Verified Reviews - Construction and Building Materials
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

dwacsf 2023-03-13

Mine too, it has been under review for 3 months since the first revision. I'm not sure if anyone has any suggestions on how to get this article accepted and find a job as soon as possible.

YAnglv 2023-03-13

On January 10th, two reviewers accepted the review, and on January 24th, it showed that both of them had completed it. On February 3rd, another reviewer agreed to review it, and there has been no news since then.

Matttt 2023-03-11

2023 2.1 Submit to journal
2023 2.1 With editor
2023.2.2 Under review

2023 2.1 Submit to journal
2023 2.1 With editor
2023.2.2 Under review

Haydon 2023-03-11

How can I find the editor-in-chief's email? It has been almost 5 months for me.

LL1011 2023-03-09

I submitted my article on October 14th, 22. After four months, on February 14th, I received the first round of review. I sent an email to the handling editor after two months and three months of submission but received no response. After three and a half months, I emailed the editor-in-chief who replied that they would inform the handling editor. I then checked the official WeChat account of Elsevier and found that one reviewer had completed the review, while another reviewer agreed to review but had not done so. I emailed the handling editor through the official Elsevier email to urge for the review. After three days, the editor provided the first round of comments, which only included the feedback from one reviewer. The issues were simple, and after making the revisions, I resubmitted the article. It is still being reviewed by the same reviewer from the first round. On March 7th, I had already accepted the review.

灰灰 2023-03-08

I sent another email on the official website, waiting for a response. It's possible that it was forgotten. I feel...

灰灰 2023-03-08

I submitted my work at the end of October, and it has been with the editor for four months. I have reminded them once, but still have not received any response.

灰灰 2023-03-08

Your speed is considered fast.

ll66 2023-03-07

2022.12.12 Submitted to Journal
2022.12.13 Under Review
2023.01.07 Required Reviews Completed
2023.01.12 Revision with justification of criticisms
2023.02.02 Revision Submitted to Journal
2023.02.03 Under Review
2023.02.05 Required Reviews Completed
2023.02.09 Required Reviews Completed
2023.02.16 Required Reviews Completed
2023.02.16 Revision
2023.02.17 Revision Submitted to Journal
2023.02.18 With Editor
2023.02.19 Accept
2023.03.01 Available online

yangguangweidao 2023-03-06

Submitted in mid-August, reviewed and sent for evaluation in mid-September. Until now, only one reviewer has accepted and completed the review. I haven't pushed for it, afraid of being rejected.

ZC 2023-03-06

Posted in mid-September of the 22nd year, it took 21 days for the submission to be reviewed. As of early March of the 23rd year, only one reviewer has completed the review (the intermediate status has been changing, with a cycle of 14 days or 21 days). When the external review reached three months, a reminder email was sent, but no reply was received. I heard that a long external review might not be good, and I'm not sure if I should send another reminder. I want to ask if anyone has encountered the same situation and discuss it.

lcjz 2023-03-05

Brother, has the status of the intermediate reviewer changed after the last time? Did the editor ask for revisions again?

SCUCY 2023-03-03

The email is sent to the corresponding author. Just ask the corresponding author to forward the link to you, no need to log in. You can view it by clicking on the link each time.

3篇Sci 2023-03-03

I would like to know how long it usually takes for everyone to receive the With Editor feedback after returning it for revision.

哒哒哒123 2023-03-03

May I ask, how can I see the status of "Invitation to submit (2+), Accepting review (2)" for non-corresponding authors?

哒哒哒123 2023-03-03

Excuse me, how can I see the status of "Invitation for submission 2+ and accepting peer review 2"?

哒哒哒123 2023-03-03

How can I see all of these? Can non-communication authors see them?

3篇Sci 2023-03-01

Try sending an email to the editor-in-chief.

灰灰 2023-02-28

It has been four months already. I have been with the editor all this time. I have sent reminder letters, but still haven't received any response. What should I do?

zyLiu 2023-02-28

Feedback for rework provided on 2023/1/15.
Submitted rework manuscript on 2/05.
Until now, it has been "with editor."
Should I remind the editor?

ybc1232321 2023-02-28

The second CBM. The first one is 3 months, and the second one is 4 months.

ybc1232321 2023-02-28

From submission to acceptance took exactly 4 months.
October 27, 2022: Submitted to journal.
Around one week: Under review.
November 7, 2022: First reviewer accepted the review.
November 28, 2022: Second reviewer accepted the review (but did not review).
January 24, 2023: Reminder sent (around 3 months).
January 24, 2023: Editor invited third reviewer to review and accepted the review.
February 15, 2023: Third reviewer completed the review, but had few comments. The first reviewer carefully provided 15 comments and agreed to publish the paper. The third reviewer felt less serious and provided 7 comments, 6 regarding formatting and 1 related to content. The editor requested major revisions (although it was major, the review comments were helpful for improvement).
February 24, 2023: Revised manuscript submitted.
February 27, 2023: Editor accepted directly, once again thanking the editor.

南湖小法师 2023-02-27

First review takes six months, with one reviewer. After minor revisions, it is resubmitted and accepted by the editor the next day.

朱朱的男神 2023-02-27

In early October and mid-October, I submitted an article each. However, until now, no results have been released, and it is still showing "under review". The main issue is that I have checked multiple times, and the time for this "under review" status has changed several times, at least four times. But what does it mean if the results have not been released yet? Does the changing time indicate that the reviewer has finished reviewing? If the reviewer doesn't review it for a long time, does it automatically switch to another reviewer, and then the status changes as well?

走南闯北一杆枪 2023-02-24

Read a lot of articles in magazines.

lcjz 2023-02-23

I don't have it either. The editor only assigned it to one reviewer, but it has been over ten days and they haven't accepted the review yet.

lcjz 2023-02-23

Brother, have you got any results?

Z.A. 2023-02-21

Recommended by AE to transfer to CBM
2023.02.21 Submitted to Journal
2023.02.22 With editor
2023.02.26 Reject

lcjz 2023-02-18

Hello, does it mean that the deadline for the second review editor to give the reviewer is 21 days?

lcjz 2023-02-18

I am similar to you, revision with justification of criticisms. 2 reviewers, one with 13 comments and the other with 4 comments.
Resubmit on February 10, 2023.
Under review on February 12, 2023. Only sent to one of the reviewers, but it has been a week and the tracking link shows that this reviewer has not accepted the second review. I have also not received an email confirming the acceptance of the review. I don't know what's going on.
Reviews completed: 0
Review invitations accepted: 0
Review invitations sent: 1

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