Verified Reviews - DESALINATION
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Jaanai 2023-06-27

Will the impact factor decrease this year? It hasn't exceeded 10 in real-time...
Indeed, it has fallen.

Pitzer 2023-06-15

Received in 40 days, the speed is acceptable.

Jaanai 2023-05-22

Apr. 21 Major renovation
May 18 Upload revised draft
May 22 Accept!

分子模拟 2023-05-09

How many reviewers are there? Is the reviewing process fast?

分子模拟 2023-05-09

May 1, 2023, Submission
May 2, 2023, Under review.

Waiting, 6 reviewers, no one has accepted the review invitation yet. Requesting 2 reviewers to accept, please be lenient.

无名指的日冕 2023-03-23

Can these three rejected manuscripts be appealed? Can you teach me, bro? Previously, I encountered a situation where all three reviewers asked for revisions, but the editor rejected it.

Jaanai 2023-03-23

Mar 22, 2023 Under Review

Jaanai 2023-03-23

Mar 19, 2023 submitted
Mar 22, 2023 With Editor

阿晶 2023-03-09

The review process took slightly longer than the previous submission, possibly due to the Christmas and New Year holidays. The details are as follows:

October 21, 22: submit
October 24, 22: with editor
November 7, 22: under review
There were two changes in the dates during the process.
January 19, 23: major revision
Three reviewers: one accepted, one minor revisions, one major revisions
February 4, 23: resubmit
February 4, 23: with editor
February 7, 23: under review
March 1, 23: minor revision
March 6, 23: revise
March 8, 23: accept
Suddenly, it was noticed that the journal's ranking dropped to Zone 2. Its impact factor is similar to the ECM (European Congress of Mathematics), and it should have a similar level of influence. It is unclear why the ranking dropped. The operations of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are becoming more and more confusing.

澳洲混子123 2022-12-19

2022.09.08 submit
2022.09.09 under review
2022.10.18 moderate revision
2022.11.03 resubmit
2022.11.03 under review
2022.12.19 accept

2022.09.08: Submitted
2022.09.09: Under review
2022.10.18: Moderately revised
2022.11.03: Resubmitted
2022.11.03: Under review
2022.12.19: Accepted

oldkitty 2022-12-10

Waited for ten days and the status changed to under review.

oldkitty 2022-12-10

Under review, waited for ten days.

澳洲混子123 2022-12-10

When did you submit it? When I submitted it in early September, Professor Ho Kyong Shon handled it, and it went under review on the same day. It has been in revision since early November, and there has been no progress. I don't know if the reviewers or editors have started their vacations.

oldkitty 2022-12-09

What were the results of the investment? Which editor handled it?

oldkitty 2022-12-06

Recently, I submitted an article on desalination. The editor is Ho Kyong Shon, and the status has been "with editor" all along. Does anyone know how quickly this editor handles manuscripts?

Dr.-X 2022-11-02

Submission Experience:
August 17th - Submitted
August 23rd - Under review
September 26th - Major revision, three reviewers
October 17th - Returned
October 30th - Accepted

吃瓜群众~ 2022-10-30

After appealing to the editor for several days, it underwent another external review and was accepted in less than a month.

吃瓜群众~ 2022-09-29

After three months of reviewing, please inform me that there were nine reviewers, three of whom rejected the review and six did not respond.

Rickysama 2022-08-12

2022.4.14 submit - Submitted on April 14, 2022.
2022.4.24 under review - Under review since April 24, 2022.
2022.5.23 major revision - Major revision requested on May 23, 2022.
2022.6.20 返回审稿意见 - Reviewer comments received on June 20, 2022.
2022.7.20 小修 - Minor revisions made on July 20, 2022.
2022.7.28 接受 - Accepted on July 28, 2022.
The work is in the ISVG field, with two reviewers, one of whom is a prominent figure in the relevant field. The feedback received was very constructive. Overall, the process was relatively fast, taking about a week from acceptance to proofreading and online publication. Thanks to the editors and the editor-in-chief!

小帅123 2022-06-28

Are you also involved in the field of interface solar evaporation? Let's exchange ideas.

ZJUCheny 2022-06-27

2022.05.09 submit - Submitted on May 9, 2022.
2022.05.16 under review - Under review as of May 16, 2022.
2022.06.15 major revision - Major revision required by June 15, 2022.
2022.06.21 返修 - Revision requested on June 21, 2022.
2022.06.27 接受 - Accepted on June 27, 2022.
The research is on the direction of solar-powered seawater desalination. Overall, the journal's processing speed is very fast. Thank you, editor Chuyang Tang.

杨玉辉 2022-06-25

There is a rejection, and the outcome from the editorial department is whether to revise and resubmit or to make major revisions.

我的眼中只有菠菜 2022-06-21

2022.4.14 submit
2022.4.19 under review
2022.5.8 major revision
2022.6.6 revise
2022.6.17 minor revision
2022.6.21 revise accepted directly
4 reviewers, one major revision, one moderate revision, one minor revision, one rejection. However, the reviewer who rejected provided constructive feedback. After one month of revision, it was resubmitted. The rejecting reviewer had a minor issue, which was fixed the same day and accepted. The speed of the reviewing process for the salt-free reviewer remains consistently fast.

小兰 2022-05-08

2021.9.22 - Submitted to journal
2021.9.23 - With editor
2021.9.28 - Under review
2021.10.22 - Reject
The reason is that the content is relatively simple.

2022.4.10 - Submitted to journal
2022.4.11 - With editor
2022.4.21 - Reject
The reason is that it is somewhat similar to the previously rejected one. It seems like it will have to be submitted to another publication.

Arther 2022-03-02

Posted on December 16, 2021. The first review took 40 days with three reviewers. After major revisions, it was accepted 8 days later. The study was based on pure molecular dynamics simulation calculations. This journal accepted my first submission smoothly. I hope it continues to improve.

chao 2022-02-09

Posted on December 3, 2021, major revision on December 25, with over 40 comments from three reviewers. Revised on January 25, 2022, and received acceptance notification on February 9. The review process was fast, and the reviewers' comments were constructive and detailed. Generally, receiving major revision comments indicates a strong likelihood of acceptance; otherwise, the paper would have been rejected outright. My experience is that it is important to respond carefully to each comment and make many additions to the original manuscript.

Arther 2022-01-09

My article's required reviews were completed yesterday and it is currently under review today. It should be the same situation as before. We need to find a third person to arbitrate.

小小小不点 2022-01-09

I submitted twice. For the first article, it was initially reviewed by two reviewers, one suggesting minor revisions and the other rejecting it. I then found another reviewer, who also rejected it. As a result, it was unsuccessful.

For the second article, I submitted it on the same day and it was reviewed the next day. After 16 days, I saw that the reviewer had completed the review, but it was sent for review again. It seems like there will be arbitration again. I feel anxious because today I submitted another article and now they have given me an article to review. I'm really worried...

SWRO 2021-09-11

Congratulations, that's amazing! May I ask how many reviewers does your paper have?

此去经年dhu 2021-09-10

The upgraded version of desalination unexpectedly became region 2, now it affects shadow 9.5, and it is likely to reach 10 next year. Will both versions return to region 1?

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