Verified Reviews - Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

静静的漫步者 2022-10-20

Submitted for first review and major revision for about 6 and a half months, approximately 90 comments were provided. The modification time was delayed due to personal reasons. After 5 months of revision, two minor revisions were given. The entire process took a total of 15 and a half months, mainly due to the lengthy external review. The specific timeline for submission is as follows for reference:
July 06, 2021: Submitted
July 09, 2021: Sent for review on the same day as the editor's decision
February 15, 2022: Major revision
April 28, 2022: Revised
May 04, 2022: Under review
September 28, 2022: Minor review
October 16, 2022: Minor review
October 19, 2022: Accepted

岩土小白 2022-10-14

I am the INDIA editor, but you can remind me to submit the manuscript at the appropriate time, such as one month after submission.

meiyao0505 2022-10-13

Hello, may I ask if you are an Indian editor? Is it particularly slow?

zheyun 2022-10-13

Post: November 21, 2021
First review: January 8, 2022, major revisions
First revision: February 21, 2022
Currently under review, it has been eight months with no news; reminded three times in between, once to the editor-in-chief, once to the editor, and once to the editorial board.

洗漱霸王 2022-10-12

7.3 submit
7.6 with editor in chief
7.17 with editor
8.20 under review
9.25 rrc
9.27—present decision in process

It has been 14 days since the decision. I don't know why it's taking so long. Is there a high possibility of rejection? I'm also afraid to send an email to inquire.

zdd 2022-10-10

Replied in just half a month, saying that the genre is not suitable, helped to find another journal, feeling pretty good.

anxuexu 2022-10-09

It has been two months and it is still in the "editor invited" status, too slow.

初中扛把子 2022-10-09

Hello, I have encountered the same situation as you, under review after RRC. May I ask what was the final outcome for you? Did they request a review from the reviewer, or did they just provide a single comment?

送审怎么这么慢 2022-10-02

Why did rrc become an invited editor four days later?

努力学习 2022-10-01

I have been waiting for the first trial for five months and it hasn't come back yet.

努力学习 2022-10-01

May I ask which editor you are? It has been over five months since my first review, and there has been no progress. I have also sent emails, but haven't received any response.

so special 2022-09-24

The reminder for submission is indeed effective, as the next day, a suggestion came down, although it is unknown what the outcome will be.

论文算个屁 2022-09-24

04 Jul 2022 - submit
11 Jul 2022 - with editor
17 Jul 2022 - under review
4 Aug 2022 - under review
10 Aug 2022 - under review
16 Aug 2022 - decision in process
18 Aug 2022 - a major revision, a minor revision
14 Sep 2022 - revised
14 Sep 2022 - with editor in chief
17 Sep 2022 - editor invited
20 Sep 2022 - under review

风之新酱 2022-09-20

Half a year and you still rejected me, you're really stubborn. Those who are pursuing a Ph.D., please don't apply.

岩土小白 2022-09-19

It's been such a long time. You can chase for the manuscript now, just send an email directly to the editor.

so special 2022-09-19

It has been 50 days under review and there has been no change in the time. Has the article not been reviewed?

岩土小白 2022-09-18

You can send an email to urge the submission now.

anxuexu 2022-09-18

It has been a month and I am still invited as an editor.

岩土小白 2022-09-16

WOS retrieval within one week after online publication

岩土小白 2022-09-13

Non-OA, it is estimated to take about half a month to publish and retrieve.

meiyao0505 2022-09-13

Hello, may I ask if you have chosen OA publishing or traditional publishing? Has it been published yet? How long do you estimate it will take to retrieve?

岩土小白 2022-09-11

Publishing on the same day after proofreading is still relatively fast.

岩土小白 2022-09-10

Proofreading will be accepted one week after.

岩土小白 2022-09-03

Have you received the proofreading notice?

cxx0226 2022-09-03

Submitted in mid-January, under review in mid-April, revised in early June, returned by the end of June, submitted a minor revision with no substantial improvement in early August, revised again on August 21st, and the editor invited for another half month. This journal is really slow.

厚德载物V 2022-09-01

Submitted in May, first review and major revision in early July, revised again by the end of July, accepted on September 1st.

岩土小白 2022-09-01

After half a year of hard work, we finally achieved fruitful results.

岩土小白 2022-08-28

Excuse me, are you an editor from India?

岩土小白 2022-08-26

Excuse me, is the overall review speed of this journal, which is edited by YINDU, relatively slow?

岩土小白 2022-08-23

Excuse me, has anyone reminded about the manuscript during the RRC stage?

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