Verified Reviews - Energy
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

ZL1 2021-08-19

2020.12.12 submitted
2020.12.13 with editor
2020.12.31 under review (Status changed 7 times, including 3 acceptance by reviewers, 1 rejection, and 3 return of comments)
2021.06.01 Required Reviews Completed
2021.06.05 Major revisions
2021.07.04 submitted revision
2021.07.16 under review
2021.07.20 Required Reviews Completed
2021.07.20 Minor revisions
2021.08.13 submitted revision
2012.08.18 Accept

Mr.JESSE 2021-08-18

First, let's give an overall evaluation. This journal has a very short processing time and is very fast. There are multiple reviewers, usually 3-4 or even more. Each reviewer has a maximum review period of two weeks and must provide a response within that time frame. The editors are very patient and will keep asking you to make improvements if there are any issues, rather than rejecting the submission outright. In summary, this journal is good.

Submitted on February 12, 2021.
Reviewed two days later.
First review conducted by four reviewers, taking two months. Reviewers are updated every two weeks.
On April 21, 2021, the four reviewers provided feedback: three major revisions and one minor revision. The editor requested major revisions.
Revisions were completed within one and a half months and submitted.
Second review ended on July 22, 2021, with major revisions required. Only language changes needed to be made.
Resubmitted on August 5, 2021.
Accepted on August 18, 2021.

Mr.JESSE 2021-08-18

Already hired, thank you for providing the information, host.

航空小瓦工 2021-08-16

Reply to the comment above, it seems that there are some bugs in the system, and I am unable to reply directly.

With editors, it usually takes about two weeks, so please wait a bit longer. The number of reviewers must be three, and if there are not enough reviewers in the first round, new reviewers will be sought. If there are enough reviewers, it should not be a problem, but generally, the approval of the original reviewers is needed. I have submitted two papers to Energy, and both seem to be progressing slowly.

航空小瓦工 2021-08-16

Reply to the previous comment: It usually takes two weeks with the editor, so just wait a little longer. The number of reviewers must be three, so if there aren't enough opinions from the first review, new reviewers will be sought. If there are enough opinions, there shouldn't be a problem, and usually the original reviewers need to agree to accept the paper. I have submitted two papers to Energy, and it seems that both are a bit slow.

Mr.JESSE 2021-08-13

Hello, OP. I am also suggesting a major revision, but after submitting the revision, it has been continuously showing "With editor". Have you encountered this situation before? After the major revision, will they find a new reviewer or will the editor review it themselves?

航空小瓦工 2021-08-13

In 2020, the editing and processing of information was extremely slow, regardless of the round, it basically took two weeks to start.

Submitted in May 2020,
First review in November 2020, with four reviewers, two replies and revisions, while the other two reviewers did not provide any feedback;
Second review results in March 2021, with minor revisions, and a fifth reviewer was added for further modifications;
In May 2021, the results of the third review were announced, with two accepted, but the fifth reviewer rejected the manuscript (during that time, I was busy and didn't properly address the comments of the fifth reviewer, leading to rejection) due to language and attitude issues, and the editor requested major revisions;
In July 2021, the manuscript was revised and directly accepted in August.

相看两不厌 2021-08-12

The feedback is a bit late, please forgive me.
2018.12.26 - Submitted;
2019.3.17 - First review feedback, 2 reviewers requested revisions; Revised version submitted on 4.12
2019.6.6 - Second review feedback; Revised version submitted on 7.1
2019.9.7 - Third review feedback (formatting changes), submitted on the same day;
2019.9.23 - Accepted;
2019.12.19 - Published.
Because it was my first time submitting to Energy, I didn't grasp the journal's requirements well and encountered some complications in the process.
Especially on 9.23, after seeing the acceptance, I was busy with other important work and forgot to check my email. Energy sent 3-5 emails reminding me to proofread the manuscript, but I only realized the significant mistake in mid-October.
As for the reviewers and editors, maybe I was lucky, they were all very nice. The first reviewer provided a lot of feedback, professionally pointing out the issues but in a polite manner. After making two rounds of revisions, they were finally satisfied.
I am very grateful to the editor and reviewers.

Wade18 2021-08-11

In the second round, two more reviewers were added...

Guang Chen 2021-08-09

2021.03.25 Submission
2021.05.04 First review comments (major revision), but the reviewer's comments were somewhat positive
2021.07.16 Revised version R1 (due to personal procrastination)
2021.08.04 Second review comments, minor revisions
2021.08.07 Revised version R2
2021.08.09 Accepted

wangjhoo 2021-08-09

Why does the period of "under review" change every two days? It has changed more than ten times. Is it always like this? Or is it changing reviewers again?

老詹 2021-08-04

It has been five months, and it is still under review. The speed is really slow.


With the editor for one month, considering whether or not to send an email as a reminder...

哈登 2021-07-29

It has been seven months since the first trial, and there is still no news.

科研小菜鸡 2021-07-24

The submission has been with the editor for seven days.

可爱的琳琳 2021-07-23

Me too! The first review took 8 months, with 2 major revisions and 1 rejection. The rejection didn't provide any comments either. However, after the first review, the editor sent my paper back to the same reviewer who rejected it, and I still haven't received it back until now. I'm crying.

dut_pfx 2021-07-20

First review took exactly two months to return. It required major revisions and was given 75 days for modifications. It was revised and returned in 60 days.
Second review took a little over a month. It required minor revisions and had only one simple question, which needed some additional explanation. It was revised in four days, and during the process, the charts were organized and submitted together.
One week later, it was accepted, and during this time, the publishing method, rights transfer, and final manuscript proofreading were confirmed.
One week later, the final manuscript was published online. In total, it took five months and ten days.
Below are the main milestones:
20210129: Submitted to the journal
20210204: Under review
20210401: Major revisions
20210530: With editor
20210704: Minor revisions
20210708: With editor
20210711: Accepted

落夕的记忆 2021-07-18

The process of submitting a research paper took 6 months, with three revisions.

Ran Yin 2021-07-08

The same situation, it's been almost two months since I applied, I am so frustrated. Have you sent a message to the editor to withdraw the submission? I messaged the editor before, but there has been no reply.

fengxiaoma 2021-07-08

These two are not the same journal. I initially submitted to Energy, but the submission system was not available, so I used an alternative website. As a result, it was assigned to a different journal, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Energy, 1751-4223. I am frustrated as these two are completely different journals. I have already notified them to withdraw my submission today.

Violet 2021-07-07

Submission experience:
2021/04/19 - Submitted to journal
2021/04/22 - Under Review
2021/06/25 - Required Reviews Completed
- Currently actively addressing reviewer comments, unknown future steps.

Attached - Latest Impact Factor for 2021 is 7.147, excluding self-citations (IF=6.118), with a self-citation rate of 14.4%. The self-citation rate has decreased from 30% in 2016 to 14.4% in 2021. The impact factor has increased from 4.292 to 7.147, indicating a strong journal with great development potential and room for growth. Although the IF is consistently lower than that of Applied Energy journal by 2-3 points, the journal editors are more friendly and fair, and they do not discriminate based on the absence of influential names (personal subjective opinion, please refrain from criticism if you disagree). Additionally, when submitting, make sure to carefully check for any minor formatting errors.

fengxiaoma 2021-07-03

I submitted through ICE and it is currently in staff check status.

Alanhaha 2021-06-30

It has been one and a half months with editor...

Ran Yin 2021-06-29

Hello! May I ask if you also submitted to Energy (Proceedings of the ICE)? I am starting to doubt if the editor has used this submission website. It has been almost two months and the review status is still at staff check.

心想事成 2021-06-23

The first trial takes about 5 months.

Violet 2021-06-22

May I ask how long it took for your article from the first submission to the first round of reviewer comments? How long did the "Under Review" period last during this time?

James1314 2021-06-21

Brother, do you have any news now? My "with editor" has been for 7 days already.

Ran Yin 2021-06-18

It has been 1 month since my present situation, and it is still a staff check. When I submitted it, I couldn't submit it on the official website, so I used the alternative website provided on the official website. Now the official website can accept submissions normally again. It's so frustrating.

fengxiaoma 2021-06-18

Is it still staff check? I don't know if it has been sent for review or not.

Ranyin110 2021-06-12

Excuse me, has your review status changed? Or is it still staff check?

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