Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Roderick 2022-09-18

Sep 15, required reviews completed.

Roderick 2022-09-18

Sep 15, 2022, required reviews completed

tuanzi 2022-09-17

I feel this journal is so slow. I submitted for the last time, and I won't submit again in the future.

Roderick 2022-09-15

During major repairs, RRC was not present. However, during minor repairs, the result was given within 5 days.

魏努力 2022-09-15

May I ask, how many days does it take for you to complete the review? It has been a week and I still haven't received a decision...

Roderick 2022-09-12

Jun 27, 2022, revision submitted
Jun 27, 2022, with editor
Jun 28, 2022, with editor
Jul 05, 2022, under review
Jul 17, 2022, required reviews completed
Jul 22, 2022, minor revision
Jul 27, 2022, revision submitted
Jul 27, 2022, with editor
Aug 08, 2022, with editor
Aug 11, 2022, under review

Jun 27, 2022, revision submitted
Jun 27, 2022, with editor
Jun 28, 2022, with editor
Jul 05, 2022, under review
Jul 17, 2022, required reviews completed
Jul 22, 2022, minor revision
Jul 27, 2022, revision submitted
Jul 27, 2022, with editor
Aug 08, 2022, with editor
Aug 11, 2022, under review

Roderick 2022-09-12

Nov 22, 2021, submitted
Nov 24, 2021, with editor
Feb 04, 2022, with editor
Feb 14, 2022, under review
Mar 13, 2022, under review
Apr 05, 2022, required reviews completed
Apr 05, 2022, under review
Apr 27, 2022, major revision


Nov 22, 2021, submitted
Nov 24, 2021, with editor
Feb 04, 2022, with editor
Feb 14, 2022, under review
Mar 13, 2022, under review
Apr 05, 2022, required reviews completed
Apr 05, 2022, under review
Apr 27, 2022, major revision

nickname 2022-09-08

Submitted for two months, with editor, urged for review, directly rejected.

czqczqczq 2022-09-08

Submitted on 7.21, up until now (9.8), it is still "with editor", which is frustrating.

czqczqczq 2022-09-08

Submitted on 7.21, until now 9.8 it is still with editor.

科小研 2022-09-03

The original text appears to be written in a colloquial Chinese dialect. Here is the English translation:

"The original poster's situation seems similar to mine. I submitted it at the end of August last year, and it took a month for the review. Then, it wasn't until the end of August this year that the editor finally sent me the link to check the review status. When I checked, it said 'Review invitations sent: 2+' and everything else was zero. I am frustrated."

jsslsxyq 2022-09-03

Last year on 12.11, Under Review.
After 8 months, I reminded them, and on 9.1, it's still Under Review.
Currently, Reviews completed: 0
Review invitations accepted: 0
Review invitations sent: 2+
Damn, it's been 8 months and either they haven't submitted it for review or they did but no one is willing to review it. Is this journal really that bad now?

iam40830284 2022-09-02

July 6th submitted to journal; July 12th with editor; Until now (September 2nd), the status has not been updated. 2022-08-31

Also, as of 7.12 with the editor, the status has remained unchanged.

哈哩啾啾 2022-08-30

Brother from another mother, 7.7 submitted to journal; 7.12 with editor; until now (8.30) still no update on the status, feeling a bit anxious.

HORIGEN 2022-08-29

7.11 submitted to journal
7.12 with editor
handling editor: Nicholas Fantuzzi
Currently (8.29) the status is still with editor. A reminder email was sent through the system after one and a half months, and the response from Elsevier stated that this process may take several weeks... The key point is that it has been almost 2 months.

阳春白雪 2022-08-26

Hello, I submitted an article, but it does not have a manuscript number. Normally, this should be generated automatically after submitting the manuscript, but mine doesn't have one. What could be the situation?

Wei Min 2022-08-26

With editor 45 days rejected, feeling upset.
Previously submitted a piece that took 7 months to be accepted, too slow.

阳春白雪 2022-08-25

Excuse me, what is the situation if there is no manuscript number after submitting the manuscript to this journal?

伽罗瓦的春天 2022-08-25

Not reviewed after one year of submission, directly rejected. I will never submit again. Let's just forget about traditional composite materials without any leading experts. It's a relationship-based journal.

科小研 2022-08-25

It has been a year since I submitted it, but there has been no news at all. I sent a reminder letter but no one replied. I have to admit, it's a waste of time.

czqczqczq 2022-08-16

The text "8.13 状态再次变为 with editor,这是什么原因呀?" translates to "On August 13th, the status changed back to 'with editor,' what is the reason for this?" in English.

ShengWQ 2022-08-12

2022.05.08 Submission
2022.07.05 Major renovation
2022.08.05 Acceptance

czqczqczq 2022-08-08

Subject: Fatigue of Composite Materials
Submitted on July 21, 2022, and currently under review with the editor.
Praying for an early review and hoping for a positive outcome.

微凉的衣柜 2022-08-05

The paper on online detection of composite material manufacturing took eight months to complete. It took about half a month with the editor after the initial submission, and another half a month with the editor during the third review. Patience is required, as there are certain language requirements.

Submitted on December 3, 2021.
Major revision on March 4, 2022.
Revised on May 2, 2022.
Minor revision on June 11, 2022.
Revised on June 23, 2022.
Accepted on August 4, 2022.

The reviewers were meticulous, with three reviewers in the first review.

爱汪汪wang 2022-08-05

Finally hired, waiting anxiously, enduring hardships.
Submitted on January 26, 2022, with editor for 2 months,
Minor revision on May 10,
Submitted revised version on May 26,
Accepted on August 4.
Best wishes.

HelsinkiFish 2022-08-04

Posted on June 15th, still with editor until now, quickly escape...

Ambi- 2022-08-02

Already submitted for a year, and there is still no response from the first review. Even after sending a reminder letter, no one has paid attention. It's time to escape.

爱汪汪wang 2022-08-01

Quickly escape, brother, quickly escape.

airhua 2022-08-01

Posted on June 26th, currently with editor.

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