Verified Reviews - Energy
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Felix1016 2022-02-16

Submitted in April 21, it has been 11 months already. Currently on the third review, it has been over a month under review, and there is no news...

迷途中的小博 2022-02-15

The journal has the slowest review speed for submissions, and the slowest processing speed for editors. After submitting, it took 8 months for the first review, and interdisciplinary articles encountered the situation of non-experts reviewing them (requiring citations from unrelated articles, which I refused). After revising and resubmitting, the editor only reviewed it once and has not sent it for a second review yet. It is suggested that everyone should consider submitting to journals that are more specialized and aligned with their field, as it may result in faster reviews. The long article cycle can be quite torturous.

REXZZZZ 2022-02-15

2021.12.30 submission
2022.2.14 Received first-round review result: reject
The professional attitude of the energy reviewer is surprising
One reviewer provided ten suggestions (major or minor revisions)
The other reviewer dismissed the matter in three sentences without providing any comments or evaluations on the content, methods, or results of the article.

小菜鸡 2022-02-14

Posted on June 24, 2021
Under review since July 26, 2021
First major revision on November 6, 2021
Revised and resubmitted within a week
Second minor revision on December 27, 2021
Revised and resubmitted within a week
Accepted for publication on February 9, 2022
Took a total of 8 months, very lengthy
Processing speed was very slow

vancarry 2022-02-14

Important time nodes are as follows:
Submission received at Editorial Office on Aug 19, 2021;
Revised article on Jan 5, 2022;
Article accepted for publication pending publication on Feb 12, 2022;
It took nearly 6 months, received timely feedback in 2 months during the initial review, and accepted after major revisions.
First submission to Energy, grateful for the comments from the reviewers, looking forward to the journal becoming even better.

Kelly哈哈 2022-02-13

May I ask how your result is? I submitted mine on the evening of January 31st. On the 3rd, I noticed that one major was missing from the selection, so I resubmitted it. The result has been "Decision in Process" since the 6th.

ljmwinner 2022-02-13

At the end of January, I made my first submission. Then in early February, I received an email saying that I did not select the article category (it did not mention the issue of citing references). I made the necessary modifications and resubmitted. However, after submitting, I realized that 3 out of 40 of my reference formats were invalid. I am unsure if this will have any impact. Can anyone who has submitted before help me with this question? Thank you very much!!!

专治不服 2022-02-08

2022-01-28 Submitted
2022-01-29 With editor
2022-02-07 With editor
Two instances of "with editor," did the editor change?

Saniye 2022-02-07

2022-2-04 Submission
2022-2-06 Under review by editor
2022-2-07 Decision in process

"I don't know what 'decision in process' means. Does it mean the submission might be rejected?"

学徒工 2022-01-27

Second review, the status is not yet under review, still with editor.

Felix1016 2022-01-27

Very normal, which review are you on?

学徒工 2022-01-27

After the major revision, the revised draft was submitted, but there has been no response from the editor for half a month. Have any of you experienced this? What's going on?

kygx 2022-01-19

Same question, minor revision during the first review, only one reviewer's opinion.

hopeiron 2022-01-17

Dear experts, may I ask if there will be additional reviewers for the second review, in addition to the initial minor revisions and two reviewers?

hopeiron 2022-01-17

May I ask how many reviewers were there at that time?

cuidingsong 2022-01-16

2021.06.01 submitted to journal
2021.06.03 with editor
2021.07.01 under review
2021.08.01 major revisions (positive comments from reviewers, two reviewers suggested major revisions, editor also suggested major revisions)
2021.11.06 with editor
2021.12.31 major revisions (positive comments from reviewers, one reviewer suggested minor revisions, editor suggested major revisions)
2022.01.09 with editor
2022.01.15 reject (editor considered it not up to standard and rejected it)

你要学好 2022-01-14

The speed is moderate and the procedures are in order. It took less than a month to submit for review, and the external review process took about 2 months. The major repairs took a month and a half. It was a successful landing with no major difficulties.

kaicaibang 2022-01-14

May I know what time the information was given?

lan_win 2022-01-14

Dear experts, when it comes to the transferable journals provided by editors, is it better to directly transfer from the system or is it better to enter the system of the journal we are planning to transfer to and submit again?

lan_win 2022-01-14

Coincidentally, I also reached the same conclusion today, with a transfer pending status. So now, Elsevier's polite refusal has become a transfer pending, right?

smartenergy 2022-01-14

The same process. The same time. It is now transfer pending.

胡彻 2022-01-11

Originally, Energy was a decent journal, but the speed is just too slow. Why not learn from BT?

lan_win 2022-01-11

Still no response, very worried, very anxious.

kaicaibang 2022-01-11

How are you, brother? Our situation is exactly the same, and on top of that, it's the same day. Decision in Process.

chillingboi 2022-01-11

May I ask what categories are generally chosen for submission in the research field of electrical engineering? I feel that there is no perfect match.

lan_win 2022-01-10

In my personal opinion, with the editor, it usually takes a long time to complete and can be submitted for review. Best wishes!

lan_win 2022-01-10

2022.01.03 Submitted to journal
2022.01.04 With Editor
2022.01.07 With Editor
2022.01.08 Decision in Process

Comrades, have any of you experienced a situation like this and still went ahead with the submission? I feel like it's most likely going to be rejected, but the system is still not giving a final decision.

凌云小书童 2022-01-10

Everyone, is this magazine going to be in District 1 in 2022?

MORE 2022-01-05

With an editor, one month is too slow.

yyxovo 2021-12-29

2021.8.14 submitted
2021.8.20 with editor
2021.8.25 under review
2021.10.25 major revision
2021.11.23 revision submitted
2021.11.25 under review
2021.12.26 required reviews completed
2021.12.28 accept
Thank you, Editor Luo, for the fast processing of the manuscript. I was initially rejected when I submitted to AE, but then I submitted to Energy, and I'm very happy that my first Energy article got accepted.

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