Verified Reviews - Ceramics International
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Strive 2021-10-26

I switch back and forth between "required review completed" and "under review".

Leo 2021-10-25

It has been over three months since I submitted, and it is still under review. Speechless, speechless, speechless... ????

Arthur 王 2021-10-20

How much does proofreading cost?

gui li 2021-10-19

Aug 09, 2021, With editor
Aug 11, 2021, Under review
Oct 14, 2021, Under review

溜溜大侠666 2021-10-15

After submitting, the editor suggested modifying the title and using a language editing service for proofreading. The revised manuscript was resubmitted, but it was rejected within half an hour due to a high number of submissions that were not considered. Have any fellow researchers encountered such a situation? Although a professional proofreading service was used and the language of the paper should not have been a big issue, why was it rejected without even a chance for external review after making the suggested modifications?

飞飞0217 2021-10-12

May I ask how long it usually takes to publish the publication information (volume number, issue number, article number, etc.) after this magazine goes online?

飞飞0217 2021-10-12

Congratulations to you!

oolili 2021-10-12

Thank you for your interest in publishing with Ceramics International. Unfortunately, due to an extremely high number of submissions to the journal, we are unable to consider your manuscript.

一禅 2021-10-09

Have to praise this journal! It's awesome!
Submitted on 9.22
Editorial processing on 9.23, requested modification of title and language refinement
Submitted after language refinement on 9.26, under review on the same day
Accepted on 10.8
During the National Day holiday, I went out to play. On the way back to school on the 8th, my supervisor notified me that the article had been accepted!

倔强的奥斯特 2021-10-08

9.27 Resubmit
10.7 Required Reviews Completed - It seems like the reviewers took a break for the National Day holiday.
10.7 Decision in process - I really admire the efficiency of the editor-in-chief.
10.8 Accept - Thank you to the two reviewers and the editor!!!

一贱封神 2021-10-08

2021.07.26 submitted to journal
2021.07.26 with editor
2021.07.28 under review
2021.08.04 under review
2021.08.06 under review
2021.09.11 required reviews completed (Three reviewers, nine questions)
2021.09.16 revised
2021.09.17 under review
2021.10.06 required reviews completed
2021.10.08 accept
The handling of the manuscript by the editor was very efficient, but the overall review speed of the journal is average, taking about one month on average. I hope Guo Tao can be promoted to a higher tier journal soon.

科研小辣鸡 2021-10-08

2021.7.5 submit
Reply on the evening of July 5, 2021. Grammar is not good, requested to revise on the recommended website.
2021.7.9 Revised version submitted. Notification assigned to Assistant Editor Xiao Hu!!!
2021.7.11 under review
2021.8.15 Reply, 1 reviewer, minor revisions
2021.8.17 under review
Then came the long wait. This paper is urgently needed, so a reminder was sent at the 20-day mark for minor revisions, but no response was received.
2021.10.3 under review
2021.10.6 accept

飞飞0217 2021-09-29

September 21st afternoon, submit revision, immediately send for review that evening.
September 29th, Accept, took one month and 20 days.
The first article on Chinese ceramics, I didn't expect the efficiency to be so high. As a well-established magazine, it's really good!
Special thanks to P. Vincenzini, the editor-in-chief! Truly efficient, without any delays!!!

民工 2021-09-28

Send an email to ask about @Little Miss Changeful.

百变小英子 2021-09-28

The revised manuscript was submitted on September 3rd, and now it's the 28th, but there is still no news.

民工 2021-09-27

The reviewer for repair is unwilling to review the manuscript...

up 2021-09-25

8.14 - Required reviews completed
8.15 - Under review
8.17 - Major revision (2 suggestions, one major and one minor)
9.14 - Submit revised manuscript
9.16 - Under review
9.20 - Required reviews completed
9.21 - Under review
9.24 - Required reviews completed

皮卡丘丘丘灬 2021-09-24

Received major revisions comments one and a half months after submission on April 15th. Only one reviewer provided four minor suggestions. After three weeks, the revised manuscript was submitted for reevaluation, and over a month later, received further modification suggestions. The following day, it was accepted for publication. Although there were setbacks, this is a significant milestone in my life as my first SCI (Science Citation Index) paper!

笑微微 2021-09-23

Hello, my time is similar to yours. I am 822 and I submitted the revised draft on September 6th. Then I sent it for review a second time, and received feedback on the 10th. After making a decision, things got stuck. I've been waiting anxiously.

笑微微 2021-09-23

726 submission,
822 major revision
September 6 modified draft submitted
September 7 under review
September 9 required review completed
September 10 decision in process

Until now, it's still in the "decision in process" status on September 23.
I asked about it via email last Friday, but there hasn't been any response.
It's been 13 days and it's still in the "decision in process" status.

conleyxu 2021-09-22

It has been too long in Hu Xiao's hands, sigh...

Snow Young 2021-09-18

How is your current status? Has the assistant editor submitted it for review?

Snow Young 2021-09-18

The editor's efficiency is very high.

peter.pan 2021-09-16

Submitted on August 4th, revised on August 25th, returned for modification on September 7th, accepted on September 13th, and published online on September 15th. The speed was very fast.

一iu 2021-09-16

It has been 5 days in the hands of the scientific editor Xiao Hu. What's going on? It's too slow.

倔强的奥斯特 2021-09-16

This journal is almost completely dominated by Chinese people. It has been transferred to 6 different journals. The chief editor handles things very quickly, without any delay or hesitation. They provided minor revisions and the reviewers and editors are very impressed.

8.17 submit
8.18 under review
8.26 under review
9.15 required review completed
9.15 decision in process
9.15 minor revise

飞飞0217 2021-09-14

Currently in the recommended editing of Elsevier polishing.

一iu 2021-09-13

May I ask who your editing assistant is? Has it been submitted for review now?

一iu 2021-09-13

Who is the editor assistant, may I ask?

活到九十九 2021-09-13

The chief editor is very diligent and responsible. After the first submission, the reviewer rejected it, and the editor asked for revisions and resubmission. The second time, it was processed quickly and immediately sent for review, and it was accepted after minor revisions.

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