Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

sadasfasd 2022-07-27

2022.3.1 Submission
2022.3.12 Under review
2022.7.20 Major revision after first review (2 reviewers, one positive and one neutral)
I hope it gets accepted. It has been nearly 5 months since the first feedback, and I am mentally exhausted.
Please, please!
If it gets accepted, I will come back to fulfill my promise!

sadasfasd 2022-07-27

When I submitted, the format was:
10pt single column with double line spacing, 3cm margin (preferably adjusted to fit more text), figures and tables at the end, and a maximum of 22 pages.

yyds永远 2022-07-16

I am five reviewers.

维思未来 2022-07-14

Hello OP, may I please ask where did you find the submission format requirements you mentioned (single column, double spacing, font size 12, 3cm page margin)? In the PDF instructions document that I downloaded from the official website in July, I couldn't find any relevant requirements, it only mentioned formatting requirements for revisions. Could you kindly let me know where you saw it? Thank you.

维思未来 2022-07-14

Hello OP, first of all, I wish you success with your submission. I have a question to ask: The comment section of the ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH journal mentions that there are certain formatting requirements for submissions, such as single column, double spacing, 12-point font, 3cm margins, and so on. However, when I downloaded the submission instructions from the official website in July, I did not see these requirements. It only mentioned that formatting matters are required during the revision stage. Could you please let me know where I can find the formatting requirements you mentioned? Thank you.

sadasfasd 2022-06-30

That's definitely not the case. I submitted it in Latex (because the previous journal required it). It's better to use Word. If you use Latex, you have to set line spacing and format yourself, and it must be 22 pages. Latex is just a typesetting tool, there are no noble privileges.

wave 2022-06-28

Does using the Elsevier LaTeX template mean that there is no page limit?

relaying2014 2022-06-26

Does this journal have a requirement for a minimum number of reviewers? Is two enough?

sadasfasd 2022-06-22

References, charts can be single-spaced, adjust the size of the images.

Emma98 2022-06-21

Do you have more than 22 pages? My original article was only 10 pages, but if I change the format to the required one, it will be 30 pages. I feel like deleting content would definitely not be good.

sadasfasd 2022-06-21

It is best to follow his requirements, as the review time varies depending on the different directions. I am currently reviewing a paper in the field of power system with AI for 3 and a half months, and the outcome is uncertain. It is truly tormenting, so please consider carefully before submitting and be prepared to wait.

Emma98 2022-06-20

Hello, may I ask if you are using single column, double spacing, font size 12, with 3cm margins? Do you have more than 22 pages?

relaying2014 2022-06-19

I submitted my article on April 29th and it was reviewed on May 9th. The track is a link sent via email, which reflects the real-time status of the review process. However, the link also indicates that this is a new feature, so previous submissions probably didn't have it. So far, only two reviewers have accepted the review invitation in the track. If at least three are needed, it may take some more time.

快乐小羊 2022-06-19

The review time is relatively appropriate, and the review comments are relatively fair. The first review took 5 months, the revision after the first review took 2 months, and the second review took 2 months. The total time is 9 months.

sadasfasd 2022-06-18

May I ask how to track the progress of EPSR? When I submitted it, I didn't receive any email to check the progress. I submitted it on March 1st, and it went under review on March 12th. Until now, on June 18th, it is still under review.

huzhihan 2022-06-17

Hello, may I ask if you have checked for plagiarism yourself before submitting, or will the editor check for plagiarism?

relaying2014 2022-06-15

Submitted, currently under review. The editor has sent out 2+ review invitations. The current progress of the submission shows that 2 reviewers have accepted and completed the review, but this status has been ongoing for a long time without a third reviewer accepting the review invitation. Seeing the submission experiences shared by many peers, there are usually at least 3 reviewers. Is it possible for this journal to have at least 3 reviewers' opinions? Worried about waiting too long.

HARITEEN 2022-05-16

Hello, I would like to ask whether submissions should be formatted in Word and then converted to PDF, or should I use LaTeX? This is my first time submitting and I don't have much experience, so I hope to receive some guidance. Thank you!

ljmwinner 2022-05-12

I want to ask the guy on the third floor, if it's required to use single-column and font size 12, with double spacing, and also if there is a requirement for 22 pages? Mine has exceeded by a lot, what should I do? Is there still a page requirement?

relaying2014 2022-04-22

When submitting EPSR, there is a special question regarding the placement of images. Should the images be placed at the end of the article or within the content?

88511 2022-04-15

May I ask how much is the publication fee for this journal?

阿头君 2022-04-02

I am a classmate of March 26th. On March 26th, I changed the format to single column and adjusted the font size to 12, as well as the line spacing to double. However, I found that it exceeded 22 pages by a large margin. So, I adjusted the font size to 10 and used a line spacing of 1.5. But after a week, it was still rejected and it was explained that it must be in font size 12 and double line spacing.
I hope this provides everyone with a reference.

abcdefgau2 2022-03-31

The submission was rejected after 8 days, citing that the format did not comply with the requirement of single-column layout, font size 12, and double spacing. The email mentioned that the format can be modified and resubmitted, emphasizing the necessity of a single-column layout at the end of the email. I think this requirement may have been implemented starting from 2022. It seems that the single-column layout is mandatory, while there is no clear mention about the need to modify the font and spacing.

Dreamer-Yqh 2022-03-28

Hello, I also changed it to single column, double spacing and font size 12. After that, the page number exceeds a lot, especially after changing to double spacing. I want to ask if it is necessary to adjust to this format in order to be accepted?

Dreamer-Yqh 2022-03-28

Hello, may I ask if the manuscript must have double spacing and be in size 12 font? I adjusted it to double spacing, but now the number of pages has increased significantly. What should I do?

阿头君 2022-03-26

Hello, I applied for EPSR about three weeks ago and it was rejected, stating that the format did not meet the requirements. However, in the email I received, it mentioned double spacing, font size 12, and so on. Previously, I had used a two-column layout. Do I really just need to adjust the margin to 3cm?

bjk 2022-03-25

2021.12.27 Submission
2022.1.10 Under review
2022.3.1 First-round comments returned, minor revisions, four reviewers, reviewers are very professional, gave positive evaluations, and also provided some constructive suggestions for modifications
2022.3.13 Revised
2022.3.23 Accepted

Dyx-whu 2022-03-16

Posted in early November 2021.
First-round review comments returned in early February 2022 for major revisions, with three reviewers.
Revised on March 1, 2022.
Second-round review comments returned on March 11, 2022, for minor revisions, with reviewer 1 raising a few detail issues.
Revised on March 15, 2022.
Accepted on March 15, 2022.

sadasfasd 2022-03-14

It took 12 days after submission for it to be under review.

夜未阑 2022-03-05

@wang (I always can't select the required options when replying directly, I hope you can see this)
It's not necessary. A margin of 3 centimeters is fine. For formatting, you can follow the Word format. The PDF I submitted is in double columns, so the number of pages should not exceed 22. When I first submitted my contribution, I also encountered your problem and question. I asked my senior brother and found out that I did it this way myself, and there was no problem. This journal does not have excessive requirements for formatting. After acceptance, there will be editing and formatting, and then you will be asked to proofread it. I hope this answers your question.

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