Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

武大帅帅帅帅 2022-02-11

I received a proof email today, which said that there is a link to the proof inside. However, there was nothing in the email and I don't know how to view the proof. Have you experienced something like this before?

武大帅帅帅帅 2022-02-11

How long did you receive the proof after accepting it? I received the proof email today, but there is nothing in the email and I don't know how to view the proof. Have you experienced this before?

我是你何 2022-02-09

2021.12.28 submitted to journal
2022.1.2 under review
2022.1.19 revise
2022.1.26 revision submitted
2022.2.4 revise
2022.2.6 revision submitted
2022.2.8 accept

Translated into English:

2021.12.28 - Submitted to journal
2022.1.2 - Under review
2022.1.19 - Revision
2022.1.26 - Revision submitted
2022.2.4 - Revision
2022.2.6 - Revision submitted
2022.2.8 - Accept

Kush 2022-01-27

Last year on December 1st, three reviewers were assigned. After reviewing, the editor gave us 21 days for revisions, which were completed and submitted on January 6th this year. The manuscript did not undergo further review but was accepted on the same day. It was the quickest acceptance I have ever experienced. Editor Tilton was really efficient.

亚里士多德的板凳 2022-01-21

2021 11.10 submit
2021 11.13 with editor
2021 11.13 Under Review
2022 01.10 revise
2022 01.20 accept
Submission by Romain Borders, revised by Reiko Oda. Thank you to both editors! Wishing colloids and surface a better future!

人生十年 2022-01-18

November 15, with editor
November 18, rejected (editor pointed out formatting issues)
November 20, resubmitted after modification
November 24, with editor
November 27, under review
December 28, revise
January 18, accepted
Very fast journal, two reviewers, valuable opinions. Thanks to editor Romain Bordes.

传话工具人 2022-01-16

2021-11-2 Submission
2021-11-25 Revising
2021-12-13 Revised
2022-1-3 Revising
2022-1-13 Modified Submission
2022-1-14 Accepted
It can be said that it was fast, with one month being spent on revisions. Thanks to editor Romain Bordes, Ph.D.

tuanzi 2022-01-12

No need to submit original data.

亚里士多德的板凳 2022-01-11

Do I need to submit the original data when making modifications?

Desly-Blue 2022-01-11

I have been investing since the end of August and it has not yet ended.

亚里士多德的板凳 2022-01-10

2021-11.11 Under Review
2022-01-10 Under Review
It has been almost two months, I don't know when it will be done, it's unbelievable!

孟德斯鸠 2022-01-10

2021-11-15 submit
2021-11-16 with editor
2021-11-20 under review
2021-12-17 revise
2021-12-30 revised submit
2021-12-30 under review
2022-01-09 accept

2021-11-15: Submitted
2021-11-16: With editor
2021-11-20: Under review
2021-12-17: Revision required
2021-12-30: Revised submission
2021-12-30: Under review
2022-01-09: Accepted

lithiumer 2022-01-06

2021-10-18 submit
2021-10-19 with editor
2021-10-20 under review
2021-11-20 revise
2021-12-09 revised submit
2021-12-25 revise
2022-01-05 revised submit
2022-01-06 accept

Translated into English:

2021-10-18 submit
2021-10-19 with editor
2021-10-20 under review
2021-11-20 revise
2021-12-09 revised submit
2021-12-25 revise
2022-01-05 revised submit
2022-01-06 accept

北边的风 2021-12-30

2021.12.29 Accept (Accepted on December 29, 2021)

北边的风 2021-12-30

2021. 12.29 Accept (Korean: 수락하다)

北边的风 2021-12-26

2021.11.09 submit - Submitted on November 9, 2021
2021.11.10 with editor - Undergoing editing on November 10, 2021
2021.11.23 Under Review - Currently being reviewed as of November 23, 2021
2021.12.16 Minor revised - Minor revisions made on December 16, 2021
2021.12.20 Revised submitted - Revised version submitted on December 20, 2021

Maxmuse 2021-12-16

It has been under review for two months already, and there is still no information.

MOF 2021-12-16

May I ask how long this state has lasted? Required Reviews Completed.

sanmuchen 2021-12-10

2021/9/22 Submission
2021/10/27 Revision
2021/11/8 Resubmission of the revision
2021/12/5 Online
The editing process is quite fast. Both the initial draft and the revised version were submitted by the reviewers at the last minute, but the editor processed them on the same day. We hope the journal continues to improve and welcome everyone to submit their work enthusiastically.

tuanzi 2021-12-08

2021/10/10 Submission
2021/11/10 Modification
2021/11/23 Return
2021/12/07 Acceptance
Thank you, Xuehai Yan, for editing. The editing process was very fast. There were a total of four reviewers, all of whom provided quite positive feedback and offered many suggestions for revisions regarding the details of the article. I wish the journal continued success.

Tooo123oooM 2021-11-29

During the summer vacation, the magazine I submitted to was rejected. Today, I received acceptance from another journal. I would like to share my submission experience and some thoughts, hoping it can be helpful.

2021/7/20: Submitted the article
2021/7/23: Sent for review
2021/8/10: Updated status (second round of review)
2021/8/25: Journal accepted reviewer's comments
2021/9/4: Received feedback (rejection)

After reviewing the feedback, there were four reviewers in total. One rejected the article, one suggested major revisions, and two recommended minor revisions. The rejection feedback criticized the paper severely without providing any specific suggestions for improvement. The other three reviewers gave helpful and specific comments that could enhance the quality of the paper. I am very grateful for their feedback. Overall, my impression of this journal is quite good. The editorial team's review process was efficient, but unfortunately, they didn't provide an opportunity for revisions. I will try submitting my second article to this journal once it is completed.

JF0913 2021-11-22

May I ask, how long does it usually take for this journal to be searchable after it is online?

JF0913 2021-11-22

Excuse me, how long does it usually take for this journal to be searchable online?

JF0913 2021-11-22

How long does it usually take for this journal to be indexed after it is published online?

hello man 2021-11-16

Rejected by various places, I didn't expect to be directly hired by Xiao Xiu here. I just don't know if this journal is reputable or not within the industry. I haven't researched it before. It's my first submission.

zhihuang 2021-11-14

May I ask if only one repair is needed, or is there a second repair? Thank you.

星星点点 2021-10-28

2020.9.29 Submission
2020.11.19 Upload for revision
2020.12.7 Accepted
2020.12.17 Online publication

POMEKWD 2021-10-27

The speed is indeed fast, but it was rejected. I received the review comments in just over a month.

Maxmuse 2021-10-24

OCT 23 finally under review

锦鲤& 2021-10-20

7.20 submit - Submitted on July 20th.
9.22 revise - Revised on September 22nd.
10.12 revised submit - Revised submission on October 12th.
10.20 accept - Accepted on October 20th.

In life, my first SCI (Science Citation Index) article, overall the journal's review process was slow, but the editor's handling was still quick. I am very grateful to Robert Tilton and I wish the journal continued success.

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