Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Vurgit 2023-03-01

May I ask how long is your review period? What are the timeframes for submission, first review, revision, and acceptance?

fsdfsdfc 2023-02-21

When submitting, I selected an OA option and the system prompted that the paper can also be modified after acceptance. Now that it has been accepted, there is only one OA option left for publishing. Can it still be modified?

阿头君 2023-02-16

I have not rushed the submission of the EPSR manuscript, but I have called to inquire about other manuscripts after three months of the first review. However, the final results were not very good, and I don't know if there is a causal relationship.

Also, I would like to ask the original poster, do you remember how long it took for the manuscript to be under review after submitting the revisions for the first review?

阿头君 2023-02-16

The situation is as follows: The first revision was given one month for completion. One reviewer gave a neutral evaluation, one gave a negative evaluation, and one gave a positive evaluation. However, due to reasons such as the COVID-19 pandemic, a total of two extension requests were made, resulting in a total of three months for the revision. Currently, it has been with the editor for four days, and I would like to ask my friends the following question: Is it possible that due to the long duration of the first revision, the editor may not remember who the reviewers were and assign it to a new reviewer for reevaluation? Thank you for your answer!

proslg 2023-02-13

Friends, does anyone know if EPSR can be expedited? I am in a hurry to graduate. Currently, my paper has been sent back for minor revisions and is still with the editor. I'm wondering if it's possible to request for a quicker review process. Has anyone tried doing this before?

proslg 2023-02-13

Hello, I would like to ask how long after submission do you send reminders for the first and second review? It has been a week since my minor revision, and I am also anxious to graduate. I am wondering if it is possible to send a reminder.

维思未来 2023-01-25

First review took over two months, after a major and a minor revision, accepted after five months.

relaying2014 2023-01-17

How long after publication is it included in SCI?

每年逢投必中 2022-11-19

How are you doing now, OP?

sunshine plus 2022-11-16

The current information obtained is that a reviewer has completed the review.

sunshine plus 2022-11-16

Sent two emails through the submission system, but received no response. Finally, sent an email through online chat for consultation and found out that there was only one reviewer's opinion reply, so it has been under review.

s4425838 2022-11-07

The speed is very fast, and there is also the ability to check the progress of the review at any time.
The opinions of the three reviewers were returned in 10 days, and their comments were quite friendly.
I had a good experience submitting my work, making me want to continue submitting to Aiswell's top for my next piece.

sadasfasd 2022-10-22

Second trial delayed for 1 year? Despairing!
A third-tier journal, really not worth it.

ffffsky 2022-10-20

Some things belong to metaphysics, ineffable.

relaying2014 2022-10-19

Second review minor gives one month, but second review major only gives seven days.

ffffsky 2022-10-19

2021.03 Submission, has been under review
2021.07 I have completed my master's degree, but it has not been approved yet. I emailed the editor to inquire about the progress, and the editor politely replied that it is still under review, so there is no need to worry 0.0~~~
2021.08 First review, considered as a minor revision, added some charts, et al.
2021.09 Submitted a revised manuscript, and it has been under review since then
2022.03 Sent multiple emails to inquire about the progress, and the editor politely replied to wait~~~
2022.08 Second review feedback received, minor revisions. Requested one month to make revisions, and I applied for an extension of time
2022.10 Uploaded the revised manuscript, accepted one day later
Overall, it is an established journal and not open access. It is still attractive to researchers with limited funding, and it also has some influence. The long review process may be due to the overseas pandemic situation last year (speculation). Overall, it is recommended to carefully consider if there are tight time requirements.

冬天里的猫咪 2022-10-19

May I ask if there are any results yet?

sadasfasd 2022-09-25

What school are you from, haha! Don't underestimate the Top 2!

relaying2014 2022-09-17

Why don't you recognize it? Although this EPSR is only a Tier 3 journal, it is still considered a well-established journal in the field of power systems.

55555simon77777 2022-09-15

Finally, after half a year of hard work, I managed to publish an article, but suddenly the school released a document stating that they do not acknowledge this journal anymore. I am truly speechless.

sadasfasd 2022-08-25

My personal guess: There is a large number of submissions this year, so there is no shortage of manuscripts. Moreover, the review process by EPSR usually takes about 3-4 months. For manuscripts with negative evaluations like yours, the editors are too lazy to do major revisions and simply reject them. If you want to resubmit, you must address the issues raised by the reviewer who rejected your manuscript and explain them clearly in the cover letter to the editor. It is possible that the manuscript will be sent back to the same reviewer. For the first submission, it is definitely necessary to keep it within 22 pages.

sunshine plus 2022-08-24

I sent a reminder on August 5th, but there was no response.

Emma98 2022-08-24

I would like to ask if anyone has encountered this situation before. After two months of review, two out of three reviewers approved of the idea but suggested revisions, while one recommended rejection. All three reviewers provided numerous comments. The editor rejected the paper, stating that the expected revision time would be longer than the review time. However, they encouraged us to resubmit after making the required modifications.

If we resubmit the revised paper as requested, will it be sent back to the same reviewers or will it undergo a new review process? Should I include the previous paper's reference number? I haven't found a place to include the original paper's number, and it seems there is no way to distinguish my resubmitted paper from a new submission. Additionally, can the resubmitted paper exceed the 22-page requirement?

Emma98 2022-08-23

Translate the following text into English: Editors reject manuscripts if the estimated revision time exceeds the review time. Authors are encouraged to resubmit after making the necessary revisions. Can resubmissions exceed 22 pages?

芒果1998 2022-08-22

I would like to ask if you have sent a reminder email for the manuscript submission?

tangxianplus 2022-08-15

2022.3.13 submission
2022.3.24 under review
No news so far.

jack04220041 2022-08-12

First trial three months, after major repairs, direct employment, the editor is very responsible!

维思未来 2022-08-03

May I ask the author how long it took to receive the feedback from the first review?

abcdefgau2 2022-08-01

The revised version can exceed, I have already revised it to 26 pages. They require the first submission to be no more than 22 pages, but there are no requirements for subsequent revisions.

relaying2014 2022-07-31

The first review requires a major revision. Whether the revised manuscript format is the same as the initial submission is not as important as whether the revised manuscript exceeds 22 pages. My initial submission is exactly 22 pages, and the review comments require adding a lot of content and experimental results. The revised manuscript will definitely exceed 22 pages.

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