Verified Reviews - Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

ZHAO J C 2022-11-03

Hello, may I ask if you need to be informed of the payment first, and then after the payment is completed, it will be changed to "under review" in the system?

ZHAO J C 2022-11-03

Hello, may I ask if this journal requires payment before it changes to "under review" in the system after the payment is completed?

投投投中中中 2022-11-02

The reviewer's comments are like playing around, I will never submit again in the future.

风枫之 2022-10-31

You will receive it the same day under review.

youth 2022-10-31

Why didn't I receive the email for the review fee? Will I receive it during the under review process?

youth 2022-10-31

Why haven't I received the email for the review fee?

pourchopin 2022-10-25

Hello, may I ask if there was a "Upload File" button in the "Declaration of Interest Statement" section of the CJA submission system when you submitted in September? When I submitted, I couldn't find the button, only a button that said "Attach this submission to the file". When I clicked it, the item was filled in the file list, but the file status showed "off line". In the final approved PDF, this section was blank with only one line saying "This piece of the submission is being sent via mail." Did you encounter this issue before? How did you solve it? Thank you very much!

Alice Lee 2022-10-24

2022-09-19 submitted to journal
2022-09-26 minor revision
2022-10-17 initially accepted

卷若天朝 2022-10-19

2022-06-30 submitted to journal;
2022-08-09 major revision;
2022-10-18 initially accepted.

2022-06-30 submitted to journal;
2022-08-09 major revision;
2022-10-18 initially accepted.

浮笙 2022-09-25

Sent for external review, after a review period of over a month, received some comments, and then got rejected.

小菜鸡 2022-09-23

Thank you, I have successfully submitted the manuscript. May I trouble you to ask if you did not send this manuscript for external review? Did the editor directly reject it?

浮笙 2022-09-20

Before submitting the post, all of these need to be submitted in the system, or which file does not comply, please check and resubmit.

风枫之 2022-09-20

And now, with a shameless face, asking the neighboring AST to withdraw the manuscript.

风枫之 2022-09-20

Can you confirm by yourself whether all the requirements have been fully satisfied? If you have filled in everything as requested and uploaded it in the corresponding section, then it's okay.

风枫之 2022-09-20

The submission has suddenly taken a turn. It's been a bizarre experience. Our team's postdoc is the deputy editor of the editorial department. Today, he asked about it, and the editor on the other side said there was a bug in the system. Now, they have adjusted the status back to "Initial Accept". I suspect that the editor herself made a mistake.

小菜鸡 2022-09-20

Classmate, can I trouble you for a moment? I really don't understand, what does this mean? The manuscript you submitted to our journal lacks the following attachments or the attachments do not meet the following requirements, so our journal cannot accept your manuscript. The following three attachments require a Chinese version, except for the title, please fill in everything else in Chinese:

1. "Submission Form"
2. "Confidentiality Review Form" - This form must be stamped by the unit/school's confidentiality department. A stamp from a non-confidentiality department is invalid (please take a clear photo or scan, the stamp must be clearly visible).
3. "Copyright Transfer Agreement" - This agreement requires the signatures of all authors (please take a photo or scan).

Our journal follows a double-blind review process, so please delete all author, unit, email, and phone information from the manuscript. Also, please completely delete the Acknowledgement/Funding content at the end of the article, and add it after acceptance.

We are rejecting your submission and returning it to your draft library. Please log in to our online submission system again to ensure that you meet the above five conditions and complete the submission. I already submitted it, why do they keep asking me for these materials? Thank you!!!!!!!

小菜鸡 2022-09-20

Classmate, may I trouble you to ask? I really don't understand, what does this mean? The manuscript you submitted to our journal is unable to be accepted due to the following missing attachments or attachments that do not meet the following requirements. The following three attachments require a Chinese version to be downloaded, and all information except the title should be filled in Chinese: * "Submission Form" * "Confidentiality Review Form" This form must be stamped by the unit/school's confidentiality department, and stamps from non-confidentiality departments are invalid (please take a photo or scan it, the stamp must be clear and visible) * "Copyright Transfer Agreement" This agreement requires the signatures of all authors (please take a photo or scan it) * Our journal follows a double-blind review process, please delete all author, unit, email, and telephone information in the manuscript; * The Acknowledgement/Funding content at the end of the article, please delete it completely and add it after acceptance. Your manuscript has been rejected and returned to your draft library. Please log in to our journal's online submission system again to ensure that you meet the above five conditions and complete the submission. I have already submitted it, why do they keep asking me for these materials? Thank you!!!

小菜鸡 2022-09-20

Classmate, may I trouble you to ask a question? I really don't understand, what does this mean? The manuscript you submitted to our journal is missing the following attachments or the attachments do not meet the following requirements. Therefore, our journal cannot accept your submission. The following three attachments require a Chinese version to be downloaded, and all information except the title should be written in Chinese: "Submission Form," "Confidentiality Review Form" (this form must be stamped by the unit/school's confidentiality department; stamps from non-confidentiality departments are invalid; clear and visible photos or scans of the stamp are required), and "Copyright Transfer Agreement" (this agreement must be signed by all authors personally; clear photos or scans are required). Our journal follows a double-blind review process, so please delete all author, affiliation, email, and phone information from the manuscript. Also, please completely remove the Acknowledgement/Funding content at the end of the article, and add it after acceptance. Your submission has been rejected and returned to your draft library. Please log in to our journal's online submission system again to ensure that you meet the above five conditions and complete the submission. I have already submitted it, so why do they keep asking me for these materials? Thank you!

小菜鸡 2022-09-20

Classmate, may I trouble you for a moment? I really can't understand, what does this mean? The manuscript you submitted to our publication lacks the following attachments or the attachments do not meet the following requirements, so our publication cannot accept your manuscript. The following three attachments require a Chinese version, and except for the title, they should be filled in Chinese:

1. "Submission Form"
2. "Confidentiality Review Form" - This form must be stamped by the unit/school's confidentiality department. It is invalid without the stamp of the confidentiality department (please take a clear photo or scan, the stamp must be clearly visible).
3. "Copyright Transfer Agreement" - This agreement must be personally signed by all authors (please take a photo or scan).

Our publication conducts double-blind peer review, so please delete all author, unit, email, and phone information from the manuscript. Please completely remove the Acknowledgement/Funding content at the end of the article and add it after acceptance.

Your manuscript has been rejected and sent back to your draft folder. Please log in to our online submission system again to ensure that you meet the five conditions mentioned above before resubmitting. I have already submitted it, why do they keep asking me for these materials? Thank you!

小菜鸡 2022-09-20

Classmate, can I trouble you for a moment? I really don't understand what this means. The manuscript you submitted to our journal is missing the following attachments or the attachments do not meet the following requirements, so our journal cannot accept your submission. The following three attachments require a Chinese version to be downloaded, and all except the title should be filled in Chinese:
1. "Submission form"
2. "Confidentiality review form" - This form must be stamped by the unit/school's confidentiality department. Stamps from non-confidentiality departments are invalid (take a photo or scan, the stamp must be clear and visible).
3. "Copyright transfer agreement" - This agreement must be signed by all authors personally (take a photo or scan).

Our journal conducts double-blind peer reviews, so please delete all authors, affiliations, email, and phone information from the manuscript. Also, please completely delete the Acknowledgement/Funding section at the end of the article and add it after acceptance.

Your submission has been rejected and returned to your draft library. Please log in to our journal's online submission system again to ensure that you meet the above five requirements and complete the submission.

I already submitted it, so why do they keep asking me for these materials? Thank you!

小菜鸡 2022-09-20

Classmate, may I trouble you for a moment? I really don't understand, what does this mean?
The manuscript you submitted to our magazine is missing the following attachments or the attachments do not meet the following requirements, so our magazine cannot accept your submission.
The following three attachments require a Chinese version for download, and except for the title, all should be filled out in Chinese:
* "Submission Form"
* "Confidentiality Review Form" - this form must be stamped by the unit/school's confidentiality department, and a stamp from a non-confidentiality department is invalid (photograph or scan, the stamp must be clear and visible)
* "Copyright Transfer Agreement" - this agreement requires the signatures of all authors (photograph or scan)
Our magazine follows a double-blind review process, please delete all authors, affiliations, email, and phone information from the Manuscript;
The content of "Acknowledgement/Funding" at the end of the article should be completely deleted and added after acceptance.
We are rejecting your submission and returning it to your draft folder. Please log in to our online submission system again to ensure that you meet the above five conditions and complete the submission.
I have already submitted it, why are they still asking me for these materials?
Thank you!

风枫之 2022-09-20

It's outrageous, this move directly injured my waist. Anyway, I won't consider CJA anymore and will go to the next door to invest.

ING 2022-09-19

I also just initiated acceptance. Can it still happen that after accepting, you reject it? That's a bit strange.

风枫之 2022-09-19

It's ridiculous. This journal is like a joke. I initially accepted it, but then it was rejected. The editor said:
1. I didn't have experimental verification for the discussion of the simulation results, but I had already used experimental verification in the introduction of the simulation method.
2. Then he said my references were old-fashioned and it's better to have references from the past five years. However, out of my 21 references, 20 were from the past five years. So I'm confused.

They should reject it earlier if they have a template to reject it. Without considering my situation, I directly wrote back to scold him. This is too casual.

风枫之 2022-09-13

22.07.28 manuscript submitted to journal
22.08.08 under review and submission fee paid
22.08.27 required reviews completed
22.09.05 minor revision Three reviewers, two minor revisions and one acceptance. The accepted reviewer pointed out some formatting errors, one of the minor revisions was done meticulously like a student, and the other was more thorough like an expert.
22.09.12 revision submitted to journal
22.09.13 with editor and decision in process and initial acceptance. After the revisions, the editor directly accepted the manuscript. Normally, it would be sent back to the two reviewers for the minor revisions, but perhaps my writing showed sincerity.

后会无期 2022-08-15

A self-entertaining domestic magazine, a paradise for those with connections, a self-retained land for academicians, outstanding young scholars, and their offspring, not far from the top in the universe.

后会无期 2022-08-15

Self-entertaining domestic journals, a paradise for influential individuals, and a self-retained land for academicians and their disciples.

不够丿纯 2022-08-12

Indeed, such a low impact factor can also provide the Chinese Academy of Sciences with a top ranking in Zone 1. Within three years, it has risen from Zone 4 to Zone 1 top ranking. Apart from domestically, no one else can achieve this.

AACCEPT 2022-08-12

Four reviewers returned their opinions after three months. Two were major revisions and two were minor revisions. They were very professional and made some experimental modifications before accepting it. This is one of the most satisfactory works recently, with both experimental and theoretical calculations fully conducted. Another work has already been accepted by CNF. The advisor directly suggested submitting this work to CJA, and it ultimately achieved very good results. I hope it will continue to improve.

123222 2022-08-11

The original text in Chinese translates to: "The original poster feels that the difficulty of this journal is equivalent to which journal of IEEE in terms of difficulty?"

Translation: The original poster feels that the difficulty of this journal is comparable to what level of difficulty in IEEE journals?

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