Verified Reviews - Engineering Failure Analysis
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

MA yixin 2023-07-27

2023.05.04 Submitted
2023.05.06 Under review
2023.05.22 First round of review comments returned, major revisions required
2023.06.09 Resubmitted
2023.06.10 Under review
2023.06.25 Second round of review comments returned, one reviewer accepts and minor revisions required
2023.07.06 Resubmitted
2023.07.25 Accepted

The editor is very diligent and responsible, and the processing speed is fast. In addition, the novelty statement is crucial and needs to be written carefully.

王小芬 2023-07-27

Is there any progress now?

王小芬 2023-07-27

First submission, enter DIP after submission.

来者不拒 2023-07-08

Dip immediately after submission, won't you stay and celebrate the New Year together? The efficiency is indeed slow.

Tom fzh 2023-07-06

It has been 10 days and there is still no rejection, I don't know what it means.

刘云祺 2023-07-03

June 13, 2023: Submission. The editing efficiency is particularly high and it was reviewed on the same evening.

June 24, 2023: Feedback from two reviewers, the comments are very detailed and professional; provided a 20-day revision deadline.

June 29, 2023: Meeting for revisions.

July 2, 2023: Accepted.

It is important to write the Novelty Statement according to the requirements, as it is crucial for whether or not it will be reviewed. Currently, this is the most efficient journal I have encountered, with both editors and reviewers being professional and efficient.

chendingshi 2023-07-02

Now it's very strict, and the initial review is very difficult.

chendingshi 2023-07-02

It is already Q1.

chendingshi 2023-07-02

It seems to have slowed down recently.

with_ 2023-06-30

Similarly, the one submitted in the early morning of the 25th also received a decision on the same day. The editing process was fast, but it did delay the time. If the topic does not match, it would be better to provide the result directly.

On June 30th, the decision is still in process. (It delays the time considerably, so it is advised to be cautious when seeking speed.)

vane666 2023-06-29

Boss, you're so fast!

kevlar 2023-06-29

2023.6.28 submitted to journal
2023.6.29 under review
2023.7.25 required reviews completed
2023.7.25 revise


2023.6.28 - Submitted to journal
2023.6.29 - Under review
2023.7.25 - Required reviews completed
2023.7.25 - Revise

沧海一粒沙 2023-06-28

Jun 28, 2023 Submitted to Journal
Jun 28, 2023 Decision in Process

Translation: The text is already in English.

Tom fzh 2023-06-25

Wow, that's impressive! In just two hours, it was immediately rejected. The editor probably didn't even bother to read it and made the decision right away. Who would dare to submit to this journal in the future?

with_ 2023-06-25

Similarly, the submission made on the morning of the 25th also received a decision on the same day. The editing process was fast, but it did indeed waste time. If the artwork does not align with the theme, the result can be given directly.

GRX98 2023-06-23

投出 (tóu chū) - submit
凌晨 (líng chén) - early morning
很快 (hěn kuài) - quickly
进入 (jìn rù) - enter
Decision in Process - Decision in Process

2023 6 21凌晨投出,很快进入Decision in Process这个状态
Submitted early morning on June 21, 2023, quickly entered the "Decision in Process" status.

2023 6 27 Decision in Process
Decision in Process on June 27, 2023.

2023 6 27 transfer pending
Transfer pending on June 27, 2023.

Reject - Reject.

瓦妮莎 2023-06-19

Did you get rejected immediately after making the decision?

瓦妮莎 2023-06-19

Are you the one who was rejected after submission?

瓦妮莎 2023-06-19

Three days after submission, the status changed to "decision in process." May I ask if this is a normal operation or if it means rejection?

瓦妮莎 2023-06-19

After three days of submission, the status changed to "decision in process." May I ask if this means it's a rejection? Or is it considered a normal procedure?

瓦妮莎 2023-06-16

Do I need all these documents: cover letter, novelty statement, highlights, manuscript file, declaration of interest statement?

faye 2023-05-28

2023.2.19 Submitted to Journal
2023.2.19 With Editor
2023.2.20 Under Review
2023.4.01 Revise
2023.4.26 Revise
2023.5.26 Accept


2023.2.19 Submitted to Journal
2023.2.19 With Editor
2023.2.20 Under Review
2023.4.01 Revise
2023.4.26 Revise
2023.5.26 Accept

123ldb 2023-05-25

Has it been a week since the decision was made directly after 2 hours of submission? Is it a rejection?

123ldb 2023-05-25

What's the situation? The submission has been in decision for two hours and has been ongoing for a week.

jake 2023-05-21

Submitted on 5.18, decision on 5.19. I have submitted twice already, changed the editor and it's still like this. The initial review is really tough.

nickname 2023-05-08

Do you think the 2023 JCR partition, EFA can return to the Q1 in the field of Material Science?

LG 2023-04-17

Is the Journal Paper not included in the core collection of Web of Science?

koko12 2023-04-13

Addition: Three reviewers were assigned, but one of the reviewers did not agree to review until the Lunar New Year period. This same reviewer has been consistently slow in the subsequent process, otherwise it could have been much faster.

koko12 2023-04-13

November 9, 2022 Submission
February 22, 2023 First-instance comments returned
March 4, 2023 Revised
March 31, 2023 Second-instance comments returned
April 3, 2023 Revised
April 12, 2023 Accepted

加油哈,孙大圣 2023-02-21

Hello, may I ask if the contributions of co-authors must all be confirmed? Thank you.

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