23 submission in the past was "Under review", it feels like all articles will be reviewed.
2021.5.15 major revision, two months of modification time.
2021.6.07 resubmission.
2021.6.13 acceptance.
Just for your reference.

pre致信 2021-08-26

Can I choose "YES" for this option? But I don't actually have this data availability statement in my manuscript, is that okay? I've noticed recently published articles on ET that also lack this data availability statement and link, right?

pre致信 2021-08-26

May I ask, according to the submission guidelines, it is required to include a data availability statement before the references, along with a link. How can I do this? I really don't understand, and it is mandatory. Could you please teach me? Thank you very much!

白白的D大调 2021-08-25

Submitted on July 1st, it has been 55 days and it is still under review: Jarvis, Peter.

richhhhh 2021-08-21

It has been seven days since I submitted. I want to know if it has already been sent for external review. If the editing is not approved, it should have been sent back, right?

七秒钟记忆 2021-07-29

Hello, may I ask, it has been 5 days since the article was submitted, but the status still shows "Under Reviewer, EEC: Jarvis." Can I confirm if this means the editor-in-chief has not reviewed it yet? Will the status change after the review?

七秒钟记忆 2021-07-29

Hello, may I ask, it has been 5 days since the article was submitted, but the status has been showing "Under Reviewer, EEC: Jarvis". Does this mean the editor-in-chief has not reviewed it yet? Will the status change after the review?

islnana 2021-07-16

6.23 submission. It is still under review. May I ask who is the editor?

杜Nature 2021-07-03

June 15 submitted
June 25 minor revise
July 1 submitted revision
July 2 accept
The speed is really fast, no doubt, thank you ET.

sysu-XZ 2021-06-26

Have any bug friends submitted to ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY REVIEWS? Is this journal in the fourth quartile?

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