Verified Reviews - Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

meiyao0505 2022-12-09

The RRC has been silent for over a week, what is the reason?

努力学习 2022-12-08

Hello, may I ask what does "required reviews completed日期变了什么意思呢?" mean in English?

努力学习 2022-12-08

Hello, may I ask what does "一审,Required Reviews Completed日期变了什么意思呢?" mean in English?

so special 2022-12-07

Brother, how long does it usually take for "under review" after repair? Is the chance of acceptance high if there is one rejection and one minor revision?

llcyy1314 2022-12-06

What's the latest news now, bro?

努力学习 2022-11-30

Still no movement...

岩土小白 2022-11-29

If it is WITH EDITOR INCHIEF, please maintain it for two months and directly remind for submission.

姚以南 2022-11-28

Super slow, it's been two months and it's still in the hands of the editor without being sent out. I suspect they haven't even looked at it. If you're in a hurry, definitely do not submit this.

岩土小白 2022-11-25

This journal is quite slow.

jake 2022-11-25

Is there still no news now, older brother?

llcyy1314 2022-11-24

11.24 Finally under review.

岩土小白 2022-11-21

It's still quite fast.

llcyy1314 2022-11-20

On November 7th, it changed to "with editor" and has not changed since then.

岩土小白 2022-11-20

You can urge for the manuscript now, as the Indian editor is relatively slow.

DoctorW 2022-11-20

Has the status of the original poster changed? I was invited by the editor on October 27th, and on November 5th, the date changed slightly. Until now, it is still "editor invited."

论文算个屁 2022-11-19

Does anyone know what's going on when it's been almost 50 days with "Decision in Process"? I'm hesitant to rush.

岩土小白 2022-11-10

There are four explanations for the change, indicating that there are four reviewers for the manuscript.

努力学习 2022-11-10

The date for "under review" has changed again. The first time was July 21, the second time was July 28, the third time was October 26, and the fourth time was November 8. What is the situation?

小拓 2022-11-09

2022-1-2 Submit
2022-9-26 Major revision
2022-10-26 Revision
2022-11-8 Accepted
Then I want to publish it non-open source. How can I do it now? Can you experts help me?

岩土小白 2022-11-06

If the other party does not reply, try sending emails to both the Hong Kong editor and the India editor.

努力学习 2022-11-05

I submitted in April, but I still haven't received the first review. It has been almost seven months now, and they don't respond to emails either.

llcyy1314 2022-11-05

11.02 Submission
11.04 Meeting with editor in chief
11.05 Editor invited

JOJO-YY 2022-11-03

I also returned the revised manuscript on September 14th, and until now, it is still under review.

岩土小白 2022-10-30

It has been 9 months. Please directly remind the editor to submit the manuscript.

暴躁的虎爷 2022-10-27

It has been 9 months and still no news.

努力学习 2022-10-27

It has been almost seven months since the submission, and there is still no response from the first review. They also do not reply to emails.

Power boost 2022-10-26

Indian Editor-in-chief
2022.5.7 submitted
2022.5.9 with editor-in-chief
2022.6.29 editor invited
2022.6.30 with editor
2022.7.1 under review
2022.9.5 revised
2022.9.14 returned for revision
2022.9.24 accepted

静静的漫步者 2022-10-24

There is no other way, when given an opportunity, one must make serious revisions. Being able to accept it is a good thing~

岩土小白 2022-10-23

I suggest not to rush, remind them in a month.

夏图2 2022-10-23

Do you have the motivation to make changes after receiving 90 suggestions? I submitted it in February, and now the external review has come back, but I haven't made any modifications yet. It has been a month since the decision process started, and I don't know what the situation is.

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